A community of decent freedom loving Seychellois,determined to see Seychelles FREE from the clutches of failure, corruption, and lack of respect of Democracy and fundamental human rights. A spin off of the anti Communist league who believe in Sesel Pou Seselwa.
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Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Happy New Year All Freedom Loving Seychellois!
While Union For Change was filing its petition for recount of ballots, third round, etc.... Pl was busy in the first week of the year campaigning for the National Assembly elections in Six (6) months.
Strategy: Consolidate
PL does not yet have any report saying the Presidential
elections of 2015 were " Free, Fair, Credible". They know they will very likely
not ever get this stamp of approval either from SADC, the Commonwealth, or CDW the local observer group. PL will implement pragmatic approach which Ramkalawan is not even thinking of: 1. Run the clock, 2 delay the Court rulings/ appeal to death,3. Push National Assembly Elections with a President in waiting from the opposition, doing just that: wait!
Presidential Oath Blunder
Michel schedule in clandestine fashion,the Presidential oath ceremony at State House for Sunday, after election night, after Church.
Ramkalawan who claims the election of Michel is illegal, and knew the Oath was being taken at State House, organized a huge rally at Anse Royale Fun Park 16 kilometers away from where Michel was stealing the office of the President of Seychelles according to Mr. Ramkalawan.
Who in the World will come so close to a election victory, claim fraud and theft, then follow that up with a motorcade going in the opposite direction, to " Fun Park" Anse Royale? Answer: Wavel Ramkalawan.
Any other leader worth his weight in salt, I say salt, would line up his cadre of supporters before the gates of State House and deal with the matter.
Strategy: Lose By Court Process
Mr. Ramkalawan has added the strategy of filing Petitions before the court. We can all decide for ourselves how that will finish.
What Judge will dare unseat a sitting President? At the Supreme Court, no one; before the Constitutional court, maybe, maybe not. on Appeal? Forget about it.
The practical matter of it all is this: any judge that rules against a sitting resident in AFRICA on a case like this, usually ends up floating in a river, or hanging from a tree in the jungle. Ramkalawan condemns his supporters to now lose by Court process very likely. Don't get me wrong, I personally believe a Third Round should be agreed by both sides to settle the matter amicably. Michel would be a hero to agree to it.
Seychelles On Hell's Edge
We are on Hell's edge. The election results has made our social and economic future uncertain at best. The country now risk losing its democratic credentials after 20 years of effort from a failed generation of PL who were reluctant to adapt to change, and a failed opposition run mostly by Ramkalawan who professed division in the opposition, and deal making and breaking as a Modus Operandi to simply accomplish an mediocre opposition culture, to the pleasure of PL of course.
Business in 2016 will be tough. Politicians will adapt populist positions that are unsustainable and unrealistic to garner votes, at the expense of a recovering economy. The business community will pay the bill over the next three years. All follies have as price. This political folly will not be an exception, already, Minister of Finance says there is not enough money for the 13 month salary for 11 months work, since one months salary already goes to holiday pay, and mighty SEPEC use to ripping us off is giving its workers 14 month salary for 11 months work.
Where will all this hype end......in another national bankruptcy?
Seychellois prepare for the worse.......again!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom loving Seychellois!
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Ram is a farce,he lacks,leadership quality.That,he,chose to go WAVEL~ING in trace at Anse Royal instead of blocking statehouse gate while Michel performed his comic show in the garden of statehouse in front of a handfulcof guests,mostly foreigners accompanied by brasshand trumping his glory,speaks,volume about leadership capacity.
Whle michel has already,in full swing his campaign for,the coming assrmbly election,Ram wrtites petitions.The parlamentary should in fact be Rams priority,for it could be the place where he could really make a dent into the pl in the Assenbly with a strong team of Mps.No Ram is writting petitions and waveling at anse royal.
Remmeber asking his supporters to come in mass in the courtyard the day he would present his first,petition to the court.Wel Ram came and vanished in to thecwoods,without telling his supporters at what time the dhould turn in masscto the cuortyard,They learnt about Ram court visit in the,press long after went bobo.
Ram chose mission impossible rather than being on the ground ,in touch with seychellois campaigning for Parliamentary elections.Ram won in think,hundred votes on Pralin and zero on la Digue.Logic,he came once rvery five years for 10 minutes blah blahing then desaspeared for the next five years,while Michel though his ability to rig elections is enough,is seemed of a regular bais on the ground.Praslinois see Ram once in a while on SBC,when Michel allows him blah blahing asxa sleep and then CIAO for the next five years,U,can not win people hearts by faking Ram.
So what you are all suggesting is another 5th June 1977. Wavel carry on the way you are. If Wavel had ordered his supporters to march down to clock tower, you will be the first one to condemn him. You will say he is being violent and disorderly. You will say he is affecting the tourism industry. When he does the right decision you still find faults. Grow up Gill ! The court may decide to rule against the obvious to protect Michel. Both Michel & the Judges cannot sleep well at night. It will remain on their conscience forever. I would rather die with my dignity intact than a traitor like Michel, Gappy and possibly the Judges !
1:46 I am grown up. I am 51 years old. I am clearly aware of who Michel is , perhaps more then you. If you think we are going to use Petitions to run seat Michel, then we all better stock a hefty load of toilet paper to wait out Rams ridiculous strategy.
If you grab the tail of a lion, you do not let go.
If you do, the lion will destroy you.
Ram has just done what he always does as one comment said clearly: he put off the immediate fight for another day and chose another fight to distract those that voted for him. It has been a wasted voted.
All that white hair has little wisdom in it, mostly a result of internal frustration.
Pathetic beyond belief!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
There is no June 5 q1977 if you are the Defacto President Elect as Ramkalawan claims. He Said: " I won this election".
Yes, I agree , now move your butt into State House and start appointing some judges, as per your statement!
Do you think Michel is just going to hand over the chair and files to you?
What world do you live in?
President Ramkalawan assume office.
Mr Gill, so you are advocating RAM should have called all supporters down to Clock Tower on Swearing in day ! Somehow, I respect your opinion, but do not agree with you. I simply feel Seychelles would have gone down the road of no return if RAM employed this tactic. I respect your age of 51, I am a few years older than you. My bald head and white hair is not the result of the hot Seychelles Sea and Sun ! What Seychelles need at this moment in time is a coalition. Your uncle Jim was correct back in the 70ties when SPUP & DP were at each others throat. The coalition was formed & we had our independence from our colonial master on 28/29th June 1976. Prior to independence, you will remember the terrorist actions employed by SPUP - Ton Peter Gill was well aware of all these tactics. Are these the tactics you want RAM to employ at this moment in time ? Where do you want him to plant the first bomb ? Where do you want him to put the first fire ? Somehow, I think this is not the right way to go. RAM should not follow in the footsteps of FARs SPUP days. We need to remain calm, cool & collected. If the court rules agains RAM, then GOD knows why PL should remain in power ! Have some faith in the Almighty God. Keep doing the right things and we shall remained blessed.
A people takong back their country from a gang of crooks not even electrd by zhe people,is not a coup.The country belongs to the people,and when gangsters forced themdelves on power by using illegal means,such government is illegitimate.
People Revolution is not the same thing as,a gang of thugs forcing themselves to power against the will of thecpeople.They are criminals,outlaws,crooks.
Seychellois has a constituionsl rights to freedom of assenbly as also zhe rightsto choose zheir leaders on free and fair elections.Robing ,igging elections,therefore going agaignst peoples Willl is a crime.
Yes,Ram should had called the people to take zheir legitimste actions againdt an illegal president who zhey nevrr electrd.THe people has a rigght to do so and also long as the decide to do so.
Or u think like pl,namely that ganstes have a lawfulvright to confidcate zhe liberties of the citizen?
TAKING TO ZHE STREETS ZO PROTEST IS A RIGHT........NOT ONLY IN WORDS BUT IN PRACTICE..........THR CHAOS u making allusion to,would have been a result not of the people rxrrcisingvtheir rights tovassembly,but the terror thr illegal terrorist eruling party pl,would have used to keep zhemselves illegaly on power. And zhey would end like gadhaffi.or in ICC courz.
Prior zo independent,zhe terror by Spup ,came from spup not zhe people.People existing zheir freedom to assenbly,postests is not the same as a party showing the crokkkness of the party members.And you “before Independence“ Before Independence Seycellois Actual Constitution,defined by seychellois,which stipulates zhe rightsbto freedom ofcassembly,expresion,and chosing Seychellois leaders freely and fair elections. ,Was not there,,Zhe British formulated the laws noz us,Hence you can,before and after zhe independence,zhings was not zhe same.
After independence,means following SEYCHELES constitution it has nothing zo do with colonial constituion inposed on us.
Spup used of violence prior to indeprndence is part of party stragety,not zhe people,.Secondly,aftrr independence,seychellois electrd Mancham in free and fair election.Again,spup used voilence to rape zhe peoples Will,And since then,voilence has been pl hallmarks.If people today, xercise their right to assenbly and zhere is voilence...zhe voilence would not come from the prople,but the pl illegal government......zhevlater would have to face justice for the crimes on zheircpeople.It is not the otherr way round.Or u think an illegal,government is legitimate and public assenbly is anti constitutional?History shows,zhat,pl is,a voilence and criminnal organisation,not seychellois people.
If we accept the premise advocated by RAM that a Presidential Election has been stolen, the proper course of action is a court action you propose.
If a thief is inside your house, and is stealing out right your possession, is court action the appropriate measure at that moment?
Surely court action will be deemed appropriate at some point in time.
But at the instance of theft, the course of action is counter action to Stop the theft in action.
I too believe a coalition of some sort must be the way forward to bury the past and let our people live.
But that is hardly possible when bad faith reeks on the playing field.
In politics, many make the blunder of untimely action, similarly the blunder of not distinguishing between the ideal, the real , and achievable.
On December 7, 2015 Defacto President Ramkalawan had every right to assume office. He simply chose to not exercise that right, which no one else in Seychelles could legally claim as his.
In the coming months we will see time waits for no one.
Recall well my advise.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Psalms 23:4 though I walk through the valley of death The Lord is with me. For he is thy staff and thy rod.though fire shall burn me , I shall be cooled by his water. Though a sword shall be cast upon me, the shield of The Lord shall protect me.
Our lord ask us to live lives of courage not exist under the tutelage of excuses.
The Time Was Now!
Michel has always considered Ram is inferior to him,........Hr did outsmart Ram once again.Ram failed to seize and define the moment,..the moment is now defining him.
Should RAM call on his supporters to come to Lorloz, then no one, but no one will be able to control the pressure that Linyon Sanzman will release on such a day. It will only lead to violence as no one will be able to control the frustrations that needs venting out. Remember, violence breaths violence. Such a call will only further divide us and take us back 30 years. We should respect RAM for taking a bold decision to rally his supporters at Anse Royale. Let us be patient, the Almighty has everything mapped out for the right reason known to Him only. 12:15 (I will sign off 12:15 from now on - so you can have a reference)
Mighty God does not delve in elections. These are man made consequences. What god does is stand by you in trouble times. Our God is a God of courage and he calls on us all to act and take decisions that are courageous in the face of evil. Those decisions must be timely, as God is ready when you are ready.
Violence has never been started by the opposition in Seychelles history.
If securing your rights is a act of violence then we are a weak and lost people.
We lack resolve, and prefer comfort and safety in evils bossoms.
We may as well call Sesel Pou Neport kouyon!
Peaceful protests,turns voilence when a tyrannic system,abide by the rules of the bush rather than constitutional,civilized rules to oppress the demands of citizens.Becuase thetyrant thinks he has divine authority over the majority,and his people must obey to his dictations.
In demoncratuc and civilzed nations,the demands of the majority in society are norms.When the majority ask you to go home and leave office,as their servants ,u abide by the majority demands ,you donot impose your individual Will on themass,it is then dictatorship,what u do is leave office in dignity by respecting the will of the majority.Using guns better then making wise drcision,recent history often turn lethal for the tyrant.
To sin silence,when we should protest,makes cowards of men.
There is historically one little group known for using voilence against individual and the mass in Seycheles...it is Pl.
They did it in 1976,since then as illegal government voilence has been the grue that holds pl tyrannic system together,......Pl is addicted to voilence and only pl can then resort to voilence else they would not exist.
Dont get me wrong, I am NOT a PL supporter. I acknowledge all your calls for civilised protest. Unfortunately, we all know if RAM calls his followers down to Lorloz, then this will be music to JAM's ears. He will quickly call onto his tonton macoute to lash out. Once this order is carried our RAM's supporters will only lash back - the rest will be history once we start this downward spiral. We should not give JAM any excuse or opportunity to lash out at Linyon Sanzman supporters. I have always been a supporter of the opposition and will remain so until one day we become victorious. 12:15
Well,Michrl would once more prove he is a human butcher,but no quarantee that any attempt of voilence by Michel would deter in the 21sr century a genration hungry for their legitimate freedom.
Why should we believe Michel has a right to oppress his people when the later donot recognize him as legitimate Leader?Michel called for a snap election,to consult the people,The people has decided,thus michel has a duty and obligation the peeople decisions,.As when they,castrd their votes,the performed a legal,,constitutional duty and right,Freedom of Assenbly is another legitimate and constitutional right,stipulated in our consitution,not as drcoration but as constitutional means available in society to be used by the citizens to practicectheir freedom of expression and assenbly.The anti constitutional means,would be for a deligimized govt to go against these constitutionall norms.
Your argument is as follows:
" we cannot exercise our democratic right to protest because we will be victimized and butchered by Michel' s men".
If this is the case why do we give credibility to a not credible regime by tacitly remaining silent and yelling our heads off in a closet for change?
Great battles are own and lost in the minds of Generals.
This situation is proving to be exactly that.
The fears of a General will cripple an army.
Mr Gill, did you sign the petition on Seychelles Daily in support of a March against SBC's ongoing one sided reporting ! I did sign the petition. Hope to see you join the march on 14th January, stadium car park, victoria at 3 pm sharp. I will be looking out for you to introduce myself. Hopefully we can have a good sensible debate then. 2:15
I am ban on Seychelles daily, because my ideas are not tolerated.
Additionally I have no intention to partake in any protest Ramkalawan proposes until he removes his case against me based on suppression of free speech, and his egg shell personality.
Finally as the debate goes, the focus should be on the Presidency, not all these diversions like SBC , court Petitions .
Next I expect him to start a protest on the price of pig meal and chicken feed to avoid the streets of State House Avenue.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Mr Gill, here you go again clouding the issue with pig meal and chicken feed. When RAM rallied his troops to Anse Royale you criticised it. Now that RAM decides to bring up the matter of SBC, you still have to criticise it. I have come to the conclusion that whatever RAM does will never be right in your eyes. Anyway, if you decide to join the protest march, I will personally ensure we meet up with RAM to resolve the case against you once and for all. 12:15
This is how this play will unroll
Ram will file court petition then wait infinitely for results he knows will never come. His supporters will note each calendar day on their calendars hoping on pray for a result, ram has encouraged them to wait on.
Protest on SBC. Arranged to be peaceful.
PL will react . Michel will say: " as president, I am appointing a new board balanced. He may even suggest consultation with ram to name people. Operations at SBC will revert to what it was before the protest.
Protest on pig meal
Pl will react. Call on balance pricing. Form a committee, ask ram to suggest some members.
Then price will be set by board.
When price increase, Ram will be blamed for high price of meal.
If you do not believe me, recall the PUC tariffs in 2006 when Ram thought it was in fashion to whisper into the ears of James Michel.
Remember that ram?
I thought you forgot.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
1:27 there you go again, and again, trying to solve all the problems in the World.
For us today, there is no problem to be solved Except the office of President from the gates of State House.
Anything else is a deliberate diversion, to expend the energy of the opposition, while Ram packages is for a sell out!
This is my opinion.
You are free to prove me wrong.
But I have history on my side, since this is not the first time PL has stolen an election.
Nor is it the first time RAM has embarked on a packaging scheme .
I am shocked Boulle,Pillay, Amesbury has not seen through him.
Christopher Gill
If you and Mr. Ramkalawan do not believe this issue is " the primordial issue of the day in Seychelles" today , ( office of President) kindly, withdraw the Petitions filed before the courts, with draw your claim to being DEFACTO President of Seychelles, and allow us Seychellois to pick up the pieces, of our divided country and solve our problems without your perverted tactics of manipulation, that leaves even the smartest amongst us dumbfounded and lost for words.
A butcher must tend to his pork carcass. A farmer must tend to his fruits and vegetables. A priest belongs in a parish doing what priests do.
When you delve into politics, you screw up everything in the parish, and in politics.
Seychelles has no need for such perversion today.
Christopher Gill
Seychelles constitutions privides the right to freedom of assenbly,hence why then file a petition,one has just to organize a.march...and simply inform police,not for the later to approve oisapprove it,but provide prteszors security and ensure is done orderly.
GILL is totally right,Ram must forget about petitions,he should rather be concerntrating on the coming parliamentary election,and ensure thebopposition get enough Mps in the Assenbly.This is the place where the Opposition can have a real effect on pl,surely not in a courtroom with probpl judrges most corrupt to the bone.
Well one criticize Ram not for fan but because of hid repeated failed decisions.Thatbhe went waving at a Anse,Royal when the right he should have done was to block Stategatevtovimpede Michel selfbproclaimed himdelf President,is farce that needsvto be criticize.
That he.now waste time filing petitions and not campaihning for thr coming Assrmbly election,is stupidity and need to critized.
I am a expat. Reading these blogs over the years I understand one thing. In Seychelles you better have gill on your side or else it is a uphill battle. Few have been able to cut through the chase as he does.
I would say,i better to have people like Gill,who speak truth power and has a patriotic heart for his country,what,gGill does is in fact participatinf pro actively as a concern citizen in the way the country is rule and the wrond decisions leaders take ,often unilateraly that affect the cointry,and its people as a whole.It is a civic duty and obligation,,,,,an examplr others should follow.Yes,Gill is a prominent citizen whose concerns are relevant and acknowledge by many seychellois.For instance,It has bern years,not tocsay,decades,That Gill has bern calling on SNP and,otherxpolitical parties to unite in ordercto be effective and make a dent in the Pl.ORam and others have long refused to do that.Hewever,in this last elections they did united and the force of unity hadxallow them to shake upvpl,andcin fact allowed thrm to defeat and wincthecelection........But Ram failed decisions and i.actions allowed,Michelxto outsmart him and robbed the gold medal under the nose of Ram,that the later could not even cried. Out againdt Michel theft in daylight making Ran a defactoPresident,a king without a throne.One could then ask this,simply qurstion,namely,,if Ram cannot defence his throne how he would defence a nation,and lead them?
He is comfortable handing it over to Michel.
Ram is nothing more then a decoy Duck in opposition, fooling us day in and day out. When push came to shove, he shifted his energy to being 2.
Now the focus has shift to SBC. It is outrageous. I must agree with Mr. Gill on this one.
Father failed to live up to the challenge of the day. He let. R. Michel swipe everything from him.
I think the best way a can describe Ram,is “Iblindman who has lost his blind sensing stick“He keeps turning around on himself,not knowning which way to go.It reminds me of thexold Africsn adage“if u do not which way to take to reach ur destination,take,anyway“.That is what Ram is doing.A propos Rams Petition against SBC.............national media is a public owe media,which hasa constitutional obligationto give access to all citizens equally.Thus,the actual status qou of SBC does not conform with the constituonal dictations under.Hence,since itvis a constitutional malpratice by pl to confiscate the national media and it into a party private media,the repare for such abuses is found in the constitutional court not by filing petietions.
It seems has a new,proffession,now after,Michel outsmart...namely,,Petition writer.
Shame on the sheperd who runs and hides,when wolves are coming to harm his flock.
Ram defacto President,or a petitioner?u have to choose Ram.
We all know SBC is not independent since 1992.
But the issue of the hour, perhaps the year is the seat of the President.
Ram has claimed victory. He has said the election has been stolen.
He is quite right.
He should have been at the gates of State House protesting Michel doing the Oath on Sunday Dec. 7.
He waive red and hid out in Anse Royale Fun Park.
Now he creates superfluous issues to keep peoples hearts and minds occupied, like a father who fails his family by not putting fish on the table, instead tells them to focus on a broken toy. Bakka ridden families face this Modus Operandi everyday. The main concern is ignored,push aside, then he focuses, on irrelevant issues.
The question is why?
Does he do it because he is stupid or deceptive?
If he is stupid, he needs to reconcile this for himself.
If he is deceptive, towards us, he needs to re examine his conscious.
In the finality of things, he has shown that given State House, he will shun away from it. He has been nothing but 25 years of hot air, huffy ing and puffing , taking us no where, but mostly dividing us for years on years.
We are all tragically sadden by his incompetence.
This is my opinion, sue me for it.i am use to that Ram. Coming from you, I expect it.
Christopher Gill
Christopher Christopher, because of people like you, with so much hatred, PL is still in power.
This is my personal opinion!
I hate no one. I only raise issues and show where we went wrong.badly!
Scared of the Truth?
No wonder PL is in power for 40 years.
Christopher Gill
I am not scared of the truth! May be you are??? If we don't want PL and we actually have a united opposition (which is part of the truth), we should stand behind them: UNITED !!!
Zippy no dictators came to.power by legitimacy of the people.Coup is not free and fair elections,as rigging elections is not peoples consent toba dictatorsip.
Dictatorscare.not born from free and fairvelectiond but by the power ofvthe guns,,and this also give birth to a culture of voilence and intolerance.
On hatred.......Mandelas qoutes says it all“A man who deprive another from him freedom,is a prisoner of hate“
Be in the first election just after i.dependence,after the coup and one party system and be it in.Decembers elections,at any moment Seychellois ever voted or elected pl,pl elected itself by fraud.
The few that voted for hypocrites,..seems to do so,for they recognize one of their oen.
I have denied no one freedom or Truth. Standing by someone does not mean remaining silent when he does something stupid.That sounds more like something Rene would say: " stand. By me right or wrong"
Ram moving a rally to Fun Park when the Oath of Presidential office was being made was simply inept.
I may have been the first to say it, but many others now realize how inept the move has been and numb us people have sounded off on it.
The added strategy of printing a calendar to keep track of events is another effort to dilute the energy of the people who do want change from the key issue of the " President s Office. This is the key issue. No other issue is relevant.
Every time Ram shifts attention from this issue to something else like SBC or ministry of Health or the ministers, whatever, you will know he is creating a diversion and shifting your energy and focus as part of a packaging scheme.
The focus must be on the Office of President nothing else. If I am wrong tell me. But tell me why I am wrong, do not simply resort to adolescent tantrums ever so common of SNP over the years.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
I agree @3:05.
Still if we really want change we have to stand united behind the opposition.
So what shall RAM do then to get the "President's Office"? Off course that is the key issue. Please tell us Christopher!
I have told Ram thru leaders of alliance what to do.
He did not do it.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Zippy we stand united behind the Opposition,we even voted Ram in office,hence did what we needed to do to bring about change,unfortunately Ram failed to do what was necessarily to take the throne.His laziness,pasivity,inactions allowed Michel to outsmart him.In other words,Ram lost the golden medal because he did not turn up in time on the podium to get hs medailles,Michel faster,and more active than Ram walked up thecpodium alone,and since he was,alone and Ram did not up on time,well Michel went home with the,winer medailles,while Ram disqualified himself .He could have callecd,on the people to come to rescue,him on Sunday after election when Michel was driving down to statrhouse to self declared himself victor............instead on blockings zhe gates,of statehouse him new Kindom,given to by thecpeople,Ram chose,to go waving at,Anse,Royal.thatcis not serious, that not a responsible leader does.Ram,Zippy,put self before the people and the country,.He wentcto enjoy himself at Anse,Royal,When he should be among his supporters.
I disagree, Michel cheated as usual, this time even in the final minutes and there is nothing RAM could have done. Just look as the speech Michel gave after he was announced "the winner".
If the opposition would have went to Statehouse to block the gates, we would have rubber bullet and tear gas thrown at us. We surely don't want this in peak season with the island full of tourists.
Zippy,At Anse Aux Pins........the ballots was counted and recounted ThreeTimes.The first two counts gave Opposition winner.....then Pl representative asked for a third count.Middle of the third recount,the room went blackout......by the opposition time the light was switched back on,by magic Pl was declared the winner.How can someone claimed to be the winner in a match with three sets,whrn he lost the first two sets,and wrong the third,set by error of the refree.Rams respresentive ,determine,refused to legitimate his opponent fake wictory,and was dragged to the police at gunpoint.What,was,Ram doing,when his brave respresentative,was resisting to give up and being intimated at Anse,Aux Pons?Wel,was asleep,hr did not even protest,not even,a littlecrecount early Saturday morning.........
" I would like to congratulate Mr. Gappy and his team for a job well done, but I do not accept the results, this election was stolen from the opposition" - Wavel Ramkalawan on December 7 2015 morning
Reference: announcement of Second Round Presidential Elections
Yet petitions are filed against Gappy.
Silence ruled the night aside for a request to Observers: " I call on the Observers to fill in their reports, take your time, add details" -
Wavel Ramkalawan on Speech Before Observers Dec. 7 , 2015.........
After the lights went off and his polling agent was jailed.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
While his respresentive was fighting back and Ram in deep sleep,Michel was driving down toEC Office ,.Though,his 71 years old,Michel seems much more active than much younge Ram.On this night,Michel actedxas hungry lion,While Ram acted as A Guala.
Gappy and Team did a good job in the first round,but failed badly in the second round.
I know what happened at Anse Aux Pins: That's why I said they stole the elections in the final minutes...
7:08 is perfectly correct. I said on use first round, Gappy did an excellent job.
Unfortunately, Ram being lost for words, over come by the moment said out loud what he read on my blog in the second round.
If Gappy did a great job in the second round( which he did not) there should be no court case, no,petition. No third round.
I am personally appalled by Ram endorsement of Gappy when at the time one hour earlier, I was advise by phone call
Three rounds of recount were made at Anse Aux pains.
On the fourth round, power was cut, polling a agent wrapped up in detention , and the vote changed.
Given these precarious circumstance, along with gun shots and power cut, how can the vote be determined expeditiously unless Gappy and PL had Rams approval, behind the door, since he congratulated Gappy?
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Christopher mate, believe me, there was no approval. Sometimes you have to trust "your devil" and don't read conspiracy into everything. . RAM's speech might go into history. It was just great, even outstanding - and all without a script. Just re-listen to it.
My wish for thevopposition is,,since this was Michels last election,it should be for Ram too.After finishing all petitions and stand as Leader of the Opposition after the Parliamentary elrctions in six months llowlltime.Ram should retire as leader and allows someone else,more compasionate,cspable,etc...to lead the Opposition.RAM has failed to bring zhe change he promised Seychellohence he should step down for zhe benefit of thecopposition,supporters,voters and country.
Zippy- this history will be short lived. The speech is infamous. The quotes are from his speech.
Ram sounds great . He is a fantastic orator capable of taking you to the moon on mere words if you do not listen carefully.
If you listen, you will hear mis- statements, contradictions, a yarn of intertwined verbatim unworthy of a leader to be taken seriously.
The conspiracy theory you propose stands, why, because the evidence, bound in his speech speak for itself, all by itself:
" congratulations Mr. Gappy For a Job well done"- Ramkalawan not zippy.
Christopher Gill
Sorry Christopher, I don't see it this way. But I am not bitter with him as you are.
I personaly donot see neither bitterness,nor cynical in Gills words,Rather,a straightforward,advanced th inker,who says,how things,are,and wishing that there is more maturity in Rams leadership and political thinking.
The,only way that Ram can live,is if he grows.The only way that he can grow,is if he change.The only way he can change,is he learn .The only way he can learn,is he is expose .
Well, bitterness or not. We have two choices right now: JAM or RAM. Who's the better one for all Seychellois is the question here!
Zippy nothing bitter about my comments. They are simply factual. If you can undo the facts and Houdini the words, by all means go ahead.
Says it like it is. I do think ahead of incidents, always have. I am straight forward, always have been. How that is accepted by the receiver is his prerogative.
I speak frankly to PL, they listen. they are credited with being very very slow to react, but so far since the last three years, they seem to be listening.
In that time, Ram for his part has been busy suing me to little avail, as his case is now on appeal, to his demise, not mine.
Ram is a little like a bird in a nest that cease to grow as a leader because he bed his nest with " Yes Men" and he remains questionably sincere in his actions and deeds as a leader.
This is why Pat Pillay achieved near 15 % and if he had replied to Ram's : " I have white hair jingo" pillay would have garnered 30 % and Ram 15%. Pillay remained polite and courteous, chose to remain in his good pleasant humble character and ignored Ram.
His words of affirmation of defeat coupled with protest on election morning are cast.
I will gladly reload it for you if you like. Please advise for the matter of clarification.
Christopher Gill
Christopher, you don't have to reload it: I am aware of it. But you don't get my point. IF we want change we have to stand behind the opposition, whoever their leader is. I myself voted for Ton Pat in the first round.
Zippy your question is in appropriately formed.
It is not who is better for Seychelles that is the question.
The proper question is who did the People chose in spite of the shortfalls of each candidate. ( part I)
The second question is who seized the day or stole it as it applies. ( part ii).
If you say Ram won, then the reality is this: " Michel man handled power out of his hands , claimed it, kept it!
Ram did the opposite. He handed it over with a cry here and there, a petition later to follow, and a rally at Anse Royale Fun Park.
If someone steals from you, you go to Fun Park while he is in the act of stealing?
Who is the better man is not the question.
To put this all to rest both candidates should agree on a third round, or a government of reconstruction.
Because looking into the future, Seychelles has only tough times ahead. We need a shift in mind set to turn problems into challenges so we all win.
Failing that we will all lose the new winners you and I will not know their names or speak their language.
The battles we face tomorrow will not be the battles we face today! We must adjust ourselves as a people.
Christopher Gill
Fortunately, RAM comes from a theology background and is a Rev. Unfortunately, JAM comes from a thuggish background and will clearly bring out the guns to silence peace loving Seselwa like he engaged in on 5th June 1977. Had RAM called his supporters to the gates of State House, then he would be giving JAM the opportunity to lash out at the opposition. The SBC will only lay the blame at Linyon Sanzman's door. We have 2 situation coming up this week. I believe there is the court case and the protest walk from stadium car part to SBC. I hope JAM will not trouble and intimidate the opposition at these 2 events. Time will tell. 12:15
The opposition leadership keeps showing continued deficit in their acts and confusing message to their supporters.I read inva local newspaper that,Ram will conduct a Demo against SBC.The confusion is Ram does things upside down.Ram prefered to write petitions to contest thr election outcome when he should had demonstrate inbfront of statehouse gates,and wantcto demonstrate against SBC when he should write petitions to the constitutional court to deal SBC.
Frankly,SBC has bern like this for decades and Ram in the,pastcwas onecof the little privilege who was deen regularly on SBC,that back,then he did not complain speaks volumecon Rams personality.
Would it havee been wiser to campaign actively for thr coming Parliamrntary elections,to get the maximum of MPs in thr Assembly,the use the strong MPs he has the Assrmbly to get SBC abide by the rules set.?Ram does thing vice versa,which will lead to failure.
Ram actions is a tacit approvalcof pl.Ram stayed silence when Pl was robbing him from victory at Anse Aux Pins,Ram went waving at Anse,Royal when on that he should be with majority blocking statehouse gate,Ram has now decided tacitly abandone his protest against pls elections theft and is planning demonstrate against SBC.
Suporters confused Ram.Is Ram playing a dirty game which consists of doing all the reverse,in order to allow pl to quiety campaign for thecparliament election,thereby discretrly buy potential to secure a sure victory andca painful defeat for thecopposition? And that with Ram awarrness and complicty?Its not a conspiracy theory ,but a real question.
To say it once again: Blocking the gates of State House would have been a backfire for the United Opposition. Jam just waited for it to be happen to call in the army and police and to show later on SBC how bad and violent the opposition is.
Secondly, elections for the National Assembly are not called yet. So there is plenty of time to campaign in the weeks and months ahead.
If you want change guys, stop bashing our leader. He is the only choice we have right now - or we stay with the old dictator and make Glenny and Francis and the other thieves in the coming five years more rich then they already are.
He went waving when he should demonstrate
He wants to demonsrtate against SBC,whrn he should write petitions before above he should nowcon the groung campaigning for seats in the Assembly,then use his Mps to deal with his problems with SBC.I got the feel,that before he even starts his demo against SBC,we will a new petition asking for a pension increase for himself.it a joke,Mon Ram.
Zippy,whencu have such a situation,whereby u have convincing evidents of the frauds,and the majority of th
,e citizens behind u ,no need to mention,all religious leaders plus all the international election observers behind,u have thr necessary power to uncount any cowardly actscof handfulcof thugs..........I asure u,michel first thought before even firing a bulet would have ICC or the way gadhafi ended.
There might broken bones,maputated limbs,opened skulls,but i also believe that when michel press the trigger and those within the pl brains,seeing the butchery and genocide Michel is on the verge of commmitting,personalities like Ste Agne would walk out he govt,thereby delegitimate the culprit and weaken him.Also,many the army will refuse michels orders andcwould not stay passive and look on how over soldiers who followed michrl butcher their family members andcpeople..Then Michel will get imaginative instability rhetorics for real.
Zippy my next article explains clearly why you are wrong to infer Michel would have used arms at the gates of Stste House on December 7 , 2015.
If we live in fear of our opponent under these circumstances, we may aswell go back to one party state. Where is the courage of our leaders?
Christopher Gill
Looking very much forward to your next blog post, Christopher! Of course we should not live in fear and fight the devil as much as we can. I am in your boat - BUT just bashing the opposition leader will not help our cause.
You need to adjust your sails. You think like Rene too much.
Christopher Gill
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