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Monday, May 30, 2016

Minister St. Ange Attacked By Colonel Ernesta!

I heard about this incredible allegation of Minister Alain St. Ange stealing RS. 100,000.00 as some sort of corruption and I was immediately taken aback by the allegation. I have known St. Ange for many years, I have openly criticized him on many occasions when I felt he had made a wrong decision, I have supported him, when I have felt he was on the right track, focusing on the right vision. All the years, I have known this friendly man from La Digue, he has not once cause me to believe he is a low life who will steal RS. 100,000.00  (€6,000.00, one night stay on North Island) as a Minister of Tourism.

Weekly Loses It As Usual

The Weekly is edited by Colonel Robert Ernesta. He is a ex- military man holding numerous high posts in Rene's Army during one arty state and after. He made it to the top fast because he took initiative , he was smarter then everyone else around him. At one point he was Chief of Staff and Commissioner of Police. Colonel Ernesta was a very powerful man in Seychelles. When marijuana was getting prolific in Praslin, Colonel Ernesta would round up 100 soldiers, camp out, and sweep the island of marijuana, they would cut a few dread locks, seize and smoke what leaf they could get their hands on. 

Colonel as a professional was notorious for double standards, and being quick to draw the gun, at times, without ever thinking out clearly what he was doing. He could stage set a full panic mode nationally, if you started to believe his hocus Pocus.  At times, State House under James Michel fell for it, until enough was enough, he got his packing orders while on a staged course for officers in Ireland.

E-Turbo Payments

Why would someone steal money by cheque? Cheques have a record, and the expense is tax deductible. Simple there is no theft of funds. The payment by Beachcomber Hotel was a simple payment to St. Ange, who is the E-Turbo Agent for Seychelles since 2007.

Larger hotels can afford to subscribe to E- Turbo promotions on an annual basis. This works out to € 500.00 per month to keep the hotel in the news, and € 250.00 per year on two years. No big deal. This payment would have to be shared with E-Turbo. I imagine as the Seychelles Branch Agent, St. Ange will net about 25% commission for handling the transaction. I am sure he will give better details.

Private Funds Not Corruption

Colonel Ernesta knows just like you do, a private cheque drawn on a company does not give an inference that corruption rest at the bottom of the trial. He is not as dumb ass as the people he replaced in the Seychelles Defense Forces  and the Commissioner of Police from 2002-2005.
I suspect Colonel Ernesta is playing Ramkalawan's fiddle to the pleasure of his ears.
Independent has written about numerous payments Ramkalawan has received in the last election. Colonel Ernesta has remain silent on the matter. Worse, beyond money, everyone knows today, St. Ange is a viable contender to State House. Worse yet, the political mill is ripe with allegations that Ramkalawan will give Colonel Ernesta a proportional seat in the National Assembly for his loyal and timely albeit false allegations.

St. Ange The Man

St. Ange has kept his independence while a Minister. He has kept his cool. He is not a member of PL, he is excluded from their inner circle of chaos. He was hired to run Tourism, he did such a good job, PL now, cannot get rid of him.  They have no viable replacement. He controls 200,000 plus addresses that makes Seychelles tick the numbers each year. They have learnt to live with him, and this has forced PL to also change it culture of " ek nou pa ek nou" to make Tourism work. 

Today, St. Ange can leave PL with his head held up high. He has save Tourism in Seychelles, he has delivered astronomical numbers beyond our imagination. We complain only that they drink too much water, not enough wine at times, but our planes are full, extra flights have been signed up. Interest in Seychelles has peaked and remains peaked. For this St. Ange and his team we owe thanks and gratitude.

Unify Behind St. Ange

St. Ange has proven his metal for Seychelles. He has not sit around, collecting a fat pension doing nothing, but just talking a lot. Nor has he professed politics of division. To the contrary he has made appeal upon appeal for Seychellois to accept one Seychelles, one Seychellois people, and has appeal that we live together in harmony, work together in harmony, give the results to our children. This is what I call leadership.

If and when St. Ange leaves government and forms his own party, we should all rally behind him to save Seychelles from the chaos Ramkalawan will bring to us. Weekly is pushing St. Ange to hit the campaign trail. Be careful Weekly, you might get just what you wanted: " St. Ange hitting the campaign traill". Then Weekly, will become " Yearly".

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

Christopher you have just lost me as your loyal supporter from this piece. It appears that you are slowly but surely being bought by Lepep just like St. Ange. I am very very disappointed in you. After all the misery Lepep put you through and you find it appropriate to write a column like this. I am lost for words.

Anonymous said...

I do not support Lepep.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Lost for words- read it again.

Anonymous said...

Colonel Ernesta atack St Ange.Atticking others physically,orally,and using al thuggish attacks has been always Ernestas best quality,he is adddicted to it..It was the same Ernesta who in 1998 ,sent three of his gang members,namely notorious Marengo,marcel Rachel and Danny Alcindor to kidnap Mr Alcindor......draged him to the Grand Anse army police Camp,where self~named juge ... back then Major arny thug Major Robert Alcindor questioned him,forced him to take fabricated blames which no one else than army major thug Aicindor as concocted and pre mediated long in advance.This earned him the grade of Colonel than pl Chief~of~police~thug.
Hey,Mon Colonel,why you did not question Rams pocketing Sr 30 millions to build a church as illegal and unlicensed construction contractor?

What Ernesta is doing is not juornalism,but tittering jeering emptiness.The article he wrote on St Ange(seycheles recipe for success),is abysmal juornalism which relies on the cult of lies.The latter,another quality posses by thugs.When he wrote“is St Ange Corruption“what he is doing is using thugspeak to bully,for can not challenge St Ange factually and analystically in a free forum.The only thing he could do is to what he knows best...try and drag St Ange down into the gutter for a mudfest.

U know what Ernesta,there are patriotic intellectuals who work day and night with th best interest of their country and people in mind...St,Ange and Gill are among such personalities.Then we have opportunists to ur likes,who has been always the enemy ur own country and people.U bite ur own mothers breast ,the one who feed u and grow u.
Dr Ernesta,uvhave no moral lesson to give to any one.Zip ur asshole now!

Anonymous said...

This situation is perverse. Alain is a high profile public relations person charged with being the face, the smile, the invitation to the world to come to Seychelles. In turn we benefit from his work in high arrivals that benefit every single business, employee and every single Seychellois. He is responsible for the increase standard of living in the country.
Ernesta is an ex army bully questioning st. Ange.
I have one question for Ernesta- who set fire to port Glaud and Anse aux pins after the 2011 election?
Batte Bourro

Anonymous said...

We need legislation on Editors. Qualifications , education.
Our country is small and a heinous personality as the colonel can have a serious detrimental effect on free press and the economic well being of Seychelles. Not to mention making us a laughing stock around the world. I have seen similar journalism in Victoria Times and People at times. We really need to gather ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I am a little confused. The article did not say St Ange stole money. He simply questioned the reason why St Ange received a cheque of scr100000 from Ste Anne Beachcomber. If there is a valid reason why did St Ange come out with one oh his special press releases justifying the payment. The longer he remains silent on the matter the more doubts will be placed in our heads. if it is a payment for E-turbo why was cheque not paid out to E-turbo news. If he is local agent and takes a cut are those commissions officially declared. Does he pay tax on those incomes as required by law. if a few larger hotels also pay for e-turbo news it must be quite a nice commission he is making on it.

Anonymous said...

The article infers directly by innuendo st. Ange is abusing his office and stealing money.
This is denoted with the word corruption in title and check below.

Anonymous said...

Give a man space to choose his path, do not lock him in to a space you detest yourself.

Anonymous said...

list of etn clients can be found on their website. I cannot see Beachcomber listed!clients/c14rj

Anonymous said...

methods of payment as follows. Where does it say cheques payable to Mr St Ange

Anonymous said...

Funny but not reality.
Where does it say Seychelles rupee payments ?
Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Rupees are a convertible Currency. The checks are court signed by two people of beachcomber. If it was problem beachcomber would have raised a flag. It was an expense for them. Subscribing one turbo service is normal. This can include receiving e turbo or articles written to promote the hotel. Grow up yourself. Pathetic! St. Ange has done nothing she of a miracle for Seychelles. His work feeds your fat ass every day allows your drive in air condition cars drink in fancy hotels act like the ass hole you are.