A community of decent freedom loving Seychellois,determined to see Seychelles FREE from the clutches of failure, corruption, and lack of respect of Democracy and fundamental human rights. A spin off of the anti Communist league who believe in Sesel Pou Seselwa.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
IMF Warns Seychelles Government To Stay on Track
The IMF has issued a warning to the Seychelles government to stay on track.
This report came after the last State of the Nation Address made by then President James Alix Michel, which had numerous largess programs- expenditures which unless offset by higher revenue collection, will risk the achievements made until now since Seychelles went bankrupt in 2007.
Road To Reform Has Been Hard
The road to reform in Seychelles has been a hard slug. The brunt of the burden has rested on the private sector, mainly the Tourism Industry, which since 2007, has faced a loss of yield, resulting from global competition and lower room prices. Today, a hotel room in Seychelles is cheaper then a hotel room in Seychelles in 2007 by 50%.
In spite of these price cuts, operational costs had stabilized with the reduction in fuel costs, but since the measures of the last SONA have now taken effect, for example, 13 th Month Salary imposition on the private sector, increase tariffs of PUC by 10%, increase of input costs in production of a room night, Seychelles is now becoming more expensive then ever, with Four star and Five star hotels increasing room per night cost by 40% over night, in reaction to increase of inputs in production line.
PL Takes On Recommendation of Praslin Business Community
Two years ago, the Praslin business community advise the PL Minister of Finance to take steps to reduce the tax burden on small business, since we have been suffering since 2007.
We ask Minister of Finance to take meaningful steps to start taxing foreign owned properties, houses, villas, boats, yachts, their fair share to contribute to the running of the economy. For too long, non Seychellois, have enjoyed a tax holiday by simply investing in Seychelles, while Seychellois invest, and are subject to taxes. It was an unfair situation, that had gone on for too long. SCCI went silent on this key issue.
We support Governments measures to tax charters, yachts, villas owned by non Seychellois, Seychellois, non Seychellois alike. It is about time!
I call on all SCCI members, to resign in writing. Defy the annual membership fees, until such time the SCCI -1. Amends the proxy rules, 2. Changes the Chairman and Vice Chairman who are "yes men in mold" but fundamentally lack courage to stand up for business on key issues.
We note also the Chairman of Seychelles Chamber of Commerce has been reluctant to support this measure to tax charters, yachts, villas.. When the tide is high, there is no room in the sea for non swimmers.
The Chairman of Seychelles Chamber of Commerce lacks the back bone to represent the private sector and Praslin in particular. He should simply grab Dolor Ernesta hand and resign or go raise honey bees to fight global warming. Stop wasting our time at his effort of self promotion on the backs of the Seychelles business community.
Minister La Rose Says SCR. 900 Million Uncollected
The new minister of Finance, Dr. Peter LaRose advise us SCR. 900 Million is due in revenue and uncollected. The Minister will note, the Praslin business community raised this issue as a warning to the out going Minister Jean Paul Adam. We advise the former minister of Finance, the following: 1. 35% business tax in a micro economy as Seychelles is too high, 2. VAT of 15% is too high for a micro economy as Seychelles, which performs in Tourism sector only 9 months out of 12 months a year at best. Furthermore, we advise the minister, that given the licensing of over 13,000 rooms, with an average occupancy of 48% nation wide, hotel investments are destined to fail, one and all, with the exception of those highly lined such as Four Seasons, Kempenski, Banyan Tree, Hilton. As a consequence, we advise the minister, because his threshold for VAT is too high, he will face noncompliance, defiance, and non payment. Businesses around the world pay taxes when they are reasonable, and secondly, when the money is spent well on behalf of the contributor. In Seychelles, this is not the case. Hence, the defiance.
I would like to point out, the short fall of 900 Million is a direct result of a Chamber of Commerce, not defending and pushing forward the issues,agenda of the membership, because it is a " Yes Man " operation delivers this exact result. Therefore, no one in government, nor in business, should be surprise by the results delivered.
GOS Get Back On Track
GOS needs to get back on track, it needs to do it fast. The light on 2017 is burning fast. January registered a reduction in load factor by -60%. Room occupancy therefore must be fluttering at 25% or less. We have lost visibility in Tourism, therefore, for the next traveler, we are not so relevant, they will opt for high visibility destinations such as Cuba, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Thailand, Mauritius .
Crime is on the increase again, after over 400 prisoner releases, more then Obama commuted in his last days of office for all of America. There is no time to lose with not one more minute of nonsense.
Our beaches are as filthy as they ever have been. Trees fallen from the 2006 Tsunami remain in place, rotting on beaches around Praslin. Nothing has been done, though for years, we register the complaint. Trash and micro plastics are now common on the beaches. We need them cleaned up to retain our image before those that do come to Seychelles.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
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It is Jean paul Adam's epic failure as minister of finance that landed seychelles in this mess. when the SONA initiaves were announced, it blew a massive hole in the government budget and IMF warned that immediate compensatory measures were required to make up the loss in Revenue from PIT exemptions on lower salaries. The incoming minister of finance is still yet to implement this. As the government coiffeurs grow empty, they try to squeeze every penny in taxes from businesses just to make up the deficit. It's a robbing Peter to pay Paul strategy.
Dodo economics!
You may think that room rates are low, due to the high costs of operating in the Seychelles. However, for the overseas traveller, Seychelles is a very expensive destination and when they arrive they find mediocre service, Cat Coco and Air Seychelles a rip off and filthy beaches just metres away from a five star resort. A beer bought for RS 20 from Seybrew is sold to them for RS 80 - RS 120 in the bars and restaurants. No wonder you see most of the tourists buying beer and wine from the local shops.
Mauritius and Costa Rica offer fully inclusive holidays. That means room, all meals, all drinks and all water sport activities. In Seychelles I have known people to be charged RS 45 for a sachet of coffee supplied to their room.
Neither the trade, nor the government have got this right. The most idiotic measure I have ever known by any government, anywhere in the World is the 13th cheque. It will mean less employment in general, more employment of expatriates compared to local people and a massive extra cost for small business, that will affect their ability to invest for the future.
The luxury market is at saturation point so the only growth market for tourism is the Worlds middle classes. Now everyone can do their own research online to compare prices and quality of various destinations so for Seychelles tourism it is essential to offer a pristine environment, very good quality, excellent service and competitive pricing. Remember, Seychelles only has the sea, beaches and the environment to offer. There are no historical sites, little culture, no night life to mention and the women have all become so fat that there are not even many nice girls to look at anymore.
The government must lessen the tax burden on small business and small business must up their game when it comes to pricing, service and the all round quality of their "product".
I just recieved invoice to pay membership , i also sent them a reponse and decided this year 2017 , am not going to be a member , am not wasting my time , with a bunch of crooks ,
I always wondering why are you Mr Gill , sitting and associating with these tugs , there is no chance, they working for their own interests,
Mr Gill , I heard you resigned twice , have you submit your third resignation ? Or you just boycotting SCCI ?
All credible members should BOYCOTT this ganger organization.
I have done my best to work with what we have to work with. In life we do not have the luxury of picking our circumstance. The situation on Praslin island is so bad, I had to do what I had to do, to help my fellow business people, ferries, Car hire, hotels, excursion operators, hard ware store owners, cargo operators. At each stage, I have kept them aware of what the problems were, who initiated these problems.
Praslinoise, are NOT second class citizens. This is a message government must appreciate, SCCI must learn,
We are filing registration for Praslin Busienss Association.
After we have done that, we will file the same for Mahe, to sort out this mess.
You can count on us to be serious, and busIn essence focused, not clicked to play games with the well being of the business community.
Thank you for your concern, and support.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Our Country, Our Future, Our Destiny.
Christopher Gill
SCCI is useless under Nancy and Ernesta- Dolor. Both do what GOS tells them to do.
Can u please post all the land sales of government land dolor Ernesta has done for himself?
Then ask LDS to open a commission of inquiry into these sales.
Fther ask dolor to give them back .
If not ask him to testify before National Assembly.
Why is dolor still walking around in the country.
He was one of the most corrupted ministers at lands ever?
Who is the insurance agent of the government?
What are the commission mark up?
The chamber of commerce is not longer relevant....It has failed to recognize the basic purpose of any business ,that is to attract and maintain loyal customers.If the organization was truly on purpose ,those annual membership drive would not be critical.
Ernesta and gang members should resign immediately ...they have fialed as leaders and fialed the organization ......
The main problem I believe is they function as a rag for government, to wipe down the private sector, into accepting ANTI BUSINESS legislation.
- vat 15% they said, we must adjust.
- 13 th month salary they said - we must cope.
- high interest at banks , they said nothing.
- monopoly in Tourism Industry Chain Analysis confirms they said - " we do not want to offend any of our members".
Foriegners paying taxes on houses and land - they said " be careful you do not offend foreigners and they leave".
What a bunch of idiotic pussies!
LA ROSE seems to see things like the genral public, namely everyone without exception be it loclas or foreignes must pay their fair dues."we donot want to offend our members" they said ,,,,, but seem not to care that zipping their mouths is killing Seychellois livelihood---for them foreginers is first ....As trump would have said if he was a Seychellois "Seychellois first"
"Foreigners paying taxes on houses and land -----be careful u do not offend foreigenrs and they eave"well in other words what they< saying is "let foreigenrs abuse and rape Seychellois ...they are supperirior so leave them alone and allow them to do all they want "These people who think like this have forgotten that suc hsalve mentaility kept afrcians 500 years in slave .........Put Seychelles first ---foreginers when they come here they must knoe and they in fact do know that "they must repesct and abide by host countires ways ,rule .,üpratices etc..."If they< cannot do that ..well they can leave ....
I am personally not surprise by this posture SCCI leader ship, chairman and vice chairman take.
Chairman gets contracts from foriegners to place his engineer stamp on buildings.
Vice Chairman solicits insurance contracts.
The position is congruent with evocative self interest and doing things good for themselves, ignoring the greater good, need to spread tax base, expand it, to reduce the burden on micro companies.
Do not worry, the Praslin Business Association, when formed, will promote a solid pro business no non sense agenda.
Christopher Gill
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