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Saturday, May 23, 2015

PL No Longer Controls The Minds of Seychellois: Fear Era Over

Last week we broke the story of a skull unearthed at "H - Resort, Beau Vallon"a Dubai investment venture. The supervisor of the gardening crew ordered the that the human skull be re buried into the ground at another location. The act of course disrupted a crime scene and this in itself is a criminal offense, but the Seychelles Police are grappling with another bigger issue: there credibility. It seems the Public and citizens have taken matters into their own hands to expose the crime scene, unearth bullet casings themselves, before even the Police got on the job.

PL Losing Control

PL attempt to control this scene failed badly, if anything, it showed PL today, controls little at all. The digital media is holding them accountable and the discovery of who many suspect is the skull of Alton Ah-time, gone missing in the one party state. What is remarkable, is how everyone has crossed the hurdle of fear and intimidation in this case. Miss Duval a former SPPF has become a hero in her own right. Congratulations for your bravery.

We pray this man and his family, will one day find peace and he may finally rest. When he rests Seychelles all generations will rest a little more then before.

Pat Pillay Fever

Patrick Pillay and his band of former ministers and principal secretaries are also on the move. They were part of the corruption James Michel says. David Savy debates with Ahmed Afif on Facebook, over who failed Seychelles. This is all healthy dialogue and it is a revolution in itself. The impact of this revolution is yet to be felt.

Michel Stays Silent

This week, in " A Moment With The President" James Michel turned up two weeks early to answer questions, but he stayed silent on the Pat Pillay blow out! Each day Michel stayed silent Pillay grew in force, prowess, regardless of not being organized. Michel, this is the real deal. It is time to wake up and get to serious work. The era of photos props etc... Little visits just do not cut it anymore, when people are suffering from corruption, high taxes, big MONOPOLIES that have grown under your leadership.

Our biggest political problem is corruption, corruption, corruption. Bit our biggest economic problem is MONOPOLY, MONOPOLY,MONOPOLY!

Time to wake up!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

After decades of enslaving the people wizh politics of fear and smear,the table is turning It the masters of fears who are now fearing fears.Pl propaganda hogwash has no more traction in public mind.
Mrs Duval has demonstrated that..fear can be overcome by acts of courage...and seychellois has understood that....when the people fear the tyrants,they find victory,and when the tyrannts fear the people,it is liberty in the offing.As a saintly man puts it,“those who love to be feared fear to be loved,and they themselves are more afraid than anyone,for whereas other men fear only them,zhey fear everyone
We know,today,pl thugtators are having nightmares of mutinies We know they wake up in cold swear at night dreaming about taking long term residency in the very dungeons theY have locked many seychellois for years.In ozher words,pl thugs are in total anthropophobia.
We gonna keep the pressure pl,wizh in mind these words of Aristotle,“he who has overcome fear,will be truly free“.

Anonymous said...

The Phobos and Deimos are consumed by their own fears.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully after 30 years my father Alton Ah Time has been found an the truth will be out finally I'll be able to have closer in my life DNA does not lie an hide. I'll make sure to name an shame

Anonymous said...

Pl sent the skull abroad(wizhout saying where abroad )to be anylse In other words,the culprit control the investigation .Can pl zhugs be trust?surely not.
We see if pl can be trust and identification can be done by pl friends abroad Else,family should conduct their own private investigations Eg,use the skull to conduct FORENSIC FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION.
THE other auestion is,If i.denzification determine who the person was,would family membrr accept burying only a skull,knowong that zhree quarters of the skeleton still lies under an arab hotel in Bel Ombre?should it be normal to escaAte all bones,so that the person complete skeleton can have a decenr funeral and be buried near zheir loves who passed away in a cemetry?or pl would allow family member to erect a cross,a tomb,a mrmorial on the mass grave in zhe garden of halal hotel?

Anonymous said...

Pl built a castle of sand,,which is about to sweep by prople wave.

Anonymous said...

The site should become a memorial site.
Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Pl pseudo forensic expert sent the skull zo Mauritius but not the lower jaw compaining bullet holes on it.What are u trying to hide pl?we know u the culprit.Family must conduct zheir own seperate dna test,the culprit should not be the investigatiors.

Anonymous said...

All the remains should be tested, by pathologist and DNA forensics.