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Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas All Freedom Loving Seychellois!

The Holiday season is upon the Seychelles once again. The town of Victoria is lighted and decorated with money collected from the Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR) . The Mayor of Victoria said on the Radio that this money taken from the fund is the obligation of the business community to give back to the " Consumer". I did not know the Consumer was a disadvantaged class.
Last year, 80 Million Rupees was collected for the Fund, and this year,another odd 80 Million Rupees taken from a tax scheme that makes Seychelles more expensive, and Ministry of Finance cannot seem to account for these funds and the efficient use of the funds for " Charity" as intended.
The abuse of the fund is a full time effort by PL operatives. They form non profit groups, organizations to solicit applications to tap into the funds.
Tree planting in Districts, trips for District Administrators, airline tickets, clothing allowances. Meals abroad in fine hotels, the list is endless. The intent of the CSR tax was not to feed and fuel a corrupted political organization.
Scamming The People Again
As the People of Seychelles are advised of incoming tax increases, to fuel the repayment of the bills of this failed regime, People of Seychelles, remember your money is being used to fuel more waste then ever to keep the PL political machine in play.

More Failure More Suffering

As PL breaks it's promises, fails the People of Seychelles in 2015, over and over, again and again, remember, when your pocket is empty, we are all paying the price for PL failure.
The more we suffer, the more they steal your hopes and dreams, steal the hopes and dreams of your children, and in turn bring the People of Seychelles into the realm of piracy, criminality, trickery,and they call their own People criminals, recall how PL came to power: by first committing a crime upon all of us and all our children.

PL Does Not Suffer!

In 2014 we saw the PL facing great failures, from devaluation, to drop in economic performance, high crime, murders, burglaries on the rise. PL had a bad year. By mid year, the government was out of money. Funds approved from Ministry of Tourism SCR. 6 Million for marketing at one point was just taken away from STB. With no Budget, STB resorted to Facebook and I phone to promote Seychelles. St. Ange sent emails around the world asking people to visit Seychelles, in a desperate moment. How can a country run like that?
While receivables were flopping, arrivals down, homeless Europeans were being ask to travel to Seychelles for Sun Sea and Sand to meet numbers but not yields.
In that time, remember it was SFP that exposed the abuse on Diamond Class Tickets to New York, exposed PL on money laundering, Human Trafficking.

Liqueur is Not Courage
As PL increases costs to curb use of the hospital,remember, liqueur is not courage. This will not help Seychelles, what will help us is a serious government, with ideas on how to move forward, not a government that has failed us time and time, over and over, again and again.

The results speak for themselves, we do not have to get political about it.

Don't blame Santa Claus if he did not turn up this year, blame Santa Michel for ruining Seychelles economy all by himself.

Merry Christmas All Freedom Loving. Seychellois!
Our work has just begun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Minister Laporte has exposed the credibility of the PL about being serious about economic reform