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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Pat Pillay Fever Takes Seychelles!

Last month SPPF PL ex- minister and ex- Ambassador with a football team line up of former key supporters to James Michel, announced the formation of  break away political party that intends to challenge James Michel and his precarious old song " JJ Spirit" and promised to defeat it conclusively at the polls.

When ask what is the biggest problem facing Seychelles, Pat Pillay dressed in white, sporting a blue bird on his chest said: 1. Corruption, 2. Corruption, 3. Corruption.
This vehement attack and simultaneous exposure of James Michel's comfort zone of pre- imminence placed Michel in a predicament of historical proportions, which Michel seems to have taken lightly as just a bad day.

Five Days To Reply Or Die!

Immediately, a close associate and confident of James Michel called me. He ask me, Mr. Gill, you are a very intelligent,experienced person,what do you make on this move by Pat Pillay?
I replied to James Michel's friend : " tell James Michel he has Five days to reply to Patrick Pillay's allegations or he is politically finished.

The friend of Michel ask why? I said to him: " when a fire lights, it spread fast, if you let it go for Five days, what result do you expect? "

Michel Stays Silent More Then Five Days

Michel did the opposite. He called for " Moment With President", he said he will not discuss this issue, and he will address this on June 2 nd in his Congress. The fire went on.

Pillay Convention
In no time,before PL JJ Spirit could hold a Congress, Pillay held a party Conference with 600 plus people. Impressive, and only more evidence of the fire burning down the PL Jj Spirit house over night.

JJ Spirt on La Digue

On La Digue,Jj opened a youth center. They boated in people at night from Mahe, Praslin to do the opening. Evidence of fracture was everywhere.

SNP Desperate

SNP is desperate for its place to be preserved on the political scene. The pension issue has become the prime issue SNP is focusing on. It's MNA, Sandy Arrisol is desperately handing out flyers in Mont Fleuri. He even gave me two. I took them not to embarrass him.
The sooner Ramkalawan resigns, the sooner SNP can get its show on the road. 

In the meantime, it has reduced itself to a side show.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellios!


Anonymous said...

We always told Ram “if u serious and show thevpeople that you determine and leading by example,the peoplr eill rally behind u,,the needed a leader to represent them,in order that they the.people react“zhat is whar Pillay has done..Rene i heard has on both arms gluckse tubes and sleepbeizh an ak 47 under his bed from fear of change We have been telling pl zo change and that the wind of change we saw on zhe,North Africa will reach seychellyes.Pl did not want to believe iz,now they dancing in fear like a monkey on a hot plate

Anonymous said...

Correction...both arms with glucose tubes

Anonymous said...

Ramkalawan has lost his ground and footing. He has taken politics as an opportunity for self enrichment following Rene Michel example. He has not seem politics as an opportunity to create a better country in which we will all benefit including our children.
He has become part of the corruption Pillay mentions.
Michel has become an Imperial President, adopting an aloofness, out of touch with reality, not focused on whether or not his people are doing the job, or just filling a seat. To wait 5 years to them discover they were just filling seats, is dangerous. But this is exactly what James Michel,did.
Now who will he blame?
Which Minister will take the fall?
It will not work this time. The calamity in PL is his responsibility, just like the novice Ferrari car driver runs into a electric pole in second gear.
Blame yourself Michel, blame yourself.
Next time, leave me alone.

Anonymous said...

Barnacle Ram will sink together with Pl ship.The wind of change Pl has long feared has finally reached seychelles shores all the way from North Africa,and,pl mud palace has begun to crack,soon it will collapse like a card pyramid.

Anonymous said...

Pension for life will soon be over Ram,as to Pierre the appointed Opposition.lesdr in Pl Assembly eill have to refund all these money he pocketed back as fake MP.

Anonymous said...

Blow baby Blow! Blow BabynBlow!
Danny Batisienne

Anonymous said...

In an attempt to tighten the communist nut on us,Ignoramus Michel has ending upbshooting himself in the foot,he is now hoist in his own Petard.Worse,his foreign friends,likr Khalifa,to save his asset in Seychelles,will tell us in detailed how the deal was made and how much and who pocketed zhe millions in bribe hr paid.Guy Adam,is siad to be busy trying to remove the 2,4billions in swiss bank to transfer elsewhere.Glenny is already planning to ask asylm in Mauritius.Rene is planning of siucide,ditovto Morgan.hypopotam Hermite lost 10 kilos over night.Mancham is prying and hoping thaz he donot discover the deal he made and the money he pocketed in return form pl.He willbprobably tells us he is a victim too.Fieldmarshal Payet,was thinking of repeating his crime of 1977,a new coup so that he can put in place martial law and carefews,thereby stop this tsunami aboutvto hit pl,Rene told him it would siucidal.Faure and Merizon,while seeing their dream of being dictators in thecwaiting vanish,are having nightmares.The see in their dream the images of the Berlin Wall falling.panic reign in the pl.

Anonymous said...

Blow Baby, Blow! Blow Baby blow below!

Anonymous said...

Pillays presentation is great.He motivates and percolates seychellois to stand up.

After 4 decades os pl!s State Terrorism,Seychelles is about to experience a historic event,that will write a glorious chapter in thecannals of Seychelles history.Seychellois seem united for change,.Let it be!

Anonymous said...

God Rene ,the guy who never want to die,and live for eternity,suddenly is thinking of suicide instead of facing justice.

Anonymous said...

After the fall od his step~brother Zonm.lib,Ram is about to experience his own fall.Without Pl,he will end upbas a stray dog .

Pl is so desperate,that Michel staff called Gill for advice.Where was our International Expert in everything,Sir Mancham?It is ironic that Gill whom ,pl and stooges do hated and want to destroy,sudddenly Pl call for advice.......first one may have thought pl dialed the wrong number.' not at all,Gill s intilligence and honesty become a willingful advicer.Amazing,isn!t it!

Anonymous said...

The guy who called Gill for advice,was also deepbinside himself saying“Mr Gill,the fall is emminent,u the only guy who can convinced the people to forgiveness for our ass bro“

Anonymous said...

PL Conference set for June 2 , 2015 was cancelled. New date June 5 , 2015.

Anonymous said...

Reply 9.12 comment

Please do not use my name in vain.

Thank you.

Christopher Gill