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Saturday, May 23, 2015

North Korea Claims to be The First Country to Land a Man on the Sun...

THE STATE News Agency of North Korea has confirmed today that the country has become the first in the world to ever land a man on the sun.
It reported that astronaut Hung Il Gong left for the sun on a specially designed rocket ship at approximately 3am this morning.
Hung, who traveled alone, reached his destination some four hours later, landing his craft on the far side of the lonely star.
“We are very delighted to announce a successful mission to put a man on the sun.” a North Korean central news anchor man said on a live broadcast earlier. “North Korea has beaten every other country in the world to the sun. Hung Il Gong is a hero and deserves a hero’s welcome when he returns home later this evening.”
The specially trained astronaut is expected to return back to earth at 9pm tonight, where he will meet his uncle and supreme leader Kim Jong-un.
It is understood that the 17-year-old ‘space explorer’ traveled at night to avoid being engulfed by the suns rays, and that this genius approach has brought the soviet state to the top of the global space rankings.
While on the sun, Mr. Hung collected sun spot samples to bring back to his supreme leader as a present.
The 18 hour mission is already being called the ‘greatest human achievement of our time’ by the North Korean central news agency.



Anonymous said...

Michel had the same plan.He wanted to lease Star Trek spaceship for the mission,could not agree of price,Kim was faster than him.

Anonymous said...

SENPA,whatever the name says“SMEs“is the panacea to dealing withuunemployment.Thheddactis..dealing wizh unemployment is a multiple fronts problems and effort must rsnge from long~term policies to short~term desired outcomes.
Examples of long term strategic outcomes is~~~to increase sprnfing on vocationsl and technical education.Better equip the national workforce with private sector job requirement .In fact,private sector is the key to tackling unemployment,and for that to happen,there must be a reduction and stop the perpetual dependrncy on expats.If this deprndency is not stopped,it will create population imbalance,which is a nagging policy problem.It will posse economic,social,political and security challenges.Therefore,pl must reduce expats ,then set a quota sytem,parallelly,engorce quotas for national in zhe wotkfotce,speciallycertain jobs for national only,butvalso lightening work visa permits are some short~trrm solutions thst needs to be addressed.In other words,we need to INDIGENIZE THE LABOURFORCE We need to look at path towards a knowledge economy,developing SMEs,to firstly create sustainable economic development,which help job creation,and tuorism for sustainabl fuzures.
Moreover,andcother problrm is that Nationals wotk mostly forvpublic sector,which has already been saturated.This means that the livelihood of nationals is intricately tied to zhe State,notwithstanding the welfare benefizs that extend to the total national population.This is an abnormal economic structure.

Anonymous said...

Foreign monopoly,creazing financial leakage,.seychellois must be the first to benefit from zheir economy,not foreigners.Zhat is,having monopoly on their industries and job market.sustainablr economic developmenz pl.Pircemeal policiesunforzunately,continue to be introduced,owing to their ineffectiveness,or varying combinations of weak political will,lack of interest and insufficient incentives for national labour.

Anonymous said...

Pl and farmers said“climate change is the biggest obstacle for
farming“What the ssolution? Adapation is the answer.In fact,change in environment management and agricultural practices could significantly reduce the threat of climate change much more auickly than technological solutions such as carbon capture and storage,though the former is part of the solution.
~ORGANIC FARMING:it is an alternative approach that maximizes the performance of renewable resources and optimizes nutrient and energy flows in agroeco systems,based on production area.Msny field trials worldwide show that organic fertilization compared to mineral fertilization is increasing soil organic carbon and thereby sequesting large amount of CO2 from the atmosphere to the soil.Lower greenhouse gas emissions for crop production and enhanced carbon sequestion coupled with additional benefits of diodiversity and other environmental services,maes organic agriculture a farming method with many advantages and considerable potential for mitigating and adopting to climste change.

~VERTICAL HYDROPONIC FARMING(in~door mini farm),is using mineral nutrients inwater ,increasingly considered a viable means to ensure food security in lightcof climate change.This systrm uses 90% less water than conventional farming,and Zero pesticide,and ultimately leaving smaller footprint, on the environment .In contrast,conventional farming is characterized by monocropping ,green revolution trchnologies and synthetic fertilisers.It is resources intensive in terms of capital,land,water and fossil fuel use.It threaten future food production.In a word,hydroponic darming allows tobproduce more wizh less.
PERMACULTURE~is a promising design system in the application of agroecology.It is organic,low~o.put,and diodiverse and uses trchniques like internials,water harvesting and resources is multifunctional.

GENETIC MODIFIED CROP~Which allows crops tovresist both climate change effects,and resistance against deseases,insects resistance.NB it is a sytem that need deep study on its cons zo rnvironmrnt ,if any,before it could be allow to be use).

Alternatives farming should be embraced to inprove subsistence farmers yields,and to ensure adequate food production ,that is produce more food wizh few resuorces ~it double production.
THE SOLUTION FOR SEYCHELLES,should be a combination of traditional farming coupled with the above,alternative and adaptative farming methods.
Stop making speaches,pl ,act.