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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Clifford Andre Says STC and GICC Needed In Seychelles

In an otherwise benign interview with TODAY with prepared questions put to Marco Francis and Clifford Andre candidates for the Seychelles Chamber of Commerce ( SCCI) chairmanship, Clifford Andre declared that: " STC ( former SMB) and GICC ( Green Island Construction company) taking government building contracts run by IDC Big Boss Glenny Savy, are NEEDED in Seychelles.

Hair Spray Anyone?

Recently, STC entered into the cosmetic supply business, the juice business, threatening local juice companies with closure. STC competes with merchants on even plastic toys and hair products, departing from its mandate to guarantee supply of essential commodities.
No financial controls are in STC that would allow the Public to assess the veracity of the books and accounts.

Most Favored Bankers Client

STC enjoys special conditions with bankers, paying lower interest rates, getting quicker access to foreign ex change, simply because they are so big.
If STC goes into the bedsheets business, which it does, it wipes out small entrepreneurs importing those items.
Green Island Monster

An endorsement of Green I island should have every single contractor opposed to Clifford Andre as the SCCI candidate. Every member of his team should resign and simply save themselves from further humiliation. Only last week one of his candidates was advising me in details how STC could be scamming millions and how Green Island, is a tool to funnel money from government to PL, and hence hurting the private sector.

Chairmanship of SCCI is no clown business!

Christopher Gill
The above article is the opinion of the Writer.


Anonymous said...

Gill why do you post articles and then you get an innocent young man to comment on your behalf? Why do you like someone else to do your dirty job? No one is posting anything on your blog because all the comments you get from the intelligent members of the public exposes your detrimental attitude. Go back to Guam. We do not need you in Seychelles. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment.
Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

my hat to you Christopher Gill, you are obviously doing such a great job that some drunken idiots are getting restless, and abusive. I said let them die in their own vomit. Seychelles is your country you are free to have your say! You get the job done, you keep those bozos on their feet what more can the people of Seychelles ask, english baka?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these kind words of encouragement. Your comments of course are like a small stream of fresh water in a vast dessert. The work continues. To do what is in our interest, we must first do what is best for Seychelles.
In business we must dialogue with any government of the day. To be taken seriously we must advance ideas and facts, not personal attacks, cursing to no end and irrationalism. Some Seychellois cross dress. We must respect them and their choice.

Christopher Gill