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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Seychelles President Visits Pope Francis

This week fanfare was rife over the quick surprise visit by James Michel of Pope Francis.
Mr. Michel apparently took an SBC camera man with him, and Pope Francis made sure he has his own cameraman on site. 

Meet and Greet The Pope
For the official meeting, Mr. Michel travelled to the Vatican, waited for the visit. Suit and tie in place, when given an audience with the Pope, Mr. Michel, now an insignificant Marxist -Leninist, bowed before the Pope to be received and audiences by the Pope. The meeting took place at the desk of the Pope, with Mr. Michel sitting in a single guest chair. The scene was similar to a school pupil being lectured by a school head teacher. 

SBC Extends Film Interview of Michel at Vatican
In no time of course, Mr. Michel was out side the Vatican being filmed for airing on SBC. He looked a bit like Mr. Bean,
trying to explain his invitation to the Pope to visit Seychelles, which the Pope remained Non-committal.

Mr. Michel Said Nothing 

Mr. Michel said nothing about the areas discussed with the Pope. Surely, the Pope would have addressed the growing drug problem in Seychelles, the upcoming elections, the expiration of his Three Terms of Office, support for amending the Constitution, perhaps. Michel may have discussed the unaccounted un solved murders that linger on as ghosts in Seychelles. But Mr. Michel said nothing.

Did The Vatican Ask Michel To Come?
Did the Vatican call Mr. Michel to come visit the Pope? No. Mr. Michel used Seychelles diplomatic status to push for an audience with the Pope. This moment, has been turned into publicity stunt with the cameras present as usual. Why would Mr. Michel want to waste State resources, to visit the Pope? After all, the Pope has numerous representatives in Seychelles, Mr. Michel could visit but rarely does.

Seychelles is suffering a great deal from Mr. Michel's bad decisions. Maybe he did not know where to turn to and he ended up at the Vatican, while the District Offices were giving out money for bottles of Black Label and Rum on May 1 st, to keep people drunk.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

I would repeat what you say in the article,namely that,whrn zhe Pope gives an audience to political figures,,they are not invited by the Pope,but zhey are the ones who ask to received.In other words,just like athiest Michel,,they self~invite themselved.

Azhiest ,leninist Michel almost kiss zhe Pope feet,in attenpt to make believe he is a Believer,a truthful Chtistian,but his Regime has abused the Chris5ian values of love,compassion[and]stands accused of torture,state terrorism.If Michel believes in God,and what a christian..we would have expected him to show a smidgen of contrition and to seek repentance.

But the devil can not free himself from his lying habits and wickedness.Just minutes after meeting zhe Pope,Michel sat in front of itd mouthpiece SBC,and started partot his habitual shit,...lies..and didguise.
It seems,only force would get this narcissist s brain in order.

Anonymous said...

Michel is the ultimate Narcissist. He makes Rene look like a baby in that ranking. Unfortunately, he makes all of Seychelles look like an ass.

Anonymous said...

I am shock the Catholic Church does not stand up to this pig.

Anonymous said...

I took a country, helps murder my own people, bankrupt my country, tax the hell out of my people, sold everything I could, borrowed private jets, then went to see the Pope.
Vote for me!
Who am I?

Anonymous said...

Michel has raped christian doctrine,and a devil like michel should have been allowed enter on one of christianity holy site.

Michel after walking vatican blah blsh about unity,peace as if peace,unity are people and are more imporatant than seychellois dignity,human rights..michel preaches about unity,stability as seychelles before pl,was in civil war and tribal war,that eithout pl war will restart other words,michel to justifies his cuop ,want to make us believe ,it is the use of ak 47,wgo united this country,if pl stop pointing ak47at seychellois,seychellois will start their tribal war.

Anonymous said...

I am jesus,vote,wr need peace and fake unity,your dignity,human rights is not importsnt,but pl unity by akb47...

U.know what er need michel,our land back and that as fast as possible,,donot let us come to get it from you...such an option will be lethal pl.

Anonymous said...

Vatican is one of christian holy site,terrorists to the likes of atheist michel should have never been allowed tobset foot in our holly site,,michel belongs at the dock in the Hague,not vatican.

Anonymous said...

Hi seychelloid,i was atvthe vitican,and there zhebPope handed a message sent by it is dictatedbthat u must vote,,i am zhe only one wizh devinebpower to rnslave u,rob u,and rape ur rightd...God likes my atrocities and want you to vote ,so zhatvi can destroy u completely..