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Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Tough Week For Le Pep

It was a tough week for Le Pep. But Le Pep leadership need not feel down, the Truth will liberate you. When you feel down, sluggish, ask yourself when will it all end, remember, those of us with Blue DNA have been slugging it out for 40 years. This means, Le Pep leadership, people like me, my family, others have had 24,960 bad weeks in the last 40 years.........24,960 bad weeks, we are right here, under your nose, waiting for you to " just do the right thing".

Ombudsman Appointed

Nicole Tirant Gheraldi has been appointed Ombudsman. She has accepted the consolation appointment after being denied numerous applications for Judgeship. While Nicole has made the most of this appointment, she should have been made a Judge. Simple. I leave this to President Faure to address and " Do the Right Thing"!

Sylvestere Radegonde Appointed Ambassador

Sylvestere Radegonde has been appointed Ambassador  of France. Radegonde was fired by James Michel ( infamous James aka " JPwason" the one and only) after he had a tug of war scuffle with the paranoid dictator while at Seychelles Tourism Board. It was one of those " do as I say, not as I do, things.

The incident with a long time serving loyal diplomat said a world of what kind of leader James Michel was. 

The appointment of Ambassador Radegonde this week says a world of what kind of leader President Faure is sifting out to be for Seychelles. His actions speak volumes for all sides, in spite of a tough week, he apparently means well, but his under rank and file are not all on the same page.

Constitutional Court Rules Against SPUP Museum

This week the Constitutional Court ruled against the Le Pep SPPF SPUP folklore and ordered the Umarji Building belonging to Hassan Ali family be returned. President Faure needs to do the right thing, and the smart thing: " Do Not Appeal, Accept the ruling" correlate it to your apology made on behalf of the Le Pep party when you were sworn in as President, and made an appeal for genuine national reconciliation. 

Let us not waste anymore precious national emotions. When there are many good moves Faure has made. Build on it, don't belittle what you have accomplished this far. 

This acquisition had behind it a deep personal history which Dr. Ferrari is well aware of, before he accepted to be Rene's minister. Back then, he was ok with the folklore. 

Dr. Ferrari should live with it until he goes on YouTube with a lie detector attached to his finger and tongue, as Le Pep should live with the judgment. We need to move forward as a People.

As President Faure said, let us " change the conversation". Wise words.

Ten Plots Returned By Midnight Press Release State House

It was announced at midnight this Thursday 10 plots owned by Sarah Ltd, would be returned to government of Seychelles. A 11 th plot remains. This swift action was done by State House in negotiations. Good effort. However, an independent national committee made up of both sides should be convened i.e., " National Committee of Asset Recovery" to insure all assets misappropriated over the years be returned to the government and rightful owners wherein possible, vested in the government wherein appropriate.

Daniel Morin Strike At State House

Who can blame Daniel Morin for taking his 100 Indian workers to State House to protest the non payment by Ministry of Finance for money owed or work completed? No one. Everyone knows today Principal Secretary Patrick Payet sits on files as I he is trying to hatch them; he  sits on payments as if the money is his. 

He has the attitude that people claiming money from government are NOT owed anything., without any regard for the human factor involved in payments is dangerous for the government. 

Well Mr. Payet, maybe another government, you could play this game,perhaps. 

The sooner you start cutting the checks on time, the sooner you will salvage the reputation of the Le Pep government and give President Danny Faure the credit he deserves. What a disgrace. 

 When the victimization committee starts issuing the bills to settle what is Patrick Payet going to say" did you know this sum due?" If I were you, I would just cut the checks, like you intended to do for NDEA and ESPACE for Michel, if LDS did not man up and clean your clock, expose the budgetary Fraud in play.
My Message To Le Pep Hard Core
As tough as the week has been, Le Pep, read my words, and read them thoughtfully, " no matter how bad it gets in the coming months ( it will get bad) President Danny Faure shall remain your best bet. After him, you have nothing left, so pull yourselves together, get out of depression and support your President to clean up this mess. Move forward, " fearless with dignity" ......even if at times, it will seem impossible. In time, everything will be fine, it will be ok.

Me, I am waiting for my "check" (s) from Patrick Payet! Don't cross it! It is Four weeks late now, I am counting because contrary to your perception, the government of Le Pep owes the money, I have the documentation to prove , boy, does it look bad!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seyclhellois!


Anonymous said...

My hat off to Dr Ferrari...nice move to come forward to shred some truth....however if,as Christopher stated, hook up a lie detector on will see how many time he will blink his eyes! You will see also when he start farting to the left,right and center until his pant blows up! There are something hiding....according to a Psychologist friend!


Anonymous said...

Dr. Ferrari was a co- conspirator in the coup. He used his clinic as a recruitment base. His practice was highly political.
Ferrari glosses over the history of Seychelles, slighting it to favor himself. He hated Mancham so much, he dragged his son Jean Francois Ferrari into the coup. There is a reason for this deep hate. Though Ferrari will not like to hear the details.
Ferrari knew all about Hassan Ali murder. Why did he not speak about in it detail?
He knew SPUP was always late with the rent. Ali was always cursing them over rent. In frustration he poured pot sang urine through the planks up stairs and it seeped through the cracks. This made Rene irate, if not furious.. Ferrari perhaps felt at the time the actions were justified. Is it not?

Anonymous said...

the hard core are like hard drug addicts ...difficult for them to accept change.......Faure will prove them wrong.
Now that pl has recall for public land gifted to foreigenrs ,it is also time to cancelled all passports illegallz issued to indains and sri lnakns

Anonymous said...

I see the wife of the speaker Patrick Herminie signed these deeds .
She signed Felicite island as well.

Anonymous said...

FERRARI told us what we already knew.....
He said the good and the bad,but forgot to state the UGLY.
Well maybe he is on dementia border line...but we are proud he came to say what WE knew.
In the past one will go without taking a shower (AL SAN-BEN-NYEN)
The question popped out so often .....Why it took so long to jump off the SPUP/SPPF ship?


Anonymous said...

Rene promised to make him president after 5 years. So he stuck it out side by side with the thugs.
When he realized it was not goi to happen, he left the country to work for the UN.

Anonymous said...

TRUTH RECONCILIATION AND NATIONAL UNITY will happen when RENE and his GANG appear in front of the panel to answer questions put to them without a lawyer by their side and this includes KAPILA.


Anonymous said...

I can not wait for the block buster to hit the theater.
Anyone knows when this movie will release?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Independent gets first hand information from Rene exposes Ferrari.
Coup orchestrated from his house.

Anonymous said...

TRUTH RECONCILIATION AND NATIONAL UNITY will start happening when RENE, MICHEL & BERLOUIS decides to tell the truth and seek forgiveness from all affected families, especially the ones who have had their loved ones killed, disappeared, exiled and tortured ! These 3 musketeers can only approach the road of TRUTH RECONCILIATION AND NATIONAL UNITY, if they sincerely believe in it and if they are remorseful. I am sure the affected families are ready to forgive if the 3 musketeers are sincere and genuine in their repentance.

Come on RENE, MICHEL & it for your own peace of mind, but above all do it for all the affected families and for a better Seychelles.

If you had the balls to take over the Joie de Vivre of the Seselwa on 5th June 1977, then, be a bigger person NOW. Accept your wrongs, be humble, be sincere, genuine and seek forgiveness. You do not need DANNY to apologise on your behalf. A VICTIM

Anonymous said...

......and forgot to mention that we saw the 80 years old TORTOISE crossing the road to the bus stop heading to the office of Truth and Reconciliation.