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Thursday, January 19, 2017
Minister of Agriculture- " Fill in The Blanks"!
The Minister of Agriculture Mr. Benstrong has gone on SBC to announce that a catapillar is ravaging tomato plants, attacking the leaf of the of the plant, cutting off circulation of the plant. The Minister has said he is imposing a ban on importation of tomatoes from South Africa, Egypt, other destinations. I suppose this is one way to " price control" imported tomatoes which cost SCR. 140.00 per kilo.
Fill in The Blanks
The Minister gave a big presentation concerning this worm. He said that South Africa will be banned from exporting tomatoes to Seychelles. What the Minister did not think of is tomato exporters will simply export via Kenya, or Ethiopia. Minister failed to detail a comprehensive position on the ban. Is this how Ministry of Agriculture manages agricultural production?
No Snail Pellets Two Months
Minister encouraged farmers to run, start planting tomato plants to meet the new found demand, resulting from the ban, over ridding World Trade Organization ( WTO) treaty. Yet Minister has yet to insure that provision stores have snail pellets to apply the theory to the a la practical! Snail pellets have not been seen by farmers for over two Months now. How can you plant tomatoes without snail pellets? Hic!
Grow Fish In Marine Park
Meanwhile, a plan is under way to grow fish in the marine park in front of Anse Possession, where the biggest grouping of the Seychelles under world lairs. Mitcy Larue resides in the area occasionally. As the fish grow, they will make it to the dining tables of the criminal elite, before they ever make it to market, trust me.
Pig Meal and Chicken Feed
Ministry cannot maintain adequate supply of animal feed. How will it maintain adequate supply of fish meal to grow fish? Has it studied the Praslin Farmers Proposal to plant corn across Farquhar island?
For agriculture to succeed we need real professionals to come forward and set the agenda, not people who never planted a thing in their life, and took it to market for return on investment ( ROI).
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!
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That a tropical island like seychelles cannot even produce tomatoes locally is disturbing.
I remember the infestation of Mahe with RAKEE parrots ..not it is tomato4rs pests ...what it tells us ,is that there is a lack of control at Port of entries ......thus lack of pre detection.
Annually government paid people to collect tons of seaweeds that are thrown into the bushes///////Tons of seaweeds that could be easily dried and minced into animal feeds..... In fact seaweeds have large variable composition that enhance livestock production and health...
Farquar and otheroutter islands could be sued for real agriculture projects ..as praslinois propose ,,for bio chicken farming so that we stop importing over dosed antibiotic chickens from BraZIl
NB tons of bycatch are discarded daily by tuna seiners into the Ocean ...that could
be collected and converted into animal feeds
20 tons of tomatoes is the demand per week.
SCR. 3 million cash per week.
Le Pep chooses instead, to allow agriculture to fail, then we import SCR. 3 Million per week,
SCR. 12 million per month. 144 million per year.
Wow, Seychelles eats a lot of tomatoes.
Can some one explain why tomatoes are not the 3 rd pillar of the economy instead of offshore bull shit?
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
the government has failed to take a route of self -sufficiency.Of course ,Seychelles because of its limited space and unfertile soil could not be completely self sufficient ,,but many products could be produce locally if government take agriculture seriously and provide the means....
Tomato is in fact a crop that is easily cultivated ........Take for instance ,SPain ,,,,it produces tons of tomaotes annually that they over produced......and then use them in Spain tomato festival called LA TOMATINA--..AND HERE WE ARE UNDER PL ,, we cannot even produce enough for local demand...
it is a shame.
Pl to grow fish in a marine park....A marine park must be protected thus ensure that no destruction takes place in it ......The same way that you donot build in National park dito to marine park ......
No to Pl destruction of marine parks....Go plant tomatoes of Farquar island to feed Seychellois and supply demand ...
sCR 3 million rupees lost per week for local farmers because of importation pl ..money that could have gone in our local farmers pocket thus indirectly government coffers .....
Stop bushmanship pl....and if you not qualify go find another job...than bullshtting Seychellois with your incompetency.
Between Providence Highway and East coast road ..there is a lagoon there ..why does pl uses it for fish farm instead of wanting to destroy marine park?
Ah Maurice Lousteau Lallane what's to build another Aldabra in this lagoon.
Important and influencial support for St Ange coming from MR Geoffrey Lipman .. was Direct International Air Transport Asscoiation (IATA)who was also director of IFAPA,,and who was also the first President of the WTTC.Being fluent in French would entice francophie countries in Africa ,carribeans ,but I think Most Euroepan countires would be behind him.
France as Executitve council member would weigh heavily in the decision,.......through Au 54 countries support Mugabe appointed candidate...
AU is a disgrace. If they win , Tourism is dead in Africa. It will be an example of spitting their face to save their nose.
AU has always been a disgrace in all the do..The only disadvantage for Mr St Ange is that in early 2016 he acknowledged his interest in the position then back down ,,,while Mzembi(who has been all along 2016 Africas solo candidate) has been traveling the globe seeking for support........
But everything is still open..... That Mzembi has supporters even in the francophonie countries is due to the fact that he was the single candidate ,now that St Ange has entered the race and remixed the cards ,,nothing is guarantee for Mzembi and Mr St Ange might well be the surprise..
To Minister of Ageiculture-
What is term of the ban of import on tomatoes?
Why are there no tomato seeds at the provision center?
When will we receive tomato seeds? Give date.
Why is there no snail poison at provision store?
When will we have snail pellets? ( date ) please.
Why is there no provision of lanet at provision store?
When will it be available.
Why is there no seeds for eggplant?
Do you want us to import that aswell?
When did you say seeds for chickens will be available?
tHE MINSITER FOR AGRO IS JUST DOING LIKE IT IS COMMON WITHIN THE PL ..NAMELY ,,LOTS OF BLAH Blah BUT LITTLE ACTION........yIt has been years now .. that pl has preaching about being more Self succifient .....but nothing ,,,nothing at at all has been done .....or if pl started a project more often is not to the expection or demand.........I heard that Faure (without assembly approval)is going to unilaterally lease Flat island to arab instead of using our outter island to produce food for Seychellois ......
There is many things ,changes that need to be done in the way agriculture is done in Seychelles ---For instance ,,why cultivate hectar of CHUOCHUOTE when it is no a vegetable on high demand or love by the population?is it not a waste of land ,time to cultivate such a product that bring low return?Plant toamtoes ---cherry toamtoes ...and many other types .---there are 25, ooo tpyes of toamtoes avalaible.....
EGGPLANT --there are around 20 types
It is also important to use new agricultural technology ..........like hydro ponic which allow farmers to reduce the use pesticide ....two to three harvest annually instead of one only ........for instance ,,tomato is one of the vegetable that has been succefully produced by using hydroponic .....
--NO LNET --too dangerous ...for acute drug addicted ...would confuse cocain with LANET ....
--Bio pesticide could be used instead ...effective but also environment friendly ,Dito to the protection of other species like Bees ..etc...
-- BiIo CHicken farm of farquar ......combine within chicken feeds cultivation likeCRON .wheat(which are cultivated around the chicken farm fence as natural fence ....using coconut as feed combined with other organic feeds like sesame seeds ,,etc,,etc,,,,,,tHE TRUTH IS MANY SMALL AFRICAN FARMERS COULD SUPPLY MAIS AND OTHER NUTS THAT COULD BE USED AS FEEDS FOR PEANUTS;lentils, ----- NOT BIG COMAPNY BUT SMALL ,,THE ALTTER MANY HAVE DIFFICULT TO SELL ......HAVING DIRECT CONTACT AND A GOOD ORGANIZED TRANSPORT SYSTME IN PALCE COULD PROVIDE SEYCHELELS FARMERS WITH LOTS OF ORGANIC FEEDS AT VERY LOW PRICE ........SEAWEEDS si another organic material that could be used as animal feeds --something done in many countries
--Pl ministers ..most of them have been under perfroming for years ---we should ask what the hell they doing as ministers --------Look at Mitsy ..is it not a waste of tax money to pay a fortune a donkey like mitsy ....or the actual agriculture minster ?
Pl just blah blah --blah blah asbout reneweable energy --to date not a single saolr panel has been ptu ôn individual houses ..which is the best form of system for seychelels than soalr panel farms in huge countires with psace like Moroco .south Africa ---using wave generate palced under water ..using NOT ugly wind mills from UAe ..but MAGLEV wind turbine ..very small ,,of different seizes ..operate in even veryw wind ..could be place on buildings esily .a.t port ....on outter island ..and more aethitic than these eye sort ugly Michel wing mills......
Just ,,think about how Pl does things --Pl wants (without Praslinois approval )Build a fish farm in ANse posession National park .........well there is other option thatn destroying national park ..namely using open water fish farming/acqua farming system ....which a emerging approach to mariculture .by moving farm far from shores --Unlike INSHORE(or what pl wants to do at Anse passion)which nutrients and fences are set down into the floor of the shallow water and dame the BENTHIC OF ECOSYSTEM.YOu might ask ,where would pl got the feeds for fish farms ---?well ,,tons of bycatch are discarded into the oceans by Tuna seienrs dialy --which could be collected ro do like in Norway passed law that forces tuna seienrs to bring bycatch ashore .which could then be converted into fish meals ..etc....
it creatse sustainability....
Allow me to post this idea ..nothing to do with the subject but maybe interesting for our tourism industry --
In Mexico ,Grenanda .and recently in LANZAROTE in Spain --these two touristic destinations ...add value to their fooers by creating UNDER WATERMUSEUM .....often far from shores ----it is exciting ...surreal and atrtracts lots of torists especially divers or scuba divingbegginers etc.....
the problem with all the three under water museum ....be it in Mexico ,grenanda or Spain ,,is that they all three features life-size human sculptures ..or things like cars ,,,,table and so on ---in other words al lthree literally offers ..the same things---
For Seychelles ..I would prospose something differently ..and that fit more to the OCEAN---what about sculptures of PREHSITORIC OCEAN ANIMALS:SHELLS AMMONITES :ETC ..like Asterocerus,Dunklestues ,,etc..etc..etc.....
Fo coruse some of these prehistoric coean animal where huge ....big .....but there are over 17 ooo speceis known of all size ,,therefore give us a lots of options --but also allow us ,,with time to change the spicies -----it would be Unique .....and exist only in seychelles compare to those in mexico ,grenande or spain --------and idea known of these countries thought about --but might be the case in the future ....
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