This weekend, the National Day Committee unveiled a fair that took the Government of Seychelles near one year to put together on Praslin. The title was : "An Island On The Move". Praslin Secondary School may be on the move in the National Athletes Competition, that is about it.
Economy Faces Implosion
The economy is deteriorating fast, after years of neglect and lack of real time attention. Life is getting tough on Praslin. Drug addicts makes their way to Baie St. Anne each day, to sell mangoes, raise funds for another fix.
Social Malaise On Rise
Prostitution has hit the streets of what was once the iconic tourist destination for the well heeled.
Housekeepers in hotels are being caught sleeping on the job. When told not to sleep, they quit on the spot. You see them at night going into the neighborhood drug den for a fix.
NDEA is seen eating take away boxes daily. They occasionally arrest a Tourist, harass them, but dealing with the drug problem on Praslin, the regular Police tell us NDEA picks who gets arrested, that is why some drug dens, stay open 24 hours a day. The State has lost control of even it's strong arm.
Tourism Being Crucified Alive
Now hotels struggle to stay afloat and commercial banks are coming in for a feeding frenzy. Occupancy is dismal, connecting flights on Air Seychelles are more expensive then international outbound flight. Ferry prices are monopoly fixed not regulated.
MNA Takes To Bottle or Jesus
While all this unfolds, the MNA for Grand Anse is seen wandering about with a whiskey bottle in hand, chatting it up as best as he can.
The Baie St. Anne MNA has become a born again christian after abandoning her vocation as a nurse to jump into the dirty world of politics of silence and pensions.
It's been Five years since we saw them. Now they are back. I imagine, most of Seychelles is that way.
Michel Sadden By Praslin Turning Her Back
Word is out, Michel is deeply sadden with the cold reception he got on Praslin in spite of his 35 strong body guard unit.
As the Republic President tried to walk about the national fancy fair, people turned walked away from his focus. Those that did not move fast enough out of the way was pushed away by the muscle of his body guard. Imagine....pushing a woman, to make way for a Head of State in a fancy fair? Excuse me, or pardon me does not work anymore?
Praslin has grown use to neglect. It has also gone use to the cold shoulder and the occasional rough housing.
When Praslin goes silent, it does not mean everything is fine in the Vallai De Mai it means PL is trying to register " Mario" the Black Parrot with a broken wing to vote!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!
Since 2015,Pl is suddenly investing in all kinds of public porjects.....Building at Cape ternay,Warehouse on Praslin,All these projects are over charged and contracts of course given to pl monopolists which in return give Pl thugs the share back....
Sr 100 millions rupee for a 5 meters warehouse of Praslin.Pl?But not enough palnes to satify customers deamnd on domestic flights.Fuel cost tis at it lowest ,but palne ticket still voer charged order to racket Seychellois and made them pay for free flight tickets for Mancham weekly first class trips around the world and other pl thugs?Fishermen need ice machine you seems not to have money but you have tax payers money to pay scully a foreigner and a gang of thugs in police uniforms to harass toursits and treat guests as criminals when you are the rwal criminals.....While St Ange is working hard to fix pl mess and our tourism industry ,Scully the irish mercenaires and a gang of idiots harass the same clients St Ange are doing everything to attract them here.
Pick pocket,robbery in daylight has become common on the beach at Cote Dor---the things is every single Praslinois knows who theose crikmnals are ,but none react just as NDEA...they stay quiet and just murmur in private about the "son of this perons is a criminal the son of that perons is criminal "Why not helkp apprehend them instead ,for it is affecting us all ,and we canntot continue to stay quiet because the criminal is a son of a hobur we know so we donot want to put in trouble...the mind set must be change just as NDEA should be close ,and in return leave our >Tax money on Praslin and let Praslinois deal with Praslin problmes themselves... it would be much more effective than paying irish mercenaries and other foreign thugs to harrasss Seychellois and tourist....
I can do the job for you pl ,for free, and I assure you a 100 percent ,than in less than three months I would have cleaned those criminals robbing tourist on the beaches and put an end to thIS fleoh..I donot see any reasons ,explaination what makes it impossible to get rid of these criminals in a population of 9000 thousands persons...the only reason is that nothing is done seriously.....I will clean praslin in three months Pl,from both crimijnals robbing toursts and Pl drug sellers as well as drug addicts .THREE MONTHS Pl,,you can use a time watch to time me and I will demonstrate to you monkey ,how things N BE DONE QWHEN ONE KNOWS HOW TO HANDLE IT AND.
This is a $50,000.00 warehouse, not more. To erect cannot cost more then $25,000.00.
More corruption.
Took ten years to build. These types of buildings go up in 60 days in the real world.
Christopher Gill
Michel= ..BRoken country;broken promise and broken fAITH...iT IS TIME TO GET RID OF THIS FOOL.
Praslinois as most Seychellois have enough of Pl,,,,this next election is an opportunity for Seychellois to get rid of thugtator Michel and his pl gang.Michel represent ideas of the past,we cannot move forward with ideas and practice of the past....Pl must be once and for all be buried in the trashbin of history.
Pl must be removed,else Seychelles would end up in the same category as ZIMBABWE,WITH CHROInic POVERTY,SKY RACKETING CRIMNALITY AND SO FORTH.
Praslinois since 2055 have been voting for Pl,probably because they have no trust in stooge RAm,,,but Praslinois have been allows in our history the most active,the most determine and ready for action...I am calling on them to ensure that in 2106 they mobilize themselves so that we can put an end to Pl the mean time ,donot hesitate to water Michel with hot boiling water when he comes around to bullshit you and tries to sell you shit at your home.
Put TRESPASS on your piece of land to Michel and bulldogs and refuse him access to your home,and living room .If he violate your decisidon for non access to Michel, water him with hot boiling water.You have a right to decide who you want to have access on your private land and house,as you have the right to stop anyone abuse this right including Michel.
I meant 2008 not 2o55 of course
All these promises coming out from Michel ass ,we have been hearing them since pl is in power...every four years Pl parrot and promise the same things but never realize them......Job for youth Michel promised us in 2008...the fact is umeploment has sky rocketed.Sustainble development ..we got monopolies
Seychellois first ,we got foreigner first and seychellois last or not
at all.
we will deal with escobars..we discover that they have increase and pl official including army involve in the trafficking
and it goes on and on.
We recently discovered that over 1,500 under age Seychellois was on the registration voter list and thousands not made public by Gappy ,that the opposition must go to court to ask Gappy to give them this secretive list....
YOu know what ,I would be pleased if the Two ROSE brothers namely Willaim and Gerald come to together and competet with CATCOCO...the two patritos have been long in the business of transporting passengers and cargos from Praslin to Mahe and vice versa...with the monopolistic practice of Pl and the monopoly of CATOCOco ...they can make the different and regain their fair share in this business the Rose family have been involved in for decades.And Praslinois could be enscouraged to support them as Patriot by booking of their ship than taking JOE Albert CATCOCO ..the alte is one of the biggest monopolist in Seychelles.I heard he even want to rape Cueiriese Island National aprk and to build himself a restaurant and there by kill small boatcharters ..the altet dialy go there with toursits for Barbeques and island hoping.
Michel said Pillay wanted to be minister for Life,which is plausible lie..But what about Morgan,Meriton ,Faure,Michel himself ,Herminie,...they want it bseem to be ministers for eternity.while being incompetent,,Why coup detat ?Well to also be ministers and dictzator for life......We going to end this Pl in 2016,,and thzaT THE WAY YOU CHOOSE.,,THROUGH ELECTION OR FORCE,,,AND EVEN iNDAIN YOUR LONG PROTECTOR ,WHO EVERY 29THE JUNE COMES IN TO OUR EEZ TO PROTECT pL AFRAID OF COUP DETAT BUT DISGUISE AS hELPING sURVEILLANCE ,,,BUT SURVEILLAnce aginst what and are we not soveiregn Pl,,,would not be able to protect like they did to fACT ,iNDAIN WILL Have to pact up too,and go home ,,,we will not let them as well as Cghinese import their Asian conflicts in to our EEZ.....inbdian and china inrtenrst in not in Seychelles teorritiores but in their own.
On the 29 th junhe Indian wqould be demonstrating bike show,,as if 29th june is Seychelles annexation of Seychelles to india,
A President who visits his people with an army of bodyguards is an afraid president,a coward.This act demonstrates that michel knows he is not loved,he is conscious the people do love him and do not consider hin legitimate.Michel is a leader of the past,with primitive ideas, which has no place in modern society .I crook with ideas od the past,belongs to the past.And we seychellois have a duty to vote this monkey out and send him where he belongs namely in the dustbin of history .
Every fourvyears,these monkeys roam around to disturb the people they rob,uneprovish and ask them to vote for them in return for heavenly life,after election is over,they desaspear in thecwoods,and go sell out our land,sovereignty,economy ,dignity to foreigners for their greedy self interest.
MICHEL if he was serious would have conducted a meeting with business persons in the tourism industry and othrrs to hear their concern on monopoly practices killing Praslinois and bring solutions so that Praslinois can save their business and pay taxes to pl dictatorship that can feed the greedy cortupt appetise.No Michel has no time for that,hisvpriority is bullshiting Praslinois in their home with a gang of armed Pitbull who do not even say goog morning when entering youvprivate propity.
A successful society is one that has built a system of leadership that encourages its members to seek the answer to very fundamental question;“why should we become self~ware?Such systems of leadership would result in the progress of evolution of their societies..In addition,it is,the responsibility of a society to select a sytem of leadeship that would provide guidance to continue on the same pathway of evolution for the next generation to come.
On the other hand,in societies suffering from inflation,lack of regulation,disharmony and so forth,it is,the leadership that are incapable of finding reason enough to influence themselves and others,around them to search for truth etc....
For the last past decades,Seychelles haschad no leaderdhip,but bushmanship.Whether the people of Seychelles are better off in 2015,than they were in 1976,or in 2007,is the sole question that should be decided in the 2016.If they are not,the people should vote to change Diapers.After all ,politicians are like diapers.They both need changing regularly and forvthe same reason;“the thought of the poor Seychellois wearing the same diapers for another 4 years for a total of 35 years.
But i am convince and have faith that this time around ,Seychellois will change this smelling diapers they been wearing for the last past 25 years.
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