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Monday, September 21, 2015

Michel says he has a plan....BUT it is a secret

Source: The people.partilepep

He said Parti Lepep has won every single election since 1992. “So let us stay with it. Be part of the winning team and be proud of it.”
“Who wants to support a football team that loses all its matches. Support the winners”, he on Saturday told a crowd of young men and women- aged between 18 and 21 -on La Digue  who shall be casting ballots for the first time in the coming elections.

He also warned: “Do not let anyone with a white beard come and steal your future.”
The previous day, President Michel had the same message for the first time voters on Praslin, where he said” Your future is in your own hands. I have given you the power and the means. I have given you the opportunity to develop”. He added that youths can today further their education at post-secondary level, at university and work in positions that will propel the country forward.
He told the Praslin youths that some other persons with ambition to become president do not have any plan. “I have a plan. In 2006, I had a plan and I delivered on it. Our country was then in bad economic situation. Today it is a strong country economically. A country, which is recognized as a model by the whole world.”
President Michel called on the youth to give him another five-year mandate. “Young Praslinois, give me another five years. Why not another five? He called as the popular singer Elijah sang a new composition with the same rallying call. 
His speech to the youths of La Digue was in the same vein. “Vote for me  because I am the best person for the job”, he said, noting that since 1977, he had occupied several ministerial posts. As Education Minister, he said he had transformed the educational system so that every young boy and girl can benefit and reach for the best.
President Michel recalled that in 2004, he was handed over the Presidency by President Albert Rene, who wanted to retire and in 2006 he was candidate for the first time at a  presidential election, when he beat (Wavel) Ramkalawan, leader of the SNP. 
President Michel went on to recall that in 2011, he again stood for a second term, when he called on Seychellois to renew their trust in him so that he could turn Seychelles into a model for the Indian Ocean.
President Michel compared La Digue to a jewel. “And we shall put a diamond on that jewel”, he said.  “Everything I had promised Seychelles in my plan , has been achieved,” he added proudly.
He noted that the Constitution allows him a final five year term.  “I ask you to see through my record that I have worked and delivered and together we shall accomplish what remains to be done.”
President Michel said: “I have kept my promises and played my part. Give me another five years and we shall do what remains to be done.”
As on Praslin, President Michel urged the young men and women to give their vote to Parti Lepep and to the party’s candidate.
He said “You should give me your vote as your future depends upon it. The future of our country depends on it.  I know I can count on you. I have always had confidence in our youth. I believe in the future. You shall be working to allow Seychelles to keep on shining in the Indian Ocean. It is for this reason that I have always put so many opportunities at your disposal.
President Michel also promised the youths of both Praslin and La Digue that he shall return after the elections to meet with them and through a dialogue, find out what they believe is best for their islands.


Anonymous said...

Dictators always have plans,and it would be wrong to say,tyrannausor Michel unlike other thug donot have plans too.
Michel did have plan in 1977,to rape seychellois freedom and force on us a thuggish system called dictatorship that enslaved people,Michel had a plan to rape election by keeping a sofeware voter registration list used to manipulate votes,michel had an econonic plan in 2008,which bankruptvthe country,and makevus dependent on foreign loans.michel surely had a plan to abuse indian expat by transporting them from abudabi to seychelles in containers,michel had surely plannedca plan to confiscate Plantation club hotel ,and turned it into a brothel whereby eastern under age girls are abused as sex slaves..michel surely had a plan when started to.import cheap indian expats by thousands,tovtake seychellois jobs and make them poor...michel had a plan to sold thousands of our birthrights,ditobour patrimony to foreigners...michel had a plan to gift seychellois economy to mini onopolistic foreign coorporations in order to makebus slave of foreign masters...michel had a plan to kill unbotn babies at victoria hospital tovreplace them by expats...michel surely had a plan to help india colonial ambition of seychelles(indian expats though novseychellois are already demonstrating their colonial will with the help on michels plan in whichvillegally allowvthem to dance ,chant hindu songs and march in hindu religious procession on our soil,not to mention the illegal hindu temple....michel has always had plans forvseychellescand seychellois,and the plan he is trying to sell us,thinking we more stupid than him,is no different from previous plsns,,,this plan,is as all previous plans,called dictatorial plan which has only enslavement and destructive ends to seychellois.
Michel said,donotbfollow the man with white beard........i guesss seychellois as honest as they are would prefer to follow a honest man with white beard,than a boldhead old crooked monkry with perversity like U Donkey Michel.
Stealing election andvrobbingvus 2,4 billion dollars and placevitbin secrecy in swiss bank ,is surely a plan,but a plan of acwicked,a thief,.... we can see the thief in ur eyes michel,,,,,,,,,,you know what,seychellois has also a plan for 2016,,it is called getvrid of pl state terrorists and criminals and getvthem to montagne possee.

Whose plan is.more important ,thug michel plan or thebpeoples plan?

Anonymous said...

In 1977,michel had,a plan,it was coup detat and the butchering of innocent seychellois,like Ah Tim.
In 2008,michelvhad aplan,it was manipulating election and bankruptbour economy......snd the donkey said on la Digue,that the economic practices he put in place called BONDAIDS,,,that deprndency of foreign.loads and aids,is an economic success.
Michel had also a plan for the coming election in 2016,,it was supposed to be another election fraud with the help of Gappy ,called secret sofeware voters.list ,hevused to fake election,fortunately unearthed by opposition.
Michel might still have an alternative plan,is called harassementbof his opposition,why not.murdering them like hecdid to Ah Tim and others in 1977,..,or place a bomb in hotel and put the blame on thebopposition as he did at reef hotel in 1976.....then hevcould jail all opposition for terrorism.....or simply order the machinevgunning of voters on election day to create fear and terror.......that aboutva plan for another coup as in 1977,to ocerthrow himself,and put himself back in.power.

And since his plan remain a mystery,we must never underrstimate crooked plans of a would surely be thuggish.

Anonymous said...

Michel previous plans,are broken promises,broken country and a broken nation.Michel preaches about his plan...What about seychellois own plans,michel?seychelles iscfor seychellois,not for michel,hence seychellois plans,ur master is the real plans for this country,not pl nor michel.
SEYCHELLOISjust not a plan,but a plan in the planing,it is called democracy,power to the people,by the people,for the people.....we cannot afford anymore to be ruled by thugs and the less educated in our society.... the only acceptable plan seychellois can accept for michel,is his plan to go home

Anonymous said...

I will announce the Plan for the last Five years, in five years.

Thank you.

James Michelle.

Anonymous said...

What we can say on Michel is that he is a vicious thug with nothing left to promise seychellois i have a plan......The only plan vicious Michel could have is the face of Change is ,to do like Ben Ali ,escape to thugs kingdom in Suadi Arabia.

As All dictators,addicted to Attention,what better way to guarentee Attention than promising Utopia...i have a other words a NONE PLAN plan.Of course he would like to be seen as National Hero instead of a cold -blooded murderer,,,,so he is trying to ONLY make his blah balh in front of youths ,hoping they donbot know his really criminal past ,by trying to portrys Pillay as thug.but rhetorics and Absolution no longer work on seychellois ,they have become immune from his shits.
Listening to Michel s shits ,Pillay must feel more than ever oblige to express himself on behalf of the angry seychellois.

Anonymous said...

when Stalin forced himself on power .he also told his People he had"a five years industrialization plan".....his plan butchered millions of russians.
Maos also had a five years plan ,copied from Stalin ,whith the same did Pol Pot ,,he also his plan costed millions of CAmbogians lives,,Hilter had a plan ,a plan to murdered all jews...6 millions lost their lives...

That Michel has a could be nothing less than that of Stalin,Moas,Kim,Pol pot......Why not choose Bne Ali plan Michel..... that is escape before the People come for you...

Anonymous said...

oN AN ARTICLE ON today inseychelles ..Mrs Bonnelame said"seychellois are cynicl"and that because they refuse up to now to actively particvipate in debates(not their are no public bedates ,nor on SBC,at districts Level anywhere)on EITI.
ther fact is ,Seychellois refuse to debate anything with Pl thugs ,the same thieves who had stolen millions from illegal oil deal made by Guy Adam and Pl.....seychellois are not cynicayl ,but is a Kind of silence disapporval of pl.....seychellois will activiely particiapte on oil/EITI when Pl is gone ..they refuse any deal that pl would spearheaded not participate tno deal can take palce....which pl would like them to do ,in order to continue to rob them...fisrt tell us Mrs Bonnelame ,where has the milliom gone ,when Adam sold whatevber to foreigners iol compaNIES?

Anonymous said...

Pl court freed twi foreign crimnals in ATM crimes,saying it had to find out without international helps....rediculous as pl government.First,these guy where caught with devices aimed andvused to robbed mone on ATM machines,unless they could proven these devices were for other ourooses than frauding ATM machines,it is thus clear they travel to seychelles with the objective to rob seychelliis..What could two foreigners supposedky coming on holidays doing with devices used for frauding atm machines pl?this two criminals should have been.jailed from.premediatedky traveling to seychelles with the intention to rob....there is no other expkanation ...the same for these russians as itbakso the case for the bukgarians... it seems is a gang of international criminalborganization....hence since they were cuaght here on our soik,with devices known to be used for fraud and theft,,there need for eytra international helps,the premeditated crimes are clear and intentional other words,all these foreign criminals should have been jailed andbpk reasons given are inacceptabke unless plbjuges pocket bribes.......a guy came into the country with hard drug on hin,youbrelease him inder the pretexts that you do not have international helps..why international when the g rime could be proven.. .international helps,we will needvto get back our 2,4,billions in swiss bank.....but a crime committed on our shores need no international helps,esprcially when it is that a step pk is taking in orderbtoblease thevtwo russians soon,tobplease putin who signed a visa waiver wizh pl?the only thing one can say,pl courtbis archaic and government......they good for nothing than jsiling seychelloid.

Anonymous said...

I have been busy over the last five years and I could not implement the last five year plan.
I have been flying around in private jets, giving speeches on the Blue economy, and keeping company with lovely Lise Bastienne. Who can blame me for sitting the last five years out of touch?
Vote for me and I will implement the five year plan from five years ago in the next five years.
Give me five more!
James Michelle

Anonymous said...

Sitting and flying,walkong around ,whatever, The above are acts,the question,where are the outcomes,?..the only out omes to date ,is that michel preaches about climate chanege and environment,after finishing bal blahing sbout environment,he illegally and crookedly chopped all trees down on Assumption island.note that michrl never had any approval to give india party on.our terrizory,patrimony to india from thebpeople,though of such an important issue we have a constituzional mean for him to do so,namely vis a referrndum way,or the high way,but said,it is my plan,or no plan at all ...sound dictatorial,isn!t it!he id now on the way to the USa,and pontificate his costly and useless trip,while unable zonprovide fishermen an single ice machine.the cost of his zrip,plus five star hotel,caviar,champagn,and brothel,is enough zo buy our fisherman two ice machines......His supposedly speech at zhe UN,would be pne in an empty UN Room,not even Raoul Castor would attend,,the later is busy dealing wizhvthe usa....not zime töfor michel monology.

Anonymous said...

On la Digue,Praslin,Michelbtold the youths,“do not listen to the guy wizh white beard(pillay)“ His foolishness,has made convinced himself,zhat the youths his trying to sell his shits,do not know his criminal record,and somehow zhe thug is not him but pillay.The truth is,Pillay feel human being,and knows as accept thecfact,that as human ...he was borncto grow old and at a certain time,past having a white beard,is a god given sign of maturity,.........and human..thats godbmade...... ..Unlike Pillay,who accept gods will,azhesist Michel think his avliving god,and should stay young and internal is a complete,a mentalvdisease,,,,,,,,,what does michel with hisvgrey moustache to dissapprove gods will,he dyed it.........even when dyed,his moustachevisvnot black as he wished, but the hairs between the legs of a fruit bat......more a conic personage as a hero.

Anonymous said...

Srychellois.must also wake up and protecz zhe non tribal land from sri lsnkan,indiand onvasion.....On nation,er see zamils giving szools for eldrrly seychelloid...which is an sttsmpt to make us love them...but zhe thing there are.millions of tamols poor in sri.lanka zhat eould need zhrir help.

Seychellois.musz nake surr zhat this annual hondu religious procession that is conducted on their streezs stop......fotvit is ollegal.....rxpats workers are here to work not built zemplr and conduct religious processipn on a sovereign land thatbid not their. country in zhrvworls including ondia and sriblanka allow such things to happrn in zhrir country.........i heard these Tamil tigers withoutvproblem saying “there is to promote their hindu culture in seychelles“
In any host countries in the world,foreigners are asked to INTEGRATE,,zhat is learn about host country culzure,tradition,etc.....In Seychelles plbis allowing sri lankans,and indians to.promote snd impose their religion and culture on seychellois as if seychellois culzure should radicated .
Pl even uses and abuses seychellois to adverzise zhem,likebwe showvon nation today,wizh azheist merizon and other monkrys doing.

Any new government would have to ensure zhat zhese illegal practices purtsin by indians and sri lankan stop in our land. .they are.promoting zhemselves as colonizators and transporting theirntribal,relogious conflict on our shores insteadvon respeczing.seychellois. . ..and looking at them standing with meriton cansee their crooked ambition zovstay forrver in seychelled,,thus createvtribal gruops and religious gruop to in zhr future create conflicts,somrthing zhat do not exist in.our society.....
Pl atheists must be stopped in else out nation would be dedtroyed by indians,sri lankan hindu invaders whosecaim arebzo modifedvour land and create a litzlevindia in our society zo bullshi seychrllois .. ,

Anonymous said...

I heard Mrs Bonnelame saying “seychellois are cynical“she was making allusion on EITI ,it seems seychellois refuse to enter in debates on this issue with pl,and frankly the former is completely right not to oarticiate at this stagecwhy,?
~seychellois do not want to debate with a government they never elected.
~EITI,though a feasible means for accountability and transparency,,,,can not replace seychelles citizens,there need to be national independence and politically non partisan bodies to oversight oil revenevues.
Bodies which are no yet in place yet.
~A PUBLIC INTEREST AND ACCOUNTABILTY COMMITTEE(it can not be made of pl thieves such a body,but ordinary citizens )
Etc...etc.....etc.....these national bodies Only can have a real effect on government,not EITI,though the reporting and disclosure would be also important......EITI,can not ,for instance,decide how oil revenues would be used,only national independent monitoring bodies can have legal rights to do so.

Anonymous said...

When Michel told the youths of la Digue/Praslin“I won all past election“,he was surely not talking like a champion and strutting his stuff like he had won it all 100%(SNP+PL=100%),.He sounded like he was bleating for help.Indeed,Michel sermed frantically tapping out an S.O.S.(Save Our ship/Save Our Souls),message.

When Michel came out swinging his battle axe against (the guy with white beard),he was like the crazy man swinging a marchette at his own shadow.
Listening to Michel pontificating about the evils of the Opposition,reminded me of lines written by the Band of Avon in“The merchant of Venice“(The Devil can cite scripture for hiscpurpose,/An Evil Soul is like a villian with a smiling cheek,/A googly apple rotten atcthe heart.O,what a goodly outside falsehood hath!“
One could hear in his trumbling voice,the mimics of unsecurity on his frailing fsce,that he is reading the writting on the wall,that he will surely be buried in the grave he dug for seychellois.

Change is in the offing,Michel,..put ur plan in practice,by escaping in the dark,like Ben Ali,to thugs safe haven in Saudi ali baba.