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Friday, December 11, 2015

Seychelles In Bones?


Anonymous said...

Carnibal Michel has devoured seychelles to the bones, and marrow......little flesh remains for the a new President .........that means,a new govt would have to be good hunter in order to food food to feed the nation.

Anonymous said...

Can not depend on EC to fake election,Michel sent his cronies buy attenpt to hopefully reserve opposition momentum......
Michel is desperate and lost...though all his blah blah....

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gill I do not know how you do all this. But you are amazing. Thanking you from the bottom of our hearts.
You have remain strong and a staff on a turbulent river.

Anonymous said...

It Christain,who shows capacity of a talented artist.He depicted Michel as if it was an original picture on michel.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping when Ramkalawan get elected as the new President, he can invite Alain St Ange to carry on as Minister of Tourism. Im not so sure Alain will accept to carry on in a new government, given he has openly endorsed the satanic government in power. Having said that, we believe he has got a new post in NY. Maybe he can find an opening for Marco & Sherin. I am more than confident Mr Radegonde can come back to contribute and continue the great work he started in the tourism industry some 10 years ago !

Anonymous said...

A fool and his money are soon parted.
St. ange whether we like it or not, is a master key to Tourism.
Radegonde has been working as a manager for DHL, what contacts does he have to keep Tourism at 19 percent turn over?
Be smart, do not part with your money as a Nation.
St. ange nad his team, hold tourism in no uncertain way. He holds the contacts. He holds the email addressss over 200,000.
He has developed special relationships with media, which the incoming Minister, will take Ten years to develop.
Let us be smart and not venture off like fools.
The smart thing to do is ignore St. ange PPB. Focus on what he does for Seychelles, leave him there for at lest two more years no matter who is in power.
To touch St. ange at an hour wherein Seychelles is on the verge of instability, if foolish.
In Tourism. We need continuity, do not be fools out of vendetta and revenge, rise above the cavemen antics, do what Jesus would do.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Radegone can contribute as Ambassador,maybe,but there are many others even better qualified than Radegone.........
But as to Mr St Ange,he should keep the Tourism Industry.We can agree on this one.. keeping in mind that no previous Tourism minsters have been successful like him..
Moreover,Pl had tried many others prior to St Ange none had done as well as St,Ange,and i am convincedMr St Ange still has lotscof innovative ideas ideas to enveil.
Furthermore,apart from his undisputable achirvment,Mr St Ange is apprecuated on all walks of life and political,orientation,and across party lines,and thevtourism industry.
Keep in mind also,zhat Mr St Ange is being enticed by international otganisation,zhus typifies his quality.. Of course,we would like to see Mr St Ange stay and continue the goog job he has been doing now,tan leaving to serve an international organization.
To lead the tourism ondustry itvis important to have the capacity ofvlistening,team work,gezting people involve.. .... something not anyone can do........Mr St Angecis the right person for the job,as he has,also demonstrated his talent to negociate with different parties with different intrests in the tourism industry,which is quality zhat is not given to anyone.

Stabilty of dictatorship is a timing bomb........ real stability is find in democracy. . . HISTORICALLY,and factually, demoncratic countries are the most stable system that rxist.. ..we can see that in Europe,USA..
Dictatorship when collapse by none constitutuon meand such as civil war,left mayhem behind..........Srcondly,,,countries that rxperirnce instability after the fall of dictators are countriescwith tribes,religiuos ethnicity,casts et...... .not in a mono culture like ours......

Anonymous said...

Indeed removing St. ange will destabilize Tourism Industry.
This will be the first test and maybe last for the next government, be it PL or SNP.

Anonymous said...

On Political (in)STABILITY.
It is a fact that in societies that leaders come to power by the consent of the people,enjoy genuine Stability....Switzerland,EU countries,USA,Botswana,Australia,N,Zealand,Mauritius,etc.....It also true that Hydrid Autocratic systems....(that is autocratic systems that allow some sort of multi~party and elections......that the Hydrid system feels vulnerable and Instable when face the people choosing their leaders (semi freely)in elections..For often,(when votes are not rigged),the autocratic regime fals.
I guess michel is refering to pl Instability,rather seycheles stability......Nothing can prove michel right historically in regards to Seycelles.Nor can Michel gives us any factual reasons,not even a bad one,to legitimate hs illusion.
What is clear though,is that pl is indeed extremely Instable....

Political Stability is best achieved and maintain in democracies...Eg.Switzerland,EU,USA,Australia,Botswana,and so on.

Here are some reasons why,?
~Democratic governments have better mechanism for handling the transitions from one leader to another,than autocratic regimes.If they accomplice nothing else,elections are a practical,constituzional,andcoften peaceful way for choosing between different leaders than machinegus,as pl did in 1977.

~Democratic regimes allow for variety of variety of leaders with different skills to come to power in the appropriate circunstance.

~Freedom of Speech zhat comes with democratic government,gives political leaders early warnings of serious problems,thus act with democratic means to avoid facing the serious problems.

~Democratic regimes allow conflicting ideas to be put forward about how to deal with public problems.That is in consent with the people,that avoid risks of armed rebellion for instance.Democratic debates are often indecisive and lead more often to compromise solutions,than striking innovations.But,because new and varied ideas can ultimately reach political leaders,democracies can avoid zhecworse outcomes.

~Political liberty of democractic regimes allow citizens tocexpress their resentment of the demands of government.
~Democratic regimes are more likely tocbe free and thus more dynamic economically.Economic Growth can take zhe hard edgescoff political conflicts.

IN ALL THESE WAYS...then..democratic regimes are likely to be better than autocratic regimes at developing policies that are effective,and,as a result,that satisfy thecdesire of the people,not an elite few,.A more satisfied people is notvlikely to tinder for revolutionairies.And that makes democracies Genuinely STABLE.

Anonymous said...

Mr St Ange and his team has broken and set a new arrival record.......a qaurter million visitors.....and he has plan to beat his own record if re appointed the next tourism and culture minister.
Bravo And thank u Mr St Ange!

Anonymous said...

Touching St. Ange is simply foolish!

Anonymous said...

Its,a milestone that deserves Mr St Agne Reward.The only posible reward that can crown his record,is keeping him as Tourism minster.

Anonymous said...

I agree. We must never forget for a moment where we came from.
Remember the marketing under Francis Savy- Seychelles was promoted in Black and White.
Then there was Lousteau llalane he promoted Seychelles full time on the Lemuriamgold course, all week with guy Adam.
Radegonde he came in with his white shoes, white pants as ambassador, insulted hotels told us to buy paint, paint our hotels other then white, when white paint was the only paint available in Seychelles on order, at pen lac, three months in advance, limited to 10 litres per order.

Let's get serious. Place someone next to St. Ange for two years, let them get a grip on Tourism if you do not want Tourism to fail.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gilll

Anonymous said...

Michel in his so cslled Mini rally,,,said “change,freedom, is instsbilizy,disorder,violrnce“..Michel fears change and he is paralysed by zhe nightmare zhat omeone istrying to revenge......
Facing justice fot crimes commited of the nation is not revenge ,michel but justice.Changing an illegitmate regimr by havng seychellos choose their leader frely,is not voilence by peoples decision.
Coup detat created mayhem for zhe people not seychellois chosing their via the ballot box....
PL is instable,destabilize,in isorder,acting with fear,and spread inaginary fear..
Michel ultimately wants to infest the nation with his own paranoia.His blood boil with voilence,as in 1977,-he would have like tocuse voilence to come to his end.The people modilization frighten him for he preaches about voilence he would like to perpetuate to creeate fear,intimidation,and voilence.
Michel is definitively preach for voilence.. he wil be made accountable,and send to ICC on the first plane in 24hours.

Anonymous said...

For Communists-

FEAR is a tool.
Violence is a mechanism.
Intimidation and threats are signals.
All three show you Communists do not respect the Individual, their inalienable rights to Liberty, per suit of happiness, and right to live in Peace, with nominal interference by government and it's agents.

Michel is in the situation he is in because of his own fault. He had the time and opportunity to unite the Nation, build a government of national unity, present a road map to allow the country to heal. Instead he thought he was a rock star.

James Michel is not Mike Jaggar. Nor is he Bon Jovi.

James Michel needs to reflect. Reflect well.

Sesel Pou Seselwa means all Seychellois must be treated fairly and equally. Michel applies equal treatment and fair treatment only on condition: you must support him.

Reflect Mr. Michel, you will see where you went wrong and continue to go wrong.

The constitution is not a shelf book. It is a coffee table reference in my family. What is it in your home, Sir?

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill