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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Seychelles Elections Has A BIG SURPRISE!

The presidential elections have been called early by Mr. James Michel under the pretext that he has no opponent and a victory will be very easy in 2015. Mr. Michel has been advised by IMF that 2016 will be a very bad year as economic downturn roots Seychelles again for a third time in nearly Ten ( 10 ) years. As the days roll on, and weeks become days, days become hours before the results of the Presidential Elections, it does not look good for the sitting president. A BIG SURPRISE ahead.
PL Voters Abandoning In Droves
PL voters are abandoning PL in droves. At the same time, a few opposition individuals are endorsing Michel out of opportunism. The manipulation on SBC is obvious, and Seychellois have gotten use to this game by now, and take these political party broadcast endorsements with a grain of salt. They know what lies behind a PL endorsement.
Pillay Racks Up Support
At the same time, Pillay is racking enthusiastic support, voluntarily from the public. Individuals have been campaigning for Pillay actively without Pillay even knowing it. The attacks on him early in the campaign has turned into a political jackpot, with support, sympathy, empathy, pouring out across the country for Patrick Pillay and his Lalyans Seselwa.
The BIG SURPRISE for the whole Nation will be in the Ballot Box where supporters of Pillay in State House, Ministries, offices, bus company, Pension Fund, MNA's who cannot be seen to support any other party but PL, will cast their support for Lalyans Seselwa. It is estimated that Pillay's silent majority of unknown supporters alone, now reach 15,000, surpassing what SNP will get in an election this time around.

In PL Conference, Pillay supporters sat in the chairs with their hand bags on their lap and listen to Michel give a speech.
In LS conference, no one who supports Michel would attend a LS conference.

Voters Tricking PL
Voters are tricking PL. PL sends a surveyor or census canvass to homes around Mahe, Praslin, La Digue. The residents are ask a series of questions, they answer most of the questions to please the government, because they know the survey is just another way to spy on them. Seychellois have gotten so use to this Communist game that they malfunction the surveys from the start. They know PL leaders stay in the office and are no longer comfortable to walk about and be with the people. So the people trick them. The results of the trick will be in the box.
MNA Went To Sleep
PL MNA s went to sleep for years. Before an election run, PL should have tested their blood sugar levels to see how long they were asleep. It is a dangerous thing to risk an election on sleeping MNA's.
Danny Faure is no fool. If there is any viability left in PL is is due to this man.  Suspecting his MNAs are sleeping on the job, he sent put State House staffers to knock on the doors. But will it be enough? Will it be too little too late? Has the cancer of apathy, dejection spread too far in Le Pep camp, deteriorating the internal organs of the political organization? A party out of touch with the people, is a party that navigates in dangerous seas. The next two weeks will prove to be very dangerous indeed.

SNP No. 4 Party
The polls we are running suggest that SNP will place No. 4. Pillay places No. 1. Le Pep who we thought was No. 3 is now placing No. 2.due to hard work over the last month it is now striking distance to Pillay who came out of no where, and only a historical move could have created him.

Alexia Amesbury and Fonseka place no. 3 beating Ramkalawans depressed, no focus SNP.

How is this possible if SNP had a motorcade from Ros Copra?
Well, cars do not vote, especially rented cars. 
Second Round
If PL and LS do not garner 50 percent plus one vote in the first round, we are headed into a second round election right before Christmas. In a second round, expect PL to pull off the gloves, and work real hard. By then they will know who in the offices do not support them, and we will likely see some ministers ushered out to the gardens permanently.
But Seychelles needs better then partisan division. We need to seek common ground, to move forward. Life for all of us will get a lot tougher in 2016. We may consider, a paradigm shift in the way we see ourselves and the world around us, before we perish from our own foolishness like so many other people before us in human history.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!
Happy Anniversary " freeseychellesnow"- 1.4 million viewers compiled over the years!


Anonymous said...

A specter is hooving over the dictatorial rule of pl..pillay is flag bearer,and has become not only a bad omen for Michel but a true harbinger of his political demise.
Ram has defeated himself even before the vote starts..........he will be the diggest loser .While pl seems to be, in second place according to statistics in the first round........statistics also predicts a second round which could ,by having other oppositions rally behind the leading opposition leader, send Ram once and for all in the trashbin ofvpolitics in seychelles.
I am sure Ram is having nightmarescand sleepless nights..........he knows he is about to lost all his priviledge,bounty soon.

Anonymous said...

All PL must now vote for PIllay to get rid of Ram once and for all.
All SNP must vote for Pillay to send the message to Ram: RETIRE PRIEST MILLIONAiRE.
All ex DP must vote for Pillay because MANCHAM is now a Slave to Michel: Free Mancham from slavery.
All PDM must get. Real Job.
All Boulle supporters must bake baguette. Where is the manifesto this time? BLANK???????????????

Anonymous said...

Pillay is the man to unsit king need to waste their time to vote for Boulle.......he has no manifesto.........or it seems his manifesto is his egocentric personality............SNP supporters must stop letting themselves be abused by Ram and vote for Pillay.........there is no future for them in following Ram...proof he become millionaire by hodwinking them and seychellois.
Pl suporters stil paralyse by the fear of master and can speakvout ,u can cast ur vote for pillay on election. Day discretely.Dito to DP supporters,mancham is the past,we cannot make a new start with leaders of the past.........let there be voting Pillay ............he is compassionate person,has expressed clearly his programme,and only candidate with institutional experience..........

Anonymous said...

Pillay percentage on this poll is going down every day. He was at 57 percent yesterday.
Today, he is at 52 percent.
Maybe tomorrow iphe will be at 48 percent.
This proves one thing,
In this election there is no guarantee.
The only guarantee is Ramkalawan is finished.
Pillay better work hard and work smart.
Danny Faure works 24/ 24 a day, do not be fooled that you are walking into State House without a rumble in the jungle.

Anonymous said...

Akoz u pa bez bous u boyo e al okip u guest house

Anonymous said...

U right ,there is no guarantee and lalyans must stay focus and work overtime until D~day.The few hypothecal point lost by lalyans, i asume is not due the fact that Faure is 24/24 on the ground,the programme he offers are the same that led seycheles in mayhem......but because other opposition parties have been also active in their campaigning.Yes ,every vote counts,and every must be conquered............yes pillay must stay focus and pro~active.

Anonymous said...

Mon Ram,is a narcisst pneudo politician.He admires himself so much,he t hinks opposition politics started with him N wil end with him.
Having led SNP for decades;having participated in all elections;and still having failed to depose Pl,instead,serves as a fig leaf which has allowed pl to extol virtues of democracy,while enforcing a one party rule.RAM has failed seychellois...he should go..........In addition,there is one argument to be made......... that his weak opposition has ben worse than no opposition at all....because it has prevented other more effective opponents of the regime from emerging,thus has helped prolong pl rule ,and seychelois suffering.

In politics as the saying goes...all is possible.It apears that ahead of coming elections,Michel has lost his compass.Faure,who seems the only active campaigner other members want to sleep,they seems not to understand the tsunami about to hit pl,or they simply incompetent as they have proven through the decades.Faure is now fumbling along,seemingly with dwelling influence to recue a floundering pl.............but the problem faure is campaigning for a candidate that failed the country and unloved by his people..........Icould image ,sould Faure has been candidate ,pl change of making a good score would have been more likely.

Anonymous said...

MR Gill, On what are you basing your figures. I think they are very distorted. Mark this post and I will remind you how far out of touch you are with reality.

Anonymous said...

On Opinion poll.............

Anonymous said...

RAM MUST GO,The chorus get louder of the streets.The chorus for the ouster of Ram,for faili.g to unseat Pl in all elections continues to grow louder.Ram the people no longer love u,but they loaft u.

RAM a rusty bolt anf must........a party of youths on cote d,or beache after a match of beach football,.they chanted.

RAM,after failure by SNP to enunerate a programme of action after he BOYCOTTED the of last election has lost the love he once cherished among many seychellois..Instead of dominating headlines with programme and policy pronouncements that bear meaning to the people of Seychelles,Ram malfeasances have come to be the subject of the formula.

It is,also evident that despite Ram!s deportment and asserting that he stands for and with the POOR,he has long abandoned them.

The shift in his lifestyle after joining Pl as stooge is confirmation of his penchant.In the odorous things in life and living LA VIDA LOCA.~~~leaving in s million rupee mansion,expensive l.whose acquisition is shrouded in a lot of mystery,crissingcrossing Victoria in a exorbitant priced car,and many other BLUEBLOODED tendencies all but confirm his departure from founding ideology of SNP.

RAM,,has reached diminishi.g returns and no longer instils confidence in the electorate anymore.His once supposed leadership qualities,perforated by his appetite for easy wealth have put a dent on the electorates! Confidence in thecparty into disgrace.
Ram!s personal behavior is the least one can expect from an ante church leader turned political leader and is crippling SNP.

Put simply,Ram must mean what he says.Does he fit this mould,or has he always been a man of empty words.Sadly,the latter is there.
Ram has torn his personal credibility to shreds everyone known there is rarely a link between what he says and what he does...In the end,leaders must take dcisions,stick~to~them~and rally their collesgues behind them,Forcall his personal warmth..Ram csn not do thid.

Seychelloid,is tells Ram,he must go.
Say Goodbye Ram......Ram is enough intellligent to understand this simple mesage from Seychellois..“Do us a favor Ram,just go Mon Péré“

Anonymous said...

A Priest living La Vida Loca,while his followers a sin Mon Pere.

Anonymous said...

The article is an opinion based on the pulse I ascertain. The pulse comes from a series on contacts across the country.
PL is going into over drive this last 10 days . They are pulling everything out of the book and they are working hard to catch up.Pillay leads, but his lead is slight to PL.
SNP is not even in the picture.
It may be a 3 rd or 4 th finish for SNP.
They have made a critical error of fomenting division in the opposition and not taking us seriously.
You must remember, when Ram was working with Simon Gill as a paid informant, my family was opposing this system and we were deposed by this system and exiled.
For Ram to pick a fight with me because I do not agree with his ideas, is nothing but sublime.
He has dragged this fight into court, where he has made a total ass of himself.
He is unworthy to lead Seychelles.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Ram can not lead anyone else further that he has gone himself.E.g,just watch Davd Pierre...

Anonymous said...

The difference between Ram and Pillay is this:

Ram is in the struggle to get rich, not to liberate and free Seychelles.mhe risk nothing.
Pillay risk all to free Seychelles . What he has done is high risk.
Ram divides the opposition with his enigma super ego that does not fit his intelligence. This is why we have so many parties.
Pillay calls for unity and he is sincere about this.
Ram is not a leader for all Seychellois. He leads for himself.
This makes him NOT AN OPTION.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

We are with Pillay,Ram is one his own .