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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rupert Simeon Insults All Praslin Community in SIB Forum

When good,hardworking men and women are down, out of luck, having a tough time, making ends meet, face a tough ruthless business environment, a government that cares for its people, will lend a hand,give some solid real advise, help good people up.......not kick them in the balls and have a good laugh.

A Kick in The Balls For Praslin

This week SIB held a business forum, led by Rupert Simeon. Instead of lending a hand, to up lift hard working men and women of Praslin, Mr. Simeon, decided to kick them in their balls ( figuratively) and make their walk just a little harder, and longer with his insults.

Praslin Faces Monopolistic Practice

Unknown to Mr. Simeon, but highlighted by those attending the business forum, Praslin Island is facing a severe economic downturn caused directly from monopolies in practice. These monopolies are in the construction industry, the supermarket industry, the tourism Industry.

The vertical and horizontal integration of a few companies have made entry into business and survival, virtually impossible for any new player. The island is facing an economic and financial lock down and lock out.

Mr. Adrian Uzice Speaks Out!

Mr. Adrian Uzice, a boat charter operator, attended the loan financing brief presented by Mr. Simeon. He ask Mr. Simeon a simple question: " If I borrow scr. 400,000.00 to purchase two outboard engines, to solve my mechanical problems with my existing machines, how will I pay back the loan with a monopoly in place and ( cartel by Destination Management Companies , like Mason's Travel, and Creole Travel - who operate boats for excursion with over 400 person capacity).?

Mr. Simeon replied: " If you are in business for Ten years, and you cannot make it work, you have failed, go do something else".

This statement, directed to Mr. Uzice, was callous, insensitive to the realities on Praslin today,

If we follow Mr. Simeon' s instructions, Christopher Gill will have to shut down Iles Des Palmes, William Rose will have to close down his ferry business, Luc Grandcourt will have to go bait his hook with Lapo - Cabo , most of Praslin including Lemuria that sells rooms for euro 175.00 will have to close down.

Fishermen toiling for 25-35 years, looking for ice will have to stop fishing.

Mr. Simeon sounded like a Plant for Lalyans Seselwa in the JJ Spirit line up. He literally destroyed the credibility of the ruling government before the people of Praslin.

Close SIB Down Now!

Government is wasting more money with Rupert Simeon and SIB. SIB gets a budget of Eight a million toupees what does it do for Eight Million toupees per annum? nothing.
Today we have a engaged minister of investment. He can handle the dossier of Rupert Simeon and we can save Eight Million Rupees a year. In Ten years, that is Eighty Million. 
Fire Rupert Simeon Now!
Praslin Demands it. 
Then Mr. Uzice can offer him a job baiting hooks for Tourists, if he can do that.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Simeon
I have one question for you.
Can you put a worm on a hook?
Answer: No.
Reply: we did not think so.
Conclusion: it is better to keep your mouth shut, then to open it, and let the whole world know how stupid you are.

Anonymous said...

This an arrogance whi think the minustry us a private,axxwwe and ge is a master and not a servantof cf course it would ve doolish ti rake advice of a corrupt like Rubben wgo himself never operate a business..What this donkY .Zhis donkey has been fir a while in government and.has done nothing than robbing,,you failed donkey as minister just aspl hasxfailed ud,donkey,,whyy you donot go find a life somewhere else donkey.

Advidectovthevperosn,us that be it your boat,its engine,car etc. You use for you business all the costs should be part of yourcaccount,,an engine,is part of you business and it has a certain life. LET SAY 10 years,so each month,you should put money aside so that in ren years you can use to buy a new engine.moreover, you put aside fir ur engine,must be entailed in the book,and deduct from VAT,.Dito zo zhe boat,your car if use as party of business.

Anonymous said...

Simeon like Pl has failed and thatz for decvades,and there he is this maron ,talking with pRASLINIOS WITH ARROGANCE....(next time i will be present if you ever come again to pRASLIN NOT TO LISTEN TO YOU BUT SHUT YOPUR ASSHOLE BY FORCE DONKEY....

UR baot engine ,,ur boat etc..are CAPITAL Items ,,,that is part of your Business and will be out of order in a few years...thus you must calculate how many years more or less it will be obsolate,so that from now on you deduct from Gross reveunes and sa<ve but also be part of your expenses ,so recrod in thze book,and deducted from VAT.

Anonymous said...

Monopolies damage economy and Society pl,it is time to pt a stop to it...Joe Albert,Glenny ,David Savy ,Mason travel and the rest cannot and should be forbib to have hundreds of businesses,The reasons monopolies is harmful to economy and Society is that they are often linked to corruption of politcal System.
-they can create infaltion,since they can set up any rpice they want..E,g look at Seybrew ,a bad samll Little beer ,cost thousand times higher than the most cheapest beer in let say Germany...Seybrew Price is excessive ,no justification ,,it is so high becuase of Monopoly......etc..etc....
-Supply inferior products etc...
If you donot stop it Pl ,we will in 2016 when we get Pl and collaborators to thjeir knees and make them kiss seychellois ass.

Anonymous said...

Mr UZINE,your boat as well as ist engine ,the car y^u use to go buy fuel for your baot,,can be integrated ,in fact should be integrasted in your Ledger as CAPITAL items ,thus decductiable from RUPERT/PL vAT...when you pay someone to clean your baot ,,you record it ,all thiese are expenses in Connection with your a words ,,,Many seychellois businesxy persons have too Little knowledge in aCCUONTING ..AND DO NOT RECORD AMNY THINGS ,OR EXPESNES WHICH SHOULD BE RECRODEDE AND BY DOING THIS YOU WILL HAVE LOWER vat TO PAY .......Money to replace Capital item like engine ..should be collected on a Long term and recorded in ledger ,just as deducted from VAT...Then you could buy a new engine in ten years without diggging in your own benefit.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

aRROGANCE IS A TACTIC TO DEFENSE IGNORANCWE..Hey doney Rupert, next time i will be presnt with a good gang,,to come and shut your assdhgole if you speak aGAIN LIKE THIS WITH A prAslinios...Praslinois aRE KNOWN FOR THE FIRMNESS ..NEXT TIME DON^KEY YOU WIL LBVE SHUTTED DWON BYA SOME HEAVY PUNCHES.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gill is raising an issue many praslinoise suffer from.,he is the only one who can raise this issue . We praslinoise respect mr. gill. He helps us and guides us to deal with our problems everyday. The monopoly is a big problem creole has cat cocos control guests travel, they have hotel. They have excursions, they have cycle, BBQ everything. What business can a Seychellois do an not get eaten with grosmpwason. Jj like big fish. Michel friends are Joe Albert mason, vijay, allied. The rest of us eat macadum.

Anonymous said...

Valid comment.
This is not a FREE MARKET. It is. FOU MARKET.
All free markets need to be strictly regulated and monitored, at times controlled and restricted to prevent the cancer of monopolistic practice from taking root. This keeps an economy healthy and citizens retain ownership across a wide spectrum when done right.
In Seychelles, particularly La Digue and Praslin, the GOS has neglected to apply the brakes on monopolistic practice and greed to the point, the island economies are now on the edge, and GOS must now subsidize loans to Max. Profits of banks,to keep small business in the game.
Rupert Simeon, if you had controlled monopolies, today, GOS would have a positive business climate, people would not need subsidized loans, banks would not be making 300 Million profit per year,while the rest of Seychelles struggles aside from the protected monopolies.
Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

I am shock the person in charge of investment does not know Praslin is facing death due to monopoly practice.
Simeon should resign and SIB stream line

Anonymous said...

Rupert Simeon attack young Adrian Uzice and told him if he cannot make the boat charter business work in Ten years he should go do something else.
Is it not SiB that approved:
Oplezir 125 pax per trip,
Anathita. 140 pax per trip
Indiana. 80 pax per trip
Catalina. 100 pax per trip?
In Mauritius no one can bring in such big boats for charter .

Anonymous said...

Dr Rupert,monopolies are anticonpetizvr conducts,they kill aggregate economic welfare.Ut allows a small group to make excess profits at the expense of consumers.Monopolies kill economy and society ,Rupert.Monopolies must be regulate now,Dr Rupert,in the public interests as well as economic national interests,and for sustainability .U arrogantly told Uzine he has failed ,but u and pl has failed for the last 4 decades,4 times for than uzine has been failing because of ur monopolitic conducts,donot you think,is legitimate for u to or is it the lucrative bribes,share you pocket from these monopolitic firms that makes u a greedy,incomptent crook?

Anonymous said...

Monopolies are canibalizing the economy and is on the cusp of becoming a more and more abusive monopoly(without foreigners being gidted away oue economy),wiping out s out of existence.They thrive by dint of dirty tactics,secret contracts,prucing~fixing..etc these monopolistic practices,MUST BE BROKEN,pl.

Anonymous said...

Look at Eden Islamd Developmemt. When you study the conditions , free tax status concessions, even Pension Fund acting like a bank for them, it is worse then a Monopoly. Why are Seychellois not allowed to do developments?
Pl lets Craig Heegar take us all for fools, and then adds insults to injury by giving him a passport.
In return , he says : I Love Seychelles"!
Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Why can all these foreign owed five star hotels can dump pricing,offer unfiar and employ predatory pricing?it all becuSe of pl crooked policies.

TAX exemples inport all their products from fish to vegetables abroad,though available locally
Leased then our patrimony one rupee for a century
Inportation and dependency of cheap exoats
All that allow these foreigner like owner of Eden island to offer under~priced for their establishment which is one of causes why ourveconomy stagnate and wevhave high umemployment inbthis country..Expats as well as foreign hotel owners are killing our tourism goose and that with the help of pl crooks.
Under pricing a product is templing when a business owner is anxiuos to cometition.In thevlong~term such dumping strategies allowvthem to kill off smaller establishment and finally monopolitevthe industry .Pl must stop this thrawt compwtition.Now

Anonymous said...

All concessions on Eden island must end. All special shelters for tax evasion must be turn upside down.
Now Heegar will know how Seychelles works.
Heegar, strap your balls for the ride.
We are ready for you now.

Anonymous said...

But also,all tax payers money gifted to Haagar must be recuparate,it amounts in multi millions Pl has on.several occasions use tax money , to Haagar for his private business as Haagar business is a public asset ,and the govt a bank.

Anonymous said...

Pl allows some compsnies to praczice predatory pricing to lead to monopoly.They cut prices so low that all their competitors go out of business and then they can enjoy monopoly in the market.Then they will jack up prices to consumers and wax fat off their ill gotten gain They definitely trying to destroy the rest of the hospitalit industry to one day feast on the corpses of everyone else!s market share.It is the simplest business practices to explain:SELL AT LOW PRICE OR AT LOSS UNZIL U BANKRUPT UR COMPEZITORS AND FINALLY MONOPOLIZE ZHE WHOLE INDUSTRY

Anonymous said...

I saw zhis psychopath forcing school to line and applaud him in syncronation,some were asked to run and hug him,just a see oftem seein north korea.The abused school children innocency as polizical tool,That shows how pathetic this crook is.His addiction to power makr oblivion.I am sure when we carry him in a pyjama and in handcuff to face justice he will get out of hid oblivion

Anonymous said...

Dr climate change Michel spent 14,5 millio dollars on a generator supposedly aim for Praslin and la Digue.The irony in all that,is that wizh this 14,5 million dollars spent on fuel powered generator,it was possible to equip all and every single household on Praslin and La digue with voltaic solarbpanels and therby by solve our electricity shortage once and for all,for centuries to come.Why michelvand morin like their generators to solar panels?The former allows Pl to hike price and suck seychellois financially dry Wizh solar panels they would collect less dollars ,so they would not have enough to rob.

Anonymous said...

Pl are saying vote for them Michel will be gone in two years.