As the Festive Season is upon us, On behalf of My loving wife Danby, my Son Christian and little Elizabeth Gill, we wish " All Freedom loving Seychellois " a very Merry Christmas and Bon courage for the challenges that lie ahead for you, your family, and our country.
This year has been a very challenging year for us Seychellois. We have faced the challenges of a continued over time IMF program that we were told in 2007 would last for three (3) years. We are now Eight (8) long years into the IMF program.
Ordinary Seychellois Suffering Greatly
With this program, ordinary Seychellois families have struggle to make ends meet. Slapped with 15% VAT on goods purchased, 15% payroll deductions! little has been left to run the household of Seychellois families. The strain has affected the elderly, the young the most. On every occasion I had in 2015, I lobbied Minister of Finance to come up with a more humane scheme that will allow GOS to raise revenue needed, but also allow our most vulnerable Seychellois Citizens a fair chance to care and look after their families in dignity and self respect.
In 2016 Seychellois families will continue to struggle and endure hardships they did not bargain for. My prayers are with you all, and do pray for us as well, it has not been easy.
This Christmas, The Rich Are Super Rich, The Poor Getting Poorer Again
This Christmas the divide in wealth in Seychelles, the disparity between the poor the sidelined, the cast aways has reached a new heighten level of desperation. The rich under a highly flawed system that encourages monopolistic practices threatening the viability of the Seychelles economy, is evident. While GOS speaks about SME and small business, they neglect to also address the need to control monopolistic practices that abort SME investment and effort.
Monopolies Muscle Their Way Around Town
How can one company importing foods, goods, computers, be doing a turn over of 148 million Dollars in Seychelles, unfettered, and octopus - tentacles have spread in every single sector in 15 years unabated?
How can a group of companies vertically- horizontally integrate in every industry and a government does nothing about it? To what extent was the elections results directly attributed to Le Pep creating a economy for Four or Five players? Think about it!
How can a contractor place his name on our National Monuments, his workers wear Le pep tee shirts to a rally, then they strip, put on SNP tee shirts, and are trucked in 20 Ton trucks to another rally? Where is our dignity as a people that would compel us to " Just Say no" , say: " Sesel Pou Seselwa! Draw a line to preserve our dignity and self respect as a people and as a. Nation.
Seychellois Reflect
This Christmas, Seychellois People, is a good time to reflect on our predicament, reflect on where we are, where we want to be. Ask yourselves, how will we get where we want to go as a people, as families, as individuals.
Seychelles remains as divided as ever. Dishonesty is as prevalent as ever. Greed and lust over our beautiful Seychelles is as alive as ever.
Only the People of Seychelles can alter this course of events. Put pressure where pressure is due. Listen where a ear is needed, show compassion where compassion is called for, empathy where empathy will win the day.
Let us pray, we as a people, will come out better and stronger, determined to see a better way for ourselves, but above all, for our children, who deserve better then to inherit a sadly divided Seychelles.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom loving Seychellois!
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