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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pillay Refutes Land Allegations Made By PL!



Anonymous said...

That bullshit from pl.But lrt assimed it was true,the auestion is ehy did Motgan who is minister of land for life, approved the did?why if Mr pillay was illegal,pl did not use the legal system to Pillay..?why pl is now attacking mr pillay,when pl is the government and can take legal action agianst mr pillay instead of attacking him?
What about land Rene gifted himself for zero cent az barbaron?Ehat about Morgan hectares of land on national resetve?whst about Ste Anne national park gifted for free to Francis savy,what about gifting our patrimony to khalifs,raffles owner,and other foreignerd,,pl,does the law says pl,does it says foreigners cannot buy.or owe land in seychelles?wgat about desroches illegally sold to foreigner pl?
Unlike all these foreigners you.illegally sold our land,or illegal plot of land confiscated by Rene,Motgan,michrl..... Mr Pillay seem obtained hid plot of land legally and approved by Morgam.minster of land.And as srychrllois,mr pillay unlike khalifa,has a legitimate right to in seychellrs,and if as pl alleged it was ollegally pbtained the question is why did Morgan approved it? Ehy pl justice did not challenge mrbpillay back thrn,why cpmplaining when plvas governmrnz has legal system in place to due him?tellus pl donkeys

Anonymous said...

What about all the land that were confiscated from bonafide Seselwa owners after the coup of 5th June 1977. A lot of these land have been illegally 're-distributed' amongst family & friends !What ever happened to the case of the land at La Misere ! There was suppose to be a court ruling on it. Can anyone enlighten us on this one please....

Anonymous said...

We heard that Anonym island,(which pl thugs consider as privatevisland )is for sale.Pl serms not tobunderstand that seychellois havecdictatrd tobpl to..STOP SELLING OUT THEIRBPATRIMONY.whatvright hadvplbto sell out seychellois patrimony,under which law,constituion,pl?
We learned also thatvon anonym island,there were illegalbindian workers arrested by thr marine police,a pl thug tell us they were not illegal,which explain why detrctrd by marine police they run intovhiding.Pl thug told us,thesevindian werr notbillegal slave workers...just their conduct was other words,forbpl whrn a person is working without valid paper zhatvis called legal..
Pl is addicted tovsell out,though their collapse is near and justice is getting prepare for.zhem,pl thugs continur tovsell outvour patrimony......thr addiction seems stronger than whatcthey ma facevfor their crimes.

Anonymous said...

Pl terrorists continue to dellvout ourvpatrimony....we must detoxicate zhese criminals from their illrgal sellbout addiction in 2016... jail those monkeys for life imprisonmrnt and confiscate zheirvill gotten wealzhcas well...we.mustvpunidh these monkry harshly for zheir crimes. .they just recividists.

Anonymous said...

According to NBS,THE POPULATION OF SEYCHELLLES HAS INCREASED BY 2060 heads lat year.a growth of 2,2%,which i must say,itvis not normal for seychelles.NBS,says jt due to birth growth and migration.Only in the first six monzhs of this,2015,births was 800 and migration to 829.
It is difficultvto beliece that seychellois did so many kids in six months,especially when we knowvseychellois are poorer .it is as difficult to believe that so many seychellois in the diaspora returned home in a short six monzhs,,and zhe problem no one have seen these seychellois supposedly who return to seychelles.

Zhe fact,is pl continue to import expats to take seychellois job,country criminal policy zhat consist of modifying seycchellois nation in an attenpt to use these foreigners as potential fake voters and also to fulfill indian government obssession zo modify seychellesvpopulazion,do that indian govt could use zhese expats tobpush indian interest,meddling in seychelles affaires,and zhereby rnsure zhat these indians illegally made seychrllois could msybe influence our policies toward infia ..iz id a colonial ambition.....the different wizh ruropeans past colonization...india zo achieve its goals uses pl as intermedIATORS TO DISCRETELY AND SPRED UP THE COLONIZATION PROCESS.

Anonymous said...

Seeing nation teens wizh arzicle on india and hearing nancham say he would write book on indian leaders,it seens that seychelles hasvliterally become a colony of india and seychrllois the new indian cast gruop mustvlearn,worship india and indian leaders.
Seychellois only can decide if they want to be i.dian slaves or not,just as they decided in 1976,to stay or not to stay part of the uk itvis notbpl illegal government nor mancham to do so
It is up to seychellois andcto seychellois alone to choose who their frirnd would be, nor mancham.
Zhe fact is pl,genetically,historically,cukturally,traditionally,linguishly, .we naturally feel closer to the french orceuropeanscthan indians,chinesevorvekse.and this for its genetic youvwould never be able to change it .maybevpl hopes y imoortingbindians to colonize seychelles hopefully,in a few decades indiansvwould outnumbered seychellois in theur country,(like in UAE)then they would made seychellescthe little india in seychelles... we.must make sure we get these thugsvuot in 2016,and,ascwell as reducecexoats inbour country,cancelled thisvillrgal kaw pl paased,thatcallowcpl to legitimize itsvillegal selk out,out qouta on amount ofcexoats,etc .etc. this policy pl is conducting is criminal,destructivrvfor the nation,culture,tradition rxistence and ifcwe wantvtocsacevour nation forbpls criminalvobjectives in order to pleasec,promote india attemptvof annexingcseychelles,andcrnskaved seycheklois. We need to stop pl andvitsbonduan conspirators now.

Anonymous said...

Pl shoes its incompetency bx invisizing a us national zo come and teschbpl govt how to end domrstic boilences..Do srychrllois really nred foreihners to teach them how to end domestic voilrncr or we mature enough to do it oursrlves,by simply being accountable,and responsible .
I think there are proven effective examples how dpmestic voilencce could be deterred
Here is some proven examples

It is called Education
And tge.most deteering tool is called CRIMINATION OF DOMESTIC VOILRNCE

Anonymous said...

Where us the voters registers software gappy?whar are hiding gappy,is it the a list with illegal voters, . ,,the names of the 20 000 fake seychellois?the supreme court must act andctake action,against gappy andcgang

Anonymous said...

known for using voilence as tool to silence and divide propagandists and ngs thugs,say“should the opposition come to power in 2016,THERE WOULD BE VOILENCE AND SRYCHELLOIS IN THE PU LIC SRTVICES will,lost their Only a divider ,thug can say such things.If we believe pl...should the opposition come to power,..the opposition would do what pl has done in the last 4 fecadrs..namely divide the people,by lies,fear,propaganda,ak 47,.....ideas that could only be performed by thugs.
The opposition,woll not sacked any competent,qualified,hardworking,honest pu lic servants as pl thugs are preaching about to further divide seychellois....the opposition govt is a unifying force that would unite the divided seychelles,.
60 percent of seychellois work for thebpublic services,it would be foolish as pl,to put 60% of seychellois population out of work.Fo replace by whom?indiand,sri lankans likevpl does?the opposition would not do ehat pl has done,for plbpractices are known...itbis crooked,corrupt,criminal,divisible,archaic,unhunan,desttuctive,has neocolonial traits,...
The opposition eill abide the constitution and rule of law pl.....we will turn pl bushmsn craft into state craft...where human rights would be preserved,rights respected,accountability and transparency flourish......where criminals be juge for their crimes....a free sovereign seychellois,with a government of the people,by the people,for the people.
Those who preach about voilence would have their names listed and send to ICC

Anonymous said...

Not knowing was to say,michel said,seychellois have HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL COMMONITY WITH INDIANS“,,that is an attemptbto demonize seychelloisd history and culture.....i guess 99 9,%percentagee have french name,speak creole derived from french,dance kamtole,are christian becuase they have hindu history and culture....michel us called becuase his grandparent was ondian hindu.

Anonymous said...

Have ucseen the gross criminal environment perpetuated by pl and indian criminals on Assumptuon..they havebturned a once green island into desert..Seychellois peoplechave for centuries protect their islands and environment,pl and indian govt think they have a devinebpower to rape our rule of law,and sovereignty,and destroyed hectaresbof trees to illegally built indian military base ....whatever the base and its purpose,seychellois must refuse any foreign present on Assumption ,and that include indians...seychelles is soverign and notvpart of india,and as such we should not let indian transport policies it has practiced in Nepal,bhutan,maldives and sriblanka tocseychelles shores..unlike.nepal,bhutan,maldives etc.who share indian hinduvreligion,language,mentality,culture,tradition,,wecseychellois have nothing tobdo with indians...
India has bern.conducting a colonization policy,for some years,e.g
Indian sendvindians disguise as expazs,butbthecreal thing here,is that they then stay forever,and even gift ournpassports by pl,so that zhey can increase indian present rapidly in seychellescand tovfinally build a little india inbournland.. we have already seen,plvillegally building hindu temple forcindians expats,and illegally allowing to conduczbhindu religious proccession on ours strerts...all thatbzo.make seychellois get usevzobit,and finally nakenit commonplace and accepzbthese illegal colonizators as partvofvouur nation,though zhey not

Pwe.mudt chase those indians from ourvshoeöres as well as stopbondian govt interferance and colonial attrmptnofbour country..
Seychellois did not asked for independence to just 40 years later be colonize by indian,chinese whever.
We have acduty and obligation and rights tocszop bothbpl and india attemptbto colonize seychelles via pl criminals.

Wevwill never accept foreign military base in any form,be as surveillance basebor elseand zhat including indis..seychelles territories must nevet bebused and abuse by zhug foreign hovernment... we.mustvdzopbindians colonizazion of our land ascwell as building military base on our shores

We must.make sure pl andbindian governmentbreplsntbtrees on assumpzion.immefiately,and we.must take all ourboutter island fromglenny and pl back,eho think these islands arenprivate.

If they donoz stop machinrguns eill szop them sooner zhan later ,and i means indians too.

Anonymous said...

India govt knows that seychellois donotblove them andvwe will never accept indian controling us like it does in nepal,bhutan,maldives, via pl ctiminals,indian government policy has been to send indians to colonize seychelles and modify its population zo favoured india onterests....they come disguise as expats,buz whrn contary over zhe do not leave,instead pl gifted ourbpassports so zhat they can stay and build a litzle india in our land.
Pl think our outter islands belong to pl,so michel can without consulting seychelloid via a referrndumm,as our constitution asks plvto docso,and simply hofted away ourbpatrimony to buold military basr,disguise a surveillancr base on our tertitories...

We donot want and we will oposse any foreign base,of any forms,for any purpose on our land,including indis...seychrlles is sovereign and her people are not indisn cadts nor slaves..
Any base on our outter island,musz be a seychellois advance coast guard base,and deychellois only...

Pl deal wizh india,is illegal,and we wanz zo see trees be replanted on Asdumption asvitcwad before....wr must bring pl crimiansls to justice forbzurning a fragile,island like assumption into an indisn deserz..
A new govt would have to stop the kinds of relation whith india,built by pl z
Thugs,and build relations wizh countries seychellois want zo be ftirnd with snd those eho respect seychellois dovereignty snd peoplr.
The usa builtva naval bade on diego garcis,,thoughca very big bade,they did not.bulldozed hectares of threes to achirve that....india and pl isbnot.illegally building a surveillsnce bsse,but a big naval basr for indis,,though criminsl michelbis nnoe trying to trllbud. Hevwonot lease the island but build a a seychrlloßindisn base zhaz..whatever your pretexz michel,seychrllois would not accept any forrign presenz on our shores,regardless if you even call it a seychelloßindisn badr. Seychelles for seychellois not indis,,so wr will never accept indisn whatrver youbwant to call it on assumption.and wr calling on bozh pl and indisn govt zovreplantvtrees on assumpzion and bring it back zobitsvoriginal state,that wizhbludh vegetazion on it.

Anonymous said...

Assumption must no be kashmir on seychelles to india colonizationpolicy,,,we must reduce expats on our shores and sure they go back to india when contraczcended.

Anonymous said...

We want the opposition to come out and makeca clear opposition acz against...the criminal environment destruction perpetuated by plvand its indisn criminalvgovtvof Modi.
~we want thebopposition to oppose the criminal policy of INDIANIZATION OFCSEYCHELLES viabpl criminal gov. .. as we wantbthatvthevopposition made clear zhat seychellois oppose any foreign military presentbon its soverrign land,regardless of what,seize,purpose,and othervpretexes thatbfor instance,criminal michelbidvgiving.

Seychellois say no tobpl criminal dealbwizhbindia on assumption ...wecwant tovsee assumpzion be put backvto itscoriginal state,andcindia govz hasvtobpay for the criminalvrnvitonment destruction caused onvassumption island.
Reducecrxpats on our shores tovstop indian colonization objective
No to indian base on assumption.regardless ofvpretxes,reasons,and justification forvits environment desttuction
Indisns go home

Anonymous said...

The problem we have with PL is he seems to accept Fabrike Indians as part of the Seychellois. Nation,
Today we see Michel replaces Ramadoss with Ramu Pillay.
Why does not Michel and Pillay lift up bona Fide Seychellois of Indian decent like Viral Dhanjee?
Or perhaps Deenu?
Is some thing wrong with bona Fide Seychellois?

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

U right,last week when visited Modi to celebrate the criminal environmental destruction of Assumption,he brought with a dozen of the so called indians living in seychelles or fake seychellois ....and all expenses paid by seychellois tax payers.
NB,hectares of trees were chopped down on Assumption,and the question is,where are the woods ol?wood was not bruoght to victoria.Apperently bruoght to be sold on indian market and money robbed by pl . . Does seychelles needs wood for construction pl?

Anonymous said...

I ead on seychelles today,a hotel,,,island resort saying barbecur zhreatrn zranquility.....they qurszion is how does barbecue threateb tranquilizy. When it is not a Not a noisr,a sound........well barbrcue has a long tradition in seychelles and part of many businesses offers such ad boaz charterd etc...and it will continue to take place.

Barbecue does not threaten tranquilizy,but compete with those hotrls who wanz to.monopolize the tourism onduszry and those crooked foreigners who would like zo see beaches privatize and block from seychellois zo island resort is about the ency to block seychellois access zo their piblic beaches and to impede compezizion....barbecue comes cheaper than what island resort offrrs in it using barbecur as taczic...with zhe hope that govt stop barbecue ..zhen.island resort can have all the clientd..
I think island resort should not exist where now,.

Anonymous said...

I heard an indian with colonial mentality saying to pl thugs this“u want change of the game,india in gane changer..I will first ensure nirmal shah,that seychelles is an indeprndent and sovereign country and that our oeople have.literally no historical,cultural,linguishtic,connection wizh indians,.Secondly,mr nirmal shah must know as sovereign country,seychellois only,not indians,pakistanis ,chinese,whoever have anything to do in seychellois,and a sovereign state,seychellois only will be the game changer in their homeland,not Nirmal shah,modi or any foreignerd...we are not casts and we will never.let indian import theit policies practice in nepal,bhuzan,sri lanka,maldives in to the seychelles.
It seems pl slavishness had.made indiansvfeel the can colonize ud.....we will never allow u to do that,if u try u will be.manchinegunned one by one...ur meddling in others affaires,u can do it in asia not on seychelles shores.

Anonymous said...

Ok, to clarify above: The late Mr Shah was a very close friend of FAR. So he got 'given' the land next to the market to build his Creole Spirit building and he managed to get Round Island on a cheap lease, without any tender process of course. Obviously, Seselwa looses out double whammy. Firstly, as Round Island was leased without any formal tender, us Seselwa lost out because we did not lease it out for the real market value which will be circa half a million US$ per annum ! Secondly, Seselwa has always enjoyed the beach on Round Island for them to have their picnic & Sunday BBQ. Now, HRH Mr Sunil Shah wants to deny us such rights. With all due respect, His Excellencey, Minister St Ange should inform Mr Shah that he should keep his mouth shut, he should not try to change our traditions. He should have thought very carefully when he decided to establish his hotel on this ill gotten island. He should consider himself very lucky, unlike ordinary Seselwa like myself who does not benefit from what Seychelles has to offer its citizens. Having said that, I am sure any considerate Seselwa will not cause a bush fire when lighting their BBQ. Such Seselwa will also be considerate with their noise level. They will not leave trash behind once they have finished their picnic. What Mr Sunil Shah wants is to permanantly deny access to Seselwa Racine on Round Island. Incidentally, can someone remind me when was the last time a bush fire started as a result of a beach BBQ ? Stop taking Seselwa for a fool. As it is I am drowning here at Pointe Larue. What ever happened to the disaster fund that collected so many million rupees to resolve the drainage issues. Ban gran voleur Zil, voleur disaster fund. J Kilindo, Pointe Larue.

Anonymous said...

Gappy and his gang cannot be trust,and zherefore,no election can take place until we have a inparzial,responsible ,proffesinal and depend Electoral Commission.That gappy has decided not to hand over the copy of a sofeware voters registet list,demonstrate that,,gappy is premediatedly and crookedly not neutral,but a pl thief who was placed as electoral commision chairman to help pl rape election to favour pl......gappy has no legitimate right to refuse anything to the opposition,including the software voters list.....if gsppy refuses tovdovso,it simply means that this software voters list is a fake,,pro ably entailing phantom named,bead,foreignrrd,rven names of seychellois abroad,whose zhe later pl has for drcades refuse to allow them to their legitimate right to vote......
Rvery voter has a right to check their names on the voters list,and how can they do that if gappy refuse zhem this tighz to do so,which id a human right abuse as well as condtitutional breach?,zhere is one and one single reason for gappy to refuse the gibing of the software voters lidt,namrly,all names on zhis list are foreigners,bead seychellois including Ah Tim,which by zhevway pl has not reveal the dna result and dtolen zhe skull,after murdering ah tim comd blooded drcades ago.
The duprrme court has the power and obligation to fotce gappy zo hand over this lidt immmrdiately to the opposition,and if zhe supreme court is unable to make its ruling and drcisiond apply,then the dupreme court could be consider uncaplevand a protrctor of pl illegal practice,zhus a number of the pl criminal gaang..........equallly,if opposition cannoz have access to voters list as zhe law adkd,zhen no election can take plac,unzil lawful conditions are met,that is all voters registrator lists handed to opposition..
Having no election can take place,does nots. From .means a boycott,but rather the opposition should go masdive before election set by pl for pl,on zhe streets ,to dtop bozh gappy and pl ftom raping seychellois decison.

Seychrllois must no accept that pl rob them in order to keep a pl gang of thugs to power....a gang of thugs should not be allowed to rule illegally in.order to enslaved and rob,and sell seychelles to forstanis,sri lankand,arabs etc..eigners..russians,ondians,pakinis etc..
The message to gappy and pl.must be made clear,namely,,,refusal to hand over voters register list the opposition and the public will resulted not rlection manipulation by gappy to keep pl thugs onnpoeer,but massive national streets protests...if elections can make pl respect seychelloid,massive streetsbprotest eill surely achirve zhat as recent history has shown abroad.

Anonymous said...

Ig thug gappy fail to hand over voters list as law asking.oposition must be ready tto tturn p turn gappys and pl fake election into nass street oritests,,tgat close gappy~pl fake election before it even srarted into strret protests,unabling both gappy and pl to rape election and illegally claim victory ...there must be no pl fake victory thus time around but instead get pk out of power by street protesmts..
As for.protections of orirests who can brutalize,by pk thugs worry ,we have already a gang of high prodfessional men to go home to home tto visit those thugs pl send to brutalizevu ..that when they would be beating u on zhe streets,we will be brutalizing their family numbers in their home...we wilk give them buoble
We will teach them unprecedent demostration of brutalky that they have necwr seen themselves.

Anonymous said...

If gappy fails to respect cuort rulings and the supreme court failed to make gapoy abide by court ruling,then the opposition mustvpreoare and orfanise massive streetcprotests,and to nake pl thugs,ensure protests takevplace all around the country at the same time,day,,,zhus out nunbered pl police thugs.
Protests must be organize and conduct not nrxt yeR but right now ...eizher pl hand over all register list or no election will take place. The facz protest now,after giving gappy until end of the monzh to give this lust to opposition,will push pl for compromise and make gappy hand over te list,forbprotest is more likely to threathen pl collapse thM wadting time begging gappy,one maron to hand over the list .protests will make gaopy and pl do what zhey have regused to do now.

Anonymous said...

W)hy has the supreme court failed to make gappy handover the list,by simply sending police to go to gappy and take the list by force from gapoy?are they conplice
Why does the court check gappy,claims a yearvor two after but instead months tovrulebout in such a national inpirtant,case+they complice.
Why has the court failed to verified zhe kist.. courrs hace a right to have access to the copy as part of its ckecjs and take the list from gapo for court scrutiny. ..what we hearnind from the court is gapoy does not want to givecthe list...that inacceptable,fir the court itself has acright to confiscate the mysterious list from gappy for cozrtvown scrutiny ...........
Make pl and gapoy shitvin zheur pants by mass streets protest now,not ib 29?915,but right now. Bring the fear to pl and gappy now.

Anonymous said...

ON THE AQUARIUM,at eden island.While it is another needed atraction for both tourists and seychellois,and that we appreciate it is a seychellois owed.What the hell is the annual ticket price of SR230.?Savy think tourists who visited seychelles,once for a life time,on a three week holiday and would like to visit,half~day the aquarium pay him Sr 230 annual ticket,dito to seychellois,.This is in a business manner racketing,and in fact deter people from going there.moreover,i am convinced that during nice weather less tourists would visit the aquarium,becuase of the racketing like ticket price ,but also because europeans in their mentality would do these kinds of indoor visits,an the commonly dovin europe during bad weather when the cannot go on the beach etc. Just the do often in winter in europe ....that is europeans often govout visiting musrums,and othervindoor attractions when it is winter and outside it cold,.. ..of course on holiday it is different,but a price of sr230 annually,and no day ticket orvspecial price for kids,group,family is going to kill the success of attracting customers .

Pl finally hascreduced domestic flight ticket,...however since last year fuel price on world market has been and stillcat free fall Why is fuel at the pump still so high.

I read about an otganisation called ICOMOS asking seychellois to contribute for syrians and irakis.Well my frirnd where would the money collected be donated to,when there is no organized,recognized receivers?apperently in iconos pocket.
As to irak..itbis an oil country making billions of dollars from selling even as we speak..enough to feed their own.people.
Secondly,syria is a majority muslim country,boarded with Saudi Arabia,and neighbour with UEA,oman,qatar,all rich.muslim countries,whyvis khalifa not help syrian muslims right on his board,and why is the other richvgolf countries not take refugees and give then financial support and safety?

Anonymous said...

India wants to determine our destiny today.
Yesterday, it was UAE.
Seychellois must learn from history, we must retain our rights to self determination, and independence at each step of our journey.
This means we must unite as a people. It means we must dialogue, remain civil, and continually push the agenda for Truth, Accountability, forward, albeit uncomfortable.
The country and people must reconcile these challenges or be destroyed thru divisions.
I strongly disagree with a recent statement by John Denis that corruption is in PL not in the opposition.
This shows all of us an example of how naive Mr. Denis is, however well intention he may be.
Corruption in the opposition is one Cancer.
Corruption in government is another.
We have to be intellectually honest in order to move forward, after all, is that not part of being compassionate?
Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Corruption allegations must apply to all sectors or none at all.
I agree with Mr. Gill.