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Thursday, October 15, 2015



Anonymous said...

Michel is out of his depth on the world stage. These people must have mistakenly invited him instead of James Mancham. To make a fool of oneself in Seychelles is one thing, but to go on television in United States and pretend you are an expert in climate change and the blue economy is simply stupidity at its worse. Michel is an idiot who cannot make a speech without a teleprompter and now he has shown the entire world what a real fool he is. It is better to remain silent when you have no idea what you are talking about. Five more years of this man at the helm of our Government is simply madness and only fools like him with vote and follow this man who has also murdered his fellow Seychellois. It is time for him to retire and go and grow fish and speak to the ocean with his fellow murderers.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing James Michel can do to help Seychelles at this point. The damage is done.

He should resign before it is too late.

PL can have a better chance by running younger players.

Two possible teams for PL are : 1. Faure- St. Ange. 2. Faure - Morgan.

Jean Paul Adam is also a good Option.

The country will be better for it.

Obama said to Africa, if you cannot do the job in 8 years as a leader, you will not do it with another mandate.
Retire, let your country move on, you have done your part.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Instead of inviting Ton Pat to answer questions at the Foolish Station this afternoon, you need to get JAM down there to answer questions about the Skull that was found at Bel Ombre. JAM & his associates needs to explain who authorised the various atrocities of the late 70's and during the 80's including what he knows about the murder of Gerard Houareau. He needs to point out who carried out the orders. You all know what I am talking about here. Its almost time to hit the streets....Instead of having a go at Ton Pat for whatever human trafficking reason, have a go at VIJAY for treating Indian workers like modern slaves. Have a go at the Saudi that use Fuckplinski Hotel as their Harem. The time is soon.

Anonymous said...

Climate is Thug Michel new preffered ideology behind which he can hide and ply his trade of corruption while expanding his thriving thugocrcy .
Seychelles! Knight in shining armor should take care environmental desasters in seychelles before mounting his steeds on a g rusade to save the world from global warming.

For seychellois,pl dictatorship is a bigger threat than climate change..Before seychelles can be savecfrom the ill effects of climate change,it needs to save itself from predators like michel.

Anonymous said...

The envirnment devastation Michel has wreaked upon the social fabric and ecosystem of seychellois society is incalculable
The climate change debate has been honey in mouth of forked togue Michel.It has provide him the perfect foil to avoid detection and accountability for his,human rights abuses,corruption,and mismanagement of his society,and a convenient opportunity to divert attention from his criminal state enterprise.In other words,he is merely trying to rehabilitate his crooked image from seychelles foremost human rights abuses tovits chief environment redeemer.
Michel toxic ecology is a myth.

Anonymous said...

This old donkey should resign,and use his time preparing his defence.He made seychellois the laughing stock of the world....and seychellois are furiously angry about it......
Go prepare ur defence Michel,have made urself a new denture,why not hair implatation,and some botox....after all,u have robbed millions from seychellois coffer,enough to botox ur ugly face on a weekly basis.

Anonymous said...

Michel has convinced himself,that he is an environmentalist.....and he fitmly believe that climate change is limited to gas emmission in the air.the fact is climate change has other effects...
Demographic......for instance....population increase affect landuse,has impact on natural resources,agriculture etcc

IN OTHER words Michel by oncreasing artificially seychelles population with 40,0000 plus Expats,u putting our natural resources at risks.....water,land that seychellois would had need in 59 years whrn the seychelles population would had oncreased by 40 000 native seychellois,are now being used by expats,thus helping us destroy ourselves.That means Michel,that a system of control ofvthe amount of expats on ourcshores must be put,as well as their presents on our shores........
Over constructiond Michel help eith deforestation,thus help the threst of climate changeveffects.
U have seen the effect of concrete everywhere and anyhow on la digue......???it causes flood for there is no naturalvwater infiltration becausecof mass and uncontrol constructions at all costs.

Anonymous said...

Seychelles tyrannt becoming environmentalist,is nothing more a cynical appeal to lofty moral virtues in order,to guilty~trip and shakedown and extorting

.some millions from western countries.
Michel just before living for Usa to prealch about climate change turned Assumption island into a desert.

Anonymous said...

The person best fit tobpreachcabout climate change in seyychellois name is neither michel nor.manvham,though the.latter would surely had perform better....Mr Shah is the right person,who has bern genuily involve in enbironment protection.for years......or someone like Brosen,the guy now working on Denis island,who for decades managed Cousin Island and thus directly involve in conservation,environment......

Anonymous said...

We need to plant more fish. We need to speak with the ocean as we have in the past. This dialogue is what is making the blue economy vibrant like the blue ocean we speak to.
We need to invest in Blue Economy at 18 percent interest rate. We need push forward in a dynamic way.
The ocean is our brother, our sister, our father. She is our. Mother.
I am a sting ray.
Call me James Michel 007!

Anonymous said...

Did the ocean tell you to build Eden island Dr. Sponge bob Michel?
What is your adress under the sea? Is it the pineapple house?

Anonymous said...

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Sponge Bob square pants Misel!

Keep on talking to the ocean kouyon!

La Comet Artworks ©™ said...

When things like this happens a true patriot would apologize to his people and explain himself.
I think SBC for freedom of press should air this. Let the people of Seychelles judge him for his actions. It's like a mentally ill guy talking about Climate change. Blue economy is not taking off if the one that gave birth to it doesn't know how it is and what it is. We should petition him out since he isn't fit for work. He should not take part in next election. This is to show how right Seychelles Freedom Party has been all these years. We saw the lie in this government. Now Michel proves us right.

Sesel Pou Seselwa !

La Comet Artworks ©™ said...

When things like this happens a true patriot would apologize to his people and explain himself.
I think SBC for freedom of press should air this. Let the people of Seychelles judge him for his actions. It's like a mentally ill guy talking about Climate change. Blue economy is not taking off if the one that gave birth to it doesn't know how it is and what it is. We should petition him out since he isn't fit for work. He should not take part in next election. This is to show how right Seychelles Freedom Party has been all these years. We saw the lie in this government. Now Michel proves us right.

Sesel Pou Seselwa !

Anonymous said...

I am a resident of La Zil
They say i am crazy. But I have a secret.
Misel comes to visit me for advise.
I have been running the country for years.

FOU FOU Da Fish Plant,