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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I Missed Rene’s Birthday, Hic, Hic, Hic!

Did everyone miss Rene’s birthday? Or was I the only one? We all had to play catch up with the latest picture of an old wicked man imposing his presence at the State House, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles.
Time Is Now Your Greatest Enemy
Each time I see Rene’s face, with the twitching skin, turning red, from too much rubbing from too much laser, and too many facials, to attempt to cover up the age, the grief, the horrible life he lived, the horrible person he has been to many, many Seychellois…. I just get sick, just because I know him well, very well.
A Simple People Crushed Over Night
Rene lived and thrived by imposing his will on a naïve generation. We came out of the era of Colonialism and war, we were a Nation of fishermen and farmers.
A few of our forefathers went by ship to the First World War, and then the Second World War. Amongst them were even a few brave fighter pilots who served the British Royal Air Force gallantly.
But for the most part, Seychellois were never a violent people, and we were never exposed to guns, grenades, artillery guns, anti personnel guns. It was Rene that introduced us to guns and the violence of guns.
June 5th Onwards- No Pardon!
It was Rene who brought all these things to us with first his Coup on June 5th, 1977, against a coalition government he formed part of as Prime Minister. We all know the history, today with Mancham endorsing Michel eternally, it may not all matter to Mancham, but it does matter to many of us. The capitulation of James Mancham, does not change the Right or the Wrong of Rene and Michel’s deeds.
The murderers of society can never be pardoned by its politicians.
After the coup, it was Rene who reinforced his will to take the country by force, that allowed to be murdered… his own fellow Seychellois.
To impose his will on a simple people, it was Rene who conspired, plotted that Tanzanian troops to land in Seychelles by the hundreds then by the thousands, to impose the will of Rene upon the People of Seychelles.
Young Seychellois will not understand this era. But they must try. Rene brought in African Tanzanians to Seychelles to suppress the will of the resistance against him. This means, he brought foreigners to our shores to kill us, because we did not agree with his leadership.
Later, Rene brought in North Korean troops to suppress the will of the resistance against him. Many North Koreans left children in Seychelles. Right Mr. J. Francois?
Similarly, today, James Michel brings in Gurhkas, paid by Khalifa, over 150 of them to lord over Seychellois. Irish, South African mercenaries are also on the payroll. Nothing has changed, just the nationalities.
The SPPF and now the PL, find no issue with arming foreigners on our shores to lord over the People of Seychelles. They have done this for 35 years and this is the way they keep power. Simple.
The People of Seychelles must learn to exercise Civil Disobedience, against these occupying forces in Seychelles and against the PL regime, if it is to become free again. 
We must spread the news of our reality around the World, until James Michel (today) understands,we will not accept foreign forces in Seychelles as dead sheep in a slaughter house accepting the intentions of a butcher.
This will end the Rene legacy of using foreign troops to lord over Seychellois once and for all.
Rene Will Go On Trial

Albert Rene will soon die. His birthday photos tell us that. It is now no secret. Only fake profiles tell us otherwise. Coincidentally, they are the profiles of the children of the murderers and thugs Rene used in his time. Do not be afraid of them, they are more afraid of you who stand on principles of human decency.
Many are unhappy that Rene will not face justice. Do not despair. Do not worry about Rene. History is already judging Rene and the verdict is not in his favor.
He is departing us as a criminal, a man who killed his own people, to impose his will on us, and to Lord over us like the grandest of all plantation owners the Indian Ocean has ever seen.
His empire today is crumbling, his legacy is fixated on the status of the “Butcher of Seychelles”. He earned the title, and he deserves it. History shall not be merciful on his legacy.
As for God……God does what God does or does not do, I doubt very much Rene would even consider to “knock on Heavens door”.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

I challenge rene to live 6 more months!

Anonymous said...

Stop putting pressure on him.

Anonymous said...

Any anyone know how old is Rene?