A community of decent freedom loving Seychellois,determined to see Seychelles FREE from the clutches of failure, corruption, and lack of respect of Democracy and fundamental human rights. A spin off of the anti Communist league who believe in Sesel Pou Seselwa.
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Sunday, January 29, 2017
Anse Lazio Development Committee Meets
The Anse Lazio Development Committee has met again a second time, on Praslin, in the Pension Fund meeting room. The Committee falls under the Town and Country Planning Act, and the auspices of the Planning Authority, the CEO, Joseph Francois. Chairman of this Committee is Mr. Patrick Nancy, who has been accepted by all the landowners present.
50 Meter Restriction No Longer Exist
The first issues addressed was the infamous 50 meter restriction policy. The Minister of Lands Mr. Bastienne has gone to the National Assembly and said the "50 meter Restriction" for Praslin and La Digue is still policy. It was over emphasized in the Anse Lazio meeting that the "50 Meter Restriction" no longer exist, Mr. Francois made this clear, and received an applause of agreement from all present.
Under the current situation, a plot of land must simply be " Build- able" as eloquently pointed out by Justice Mathilda Twomey in her land Mark Talma Case, " subject to reasonable restrictions necessary to protect environment. In addition , building technology today has improved so much, that it is now feasible she said, sighting a recent Cabinet of Minister position on this issue, in 2014. This is the position of the Planning Authority.
If Charles Bastienne still thinks the " 50 Meter Restriction" is still in place he must be thinking abou Nepal GOP workers at the Prison. We will accept Mr. Francois interpretation and not attempt to hold Mr. Bastienne in Contempt of Court before the Chief Justice on this one. Careful when you step into Christian Lionnet shoes!
Talma Case Sets Precedence On Property Rights
The Talma Case has set an incredible long over due precedence on property rights. Where Ex- Minister Dolor Ernesta ( Lands) once sent SPDF men to break down a little shack built on a pre existing foundation, so Talma could earn a living, today, the site is approved for development of a Five star hotel, with pool, bar, restaurant, and supporting structures, as per Chief Justice judgment.
In the spirit of National Reconciliation, Mr. Talma should invite Dolor Ernesta to Anse Lazio, for a lunch, over looking a magnificent view, and pardon him for his trespass and uncommon arrogance born out of being a child of a failed Liberation, that is now cancelled.
For his part, Mr. Dolor Ernesta can return to the government of Seychelles, every parcel transferred on his name and his children, except for one parcel. This would be a good step forward in National Reconciliation.
Praslin Means Business
On the agenda were discussions of new roads, connecting Anse Lazio to Lemuria. This was a welcome proposal by government, Land Transport Department Patrick Andre. At the end of the meeting, it was clear to all present, Praslin is in business, Praslin means business. We count on government to support business development in Praslin in a very intelligent manner.
Monopolies in tourism industry will be the next major issue government will have to address, to insure the structures of our economy are sound. The community on Mahe , Praslin, La Digue are still waiting for a official copy of the World Bank Report- " Chain Analysis" made available to government of Seychelles, December 5 th, 2016, by Chris Coles of the World Bank.
Goat eating lettuce by 4000 pax a week!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!
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Numerous hotels planned.
65 room hotel.
A number of 25 room plus hotels.
thus turn anse lazio into the future Punmket in thailand ..that is a lost of reputation becuase of widl construction ........
Hotels every where, massage parlor S cheap beer. 10 restaurants. 250 cover each.
Sex on the beach . Everything goes on the most beautiful beach in the world,
Is it not in the national interest to protect Anse Lazio?
I see shacks every where down there. Big houses, it is over developed already. Containers bins.
Does government turn blind eye to the value of Anse Lazio to promoting Seychelles as a destination?
Are our leaders that stupid?
Seychelles idyll idle of seychelles would soon be made a slum.Only a few greedy would be growing rich but their selfishness would come at great cost to Seychelles .....The image in the minds of many toursists idyllic,would soon be the past.
Paradise ruin by a few greedy.
Governemnt should either buz the land ..bz instalment ..that is paying owners on a long term ,,,and declare Anse lazio National reserve.....
It would be a good example of how to screw a unique spot in to slum and concrete jungle .......Seychellois should stand up against such premeditated destruction with serious consequences ..
50 meters restriction should stay and be inforced...to avoid wild construction of beaches,coasts ..and turn Anse Lazio into RIo //copacaba contrete jungle whereby buildings are literally build straight on beaches ......
Touching Anse Lazio would be like building in Vallee De mai *it is a national heritage site(...it is unacceptable and Praslinois .in fact Seychellois, should make sure that no construction regardless by whom be it private owners or government donot take place there......thez going to spoil the palce regardless of their argument on protecting environment ,control construction,....not to ignore the risks of seeing beaches illegallz closed to public like Lemuria .the latter need to let access to beaches to sezchellois or sooner than latter we will open taccess to our beaches by machineguns ...,...
We cannot let a handful of greedz ..be it the land owners or not destorz a National heritage because of the greed and selfishness ....
And one more additional point //Stop these indains, sri lanakns tamil tigers processioning our streets in fake SEZCHELLES HINDU communitz ..thez are not sezchellois and their land is india and sri lanka ,,thez are not indigious people of sezchlles ,,thez are in fact all illegal in sezchlles ..none mariiereecd to a sezchelles ..all came a expats or gops ,,send them back pl ..and stop broadcasting them on SBc and publishing it on NATION .....
tamil tigers belong to india and sri lanka ..thez\ have no connection in anz sort to sezchelles and
aNSE Lazio IS ONE OF THE JEWELS IN SEZCHELLES= CROWN.......\ AND SHOULD ENJOZ PROTECTION FROM DEVELOPEMNT .CONTRUCTION OF ANZ SORT AND REGARDLESS BY WHOM.This stunning location appreciate by both Locals and toursists cannot be left at the mercy to a handful of greedy crooks with no interests of its Antional and International important and the consequences of their actions ..for them short term profitys is more important tjhan anzthing .......thez even want that 50 meters rule on contruction be liefted so that thjez can destroy the palce at one go ....
The following policies or laws, or regulations no longer govern property development in Seychelles they have been struck by the courts-
1. " 50 Meter Restriction" Praslin and La Digue - No Longer exist;
2. No Development Zone - Mahe Praslin La Digue - No Longer exist;
3. Area of Exceptional Beauty Restriction- does not exist;
4. Green Zone Nature Reserve on private land, does not exist unless consent is given by the owners.
Keep the debate fruitful by keeping ideas relevant.
Then the government should get serious by making sure rules of law are implemented ........... LASISSEZ FAIRE must stop and failures of and corruptive government illegal actions must be corrected and stop not amplify it.....All those ex government officials who abused their power and allow laws to be raped must be investigated and jailed.
Ernest Delor should apprehended and drag by force to the court answer questions for abuses .corruption and criminal activities as land minister...and all of then ........
Banana republic practices must stop.All illegal constructions suc has the illegal hindu temple ..should be demolish --(Indains and Sri lanakns are not Seychellois ......and should be stop marching our streets in hindu procession as if they are indegious minority of Seychelles who they are not .......ditto to cancelling all passports gifted to indains
Dolor Ernesta is vice chairman of SCCI.
He needs to disclose all the government land he purchased on his name and all his family when he was minister of Lands.
National Assembly needs to do a forensic audit on all Dolor Ernests transactions,
La Digue old lands registration. Just look up under his name,
Mahe, research GIS in San Souci you will see the plots.
Beau Vallon the same.
Come on Dolor come clean. Be a man !
Check out the link below - Planning Authority has posted something for public views on development at anse lazio. It is available on their website www.spa.gov.sc
After reading all the comments you would think the government would listen to the public/people. i see a large concrete building being built on anse Lazio it looks like a double story right on the beach front. how the hell did this get approved. I am on the understanding it has been built on a public road. no one wants to listen in this country. we will all end up with nothing. nothing for our tourist to see apart for concrete jungle. i think planning authority had an agenda and they have succeeded. thanks for taking our paradise from us.
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