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Monday, January 12, 2015

Extra Stop Press Release

Recently, Dr. Henry Naiken, Seychellois Citizen, made it to Best Sellers List with an inspirational book titled: "Human Influentail Engineering".Dr. Henry Naiken 's career started way back in 1987 after having written to a mail order publisher at that time, asking him to visit Seychelles for a Holiday.After the Publisher read his letter [a 14 page letter] as to why he should visit Henry in Seychelles, he then requested that Henry Naiken start writing for his publishing company.Despite being a youth-worker at that time with no degrees to his name, dr. Naiken took up the challenge and came up with his first metaphysical book titled: "KTS Mind Power Program" - a book based upon using martial art moves and visualizations in overcoming negativity in ones psyche!Dr. Naiken went on to write Five (5) more books for this publisher, with "Cosmo Earth System" being the best seller and best in helping people overcoming major distress and making powerful transformation in their lives.Five (5) years later, Dr. Naiken started following the new trend of self-publishing but found out that this new publishing brand was just another name for the then 'Vanity Publisher' whereby you just spend your own money to feed the mouth at the other end of the spectrum.Dr. Naiken took to the streets of publishing on his own and after only Three (3) months of writing, formatting, and outsourcing the design of his covers, editing, and other important activities like getting books on Amazon and other outlets, he finally found a way to make an impact to the world with what he had to offer us.In November 2014, his first "#1 best seller on amazon" and today the 9th of January he hit a second " #1 best seller on amazon".When ask how does it feel to be a star overnight, Dr. Naiken says:" I would like to say to the critics out there... 57 years has been a long night! :)"

link for buying the book at the promotional rate:

Link to Dr. Naiken's site:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dr. Naiken. Seychelles needs you more then ever. We are all proud of you. Keep up the inspirational work.