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Friday, April 17, 2015

SNP Complains About Lack of Access To SBC

Recently a article in Today highlighted SNP's complaints about lack of access to SBC.

This is nothing new. SBC is suppose to be Independent and offer counter views on all subjects. In practice, SBC supports the PL, the President, James Michel and the homosexual lobby. Everyone else in society has been marginalized by SBC. Yet, it is our taxes that over finances SBC. They have nice vans, modern equipment, improved facilities, good pay packets, and nice jeeps.

SNP has a point. However, they could have address the matter through Judge Bernard Georges who sits on the Consultative Committee task with advising James Michel on national issues. 

Since SNP is advising James Michel full time, the matters of SBC can be resolved overnight, and need not linger for another 24 years.

While SBC has been guilty of lack of independence, SNP has been guilty of collaboration, silence, and burying their head in the sand for 24 years and taking the bait of a fat cat pension.

Now you have nothing to complain about!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

It has been likely this for thr last 5 decades Ram and your collaboration with pl has help rhis to happen.And as long a u stay a stooge of pl and refuse to unite the opposition it would stay as it is.In fact,wr will continue to see More michel,pierre and mancham on sbc and nation zhan did Rene ,why?poor information led to self~justifying delusions o. The part of dictator Rene,who assumr ecaggeratied levels of populsr support.Bur since,the Arab revolution,the dilusion of dictstors like Michel is part of a global transition to more democracy.Yet,there are dangers to the rise of public ,as erll as the media,can be more nationalistic and more popular than those who govern them.Hrnce,this explain why unlike Rene,we see Michel almost evrryday on SBC to justify himself,for the risks of seeing the rise of public is real,and dictators like michel knows that as the Arab spring has shown they can loss the lives ,so the need for constance self~justificszion has become a tool for survival.
Zhe seychrllois refuse to pontificste Michel,so zhe national mrdia allows him to ponzificate him~self,thinkong when he does it him~self the people feel the same.It is a mystery,why michel has not yet started to braodcast hours long reports and documentations about him in north korea stylr,iz mighz come soon.
Public opinion is killing zhe old~fashioned dictatorship incarnated by rene,So michel must rely on media to keep to defence his crimes and thst if possible everyday.

Anonymous said...

Ram never complain zhat Michel is chairman of sbc board.

Anonymous said...

Seychelles Bullshitting Corporation