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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Praslin Gets A Vijay Jail!

Vijay Patel, the man who built Raffles Hotel, gave us an diesel leak from the under carport fuel tanks at Raffles, which leak into the Marine Park off Praslin, now is building for the PL government of Seychelles, a new jail for Grand Anse, Praslin. 

The new jail has cells in it, to place young Seychellois men in it, as Vijay says, to keep us safe and protected. It seems Vijay is suddenly concerned over safety issues, this was evident as he set a block into soft wet concrete to set the foundation stone as Minister Charles Bastienne looked on.

Vijay is not new to Praslin.

Vijay has built the Praslin international school under the strict condition that the school is named after him. It must be called " Vijay International School". He ask for no other conditions. He built the school while building Raffles. I leave the rest to your imagination.Perhaps Raffles International School of Seychelles would have been a better name. Come on Vijay, you can do better then naming a school after you. After all, " It Is Not Unto Yourself That You Were Born". 
Seychellois are not idiots Vijay, we see right through your largess of opportunism.

Vijay Builds Swimming Called Vijay Swimming Pool Praslin

On Eve Island, Vijay built a swimming pool. His name is all over it, on the right side, then the left side. However, Vijay's motto is: " It is not unto ourselves that we are born". If that is the case Vijay, why is your name on everything for the moment. Did you miss a page on etiquette in engineering school? Or is it unto yourself that you were born and Praslin was created for Vijay Patel? I always was taught that Praslin was the original Garden of Eden, as General Gordon so eloquently declared. Now it seems Praslin has become " VIJAY EDEN" for the time being.

Vijay Puts His Name On National Monuments

How low can you go?
Raffles commissioned and paid for placement of all the National monuments signs on Praslin.
Vijay being Raffles contractor was ask to build the signs of metal and concrete.
What did Vijay Patel do?
He ordered his staff to emboss his name on each cement foundation of each monument placed on Praslin. Vijay, was your ansestors a Verlaque, La Blache, Rose, Lesperance, Athanse? Grandcourt?

What gives you the right to place your name on the foundation stones of our National Monuments?

Raffles did not pay you?

Big man, is it not " it is not unto ourselves that we are born?"

What happen to the slogan big Man?

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

Vijay is a pl member,benefitting from pl favprizism and monopolistc practices..Vijay,is one of those handful of prrsond whose firm recruits,99 percentage os cheap indian slave expats to out shores,thus take seychellois jobs and destroy our economy.
Vijsy feels like a Gutu and thinks seychellois should be his casts....and pl slavish and criminL practices made him feels the way hefeels.

Vijay,as other seychellois without indian ancestors like Gappy,Pollay,(not pillay opposition leader) and others have bern recruited by indian government and with pl atheists to modofy seychelles nation,by artificially creating a littlr india within our land,with Indian,sri lankan hindu expat workersand all that supported,promoted by pl.

Example....there is literally about less than 100 seychellois of hindu confession in seychellois....therefore no need to build a hindu Temple(bigger than many churches) ...but the fact,the hindu temple built by vijay,and soonsored by indian government,was not built for seychellois but as an ollegal indian hindu temple zo promote and make seychellois get use to indians whi dupposedly are expat workers,but are ollegally staying forever in seychelles to be the motor of indian govetnment.ambition to colonize and modify seychelles population.
How coild a responsible government illegally allow forrign hindu workers to built hindu trmple on their host country soil,,,a land they just guests in,?How come that indian and sri lankan hindu,working in seychelles,being sllow to block and march our strerts in hindu religious proccession each year,though the not seychrllois but simply guests herr?
And you have also seen their nationalidm,ethinicity and fanatism ehrn the walked illegally our streets in hindu proccesion.namely they feel ehat they are foing is tgeir right and we should allow them. .which explain why in these countrirs like india or sri lanka,we have seen tribal and religioud wars(the want to.import their religious conflicts onto our dhores and into our divide seychellois as they have divided their land
I herad,even St Ange talking about the biggest drychellloid/indian celebration next years,as if seychellois love indian volonizators,though the recent report from FREEDOM HOUSE clearly shoes that seychellois to not love these indians colonizators but hate thrm and want to dee their among reduce on our doil..aBit pl dictatorial sytem,thinks thry could make us love indian ms by force,and if pl thugs love indians seychrllois would auzomatic love.them too.
Vijay,is an Indian/ pl thug promoting indian colonial ambitions of indian in seychellrs. And their arrogance,and pl laiisez faite and slavidh mentality had made bozh vijay and indian govt have a feel they can make seychelllois cats in their oen land.

U remember whrn pillay padt away,,,pl abused state media and dictazrd to seychrllois to go and wotdhip a pillays dtatue as if we are casts of pillay.
Have you sern in ur life,madagasciand and other foreign eorkers dancing illegally on our dtreets,or illegally building temples on our soils,or gave zheir cilture promoted as if it is seychrlles national rvrnt.on state mediad?nevet,but domehow,each pl abuses out state mediad,to film indisn raising ibdian flag on our shores,fiml the illrgal tamil,indian hindu proccesiion on our streets,indian / seychrllrs fake celrbration that seychellois do not evrn recognizr thrmsrlves in,nor participate..
We see,tamil tigers,who are workerd here,ptomzing the confliczual religion on our national mesias,zhe same religious practices and fanatism that ignited sri lankan civil war. ...tamil havr given themselves the right,though only workerd here to promote their imported tamil ziger religious conflict on our shores,supported and promoted by pl thugs using nationsl s

Anonymous said...

Vijay wants to be worship as a GURU and have seychellois kneel in front of him as his casts...His actions are tolered and promoted by pl irresponsible thugtocracy and secretly sponsored by indisn govt via pl
.What rights have indian and sri lankan tamil hindus,who are here as guest workers,to block and march in hindu religious proccession on our streets each year pl,when they are not seychellois and seychelles not their country?
What rights have indian and tamil have in seychelles as foreign workers to build hinduvtemple and colonize seychelles national medias with the crooked help of pl on our shores?does indian and sriblankan govt have jurisdiction on seychellois?

The predatory aspirations and expantionist ambizions ofvindian govt to annex seychelles is not new,NEHRU,was quite promt in affirming that“india is likely to dominate politically and economically the indian ocean“. But unlike,NEPAL,BHUTAN,SRI LANKA,MALDIVES AND MAURITIUS,who shares indian culture,tradition,religion and tradition with india,and india had been seasily able control them,,Seychelles has only a handfulbof seychellois wizh indian origine zhe criminal objective by indian govt and pl to try to artificialky create a fake indian community in our land to spred up indian colonial ambition,as eqaully modify seychellois nation.
Why we never see,expat workers from madagascar,kenya,and other nations dancing on our strrets likevthese indian and tamil expats?well,unlike these indians and tamils,these other expats tacitly believe,that as foreigners,they have not right tovdo so ..But not indians and tamils,,they think,they gave a rights tovdocso,ehich shows their archaic,fanatic and nstionist mentality,which make zhem believe they have the same rights as seychellois,andcto even impose theirvwill onvus,force theircreligion,culture and tradition on order to create these religious and tribal conflicts common in theirvown country.....whrn i say,these handful of tamil expats,on our national medias,wizh meriton onvtheir side and without problem telling us“they want tonpromote their culture in seychellesxas seychellesvisvtheirvhomeland,it give us a taste andvunderstandingvehyvin sriblanka there was a long religious civil war,,,forvzhey are fanatic and auzhoritative.......instead of learning of zheir host country cukture,tradition,custom,relion,,,they trll us they would inpose theirsconbus.
Have u ever seen,french,british,andvother ambassies raisingvtheir dalgs on iur shores each year and filmed by pl and broadcastvonbour national medias as ifvitcis a seychelles national event?no,becuase they knowbitbis not normal practice and no wherezhis is indian,,it year plvsend onezim gilm them promoting indian annexation onbour land and promote it as national event as zhe illegal expat hindubproccession.

Zhis illegal hindu expat religious proccession is becoming the artificial nationalbrrligious celebrationbofcseychrlles,thoigh cazholism has 90.99 %seychellois and only less than hundred seychelloischindu..
Christian religious proccession,wizh the exception on la digue religiousbproccession,have been cancelled and replsced by expat hindu workers proccession.
We.must stop vijay,plvand zhe indian govt criminal objective,which consust of creating artificialvztibal clan on our society which would,on the long term,create conglicts on.outbland,imported by foreigners who arebjust workers inbour land.


Anonymous said...

Vijay is the biggest asshole to be produced by SPPF. He makes Ramadoss look like a lentil.
Under no circumstances should Vijay name be on our National a monuments.
Mr. Gill is 100 /100 on this.
We should all stand up and support his call.

Anonymous said...

Vijay,is doing that a dictator michel is afraid to do,naybeamely has his names on all buildings and maybe,with pls bessing ,has himself admire in lurid posters all around the country.Create his idealized worship image,that is an personality similar to divinization.He apperently dreaming of gigantic hordes of people rythmically shouting out his name...glorify,pontify,saintify him as living god.This nothing than the search for cult personality:A kind of SELFIE OBSSESSION,to match termilogies of the 21st century, is a chronic mental disorder,zhat only LAZIL has solutions to deal with.
Vijay is a pl member and financier,who befenit and fsvored by pl when it comes to contruction contracrs......he is also a major contractor that help kill seychellois jobs and economy,by his dependency on cheap foreign labours.He has become,one of the most aggressive and perverse monopolist in the country,thus killing small and medium seychellois companies in the construction business.ZONM LIB IS GONE,PL NEEDS A LIVING MUMMY AS MASCOT ....GURU VIJAY IS the new pl idol.

Anonymous said...

I did not realised that this Indain is engraving his Name on all buildings on Praslin....i am going to start a campaign of demolition soo ,to get This devel Name off our national assets,including the Prison.And one question ,should there be a prison on Praslin when there is one ,brand new built with >Tax payers Money to cater the supposedly Somali pirates that no longer exist?Pl of course ,disguise itself under the banner of PRISON for Somali Pirates ,but the fact is Pl has illegal signed a deal with European,CHinese and others to accept all pirates around the world on seychelles soils,,,and in return pocket millions from These countires ,,,MONEY SEYCHEELOIS DONO>T SEE as always..How much Pl earn annually to take world pirates in prisons on seychelles soil::.Michel?WHy not this prison ,instead to incarcerate seychellois criminals .Michel'

Anonymous said...

There is no reason whatsoever for VIJAY to place his name on a single national monument or national building.
I believe strongly that no one in PL even knew about this practice.
I will
Address it and ask they his name be removed on all our national monuments.
It is cultural graffiti and an act of cowardly disgrace.
VIJAY should be a shame of himself.
But it is clear, he has no shame.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

We must address it,as well as tge other opposition leadera

Anonymous said...

ON Todays NATION,ONEZIM printed two photos of michel and ilks in the parking of UN,and not when he was makingvhis monologue......Therr is a reason for that,namely,,Michel was talking to him in a UN rmpty room.
NATION,also picked up parts of Obamas speech....what fits pl.

Here are some sentrnces of Obama
“i recognize that democracy is going tobtake different forms from.different parts of thecworld.The very idea of a people governing themselves depends upon government giving expression to their unique culturr,unique history and unique experiences.I believe a government that suppresses peaceful dissent is not showing strengzh;it is showing fear.History shows that regimed who fear theirvown people will eventually crumble,but strong institutions built on consent of the governed endure long after any one individual is gone“
On syria war and thugs like michel,Obama said“let me start from.a simple premise:Catastrophes like what we are seeing in Syria,do not take place in countries where there is genuine democracy and respect for the universal values this institution is supposed to defend.“in other words,the war in syria is caused by Dictator Assad ,who refused to give his people back zheir country,,,which is also a message for thug michel.
ON DEMOCRCYObama said;“it is not simply a matter of principles;it is not an abstraction.Democrcy~~i.clusive Democracy~~makes countries stronger.When opposition parties can serk power peacefully through the ballot,a country draws upon new ideas.When a free media can inform the public,corruption and abuse are exposed and can be rooted out.When civil society thrives,communities can solve problems that govts cannot necessarily solve alonr.“
On Dictators like michel,Obama siad“leadrrs who amend conszitutions to stay in office only acknowledge that they failed to build a successful country for their people~because none of us last for tells us that power is something zhey cling to for its own sakr,rather than for the betterment of those they purport to serve“......zhings pl failed to write in nation

Anonymous said...

You lot stop having a go at Michel. You should all look at the root of the problem. The mess we are in today is the result of 5th June 1977. This was masterminded by the great FAR. Suddenly, everyone has forgotten about the old FARt. It is unfair to vent out all your frustrations on JAM. Whilst I agree JAM was party to the 5th June conspiracy, I firmly believe JAM is not half as bad as FAR. Today, we can all openly voice our opinions thanks to JAM. If FAR was still around you would only get the chance to express yourself once, then you either 'disappear al la Hassan ali' or you meet with an 'accident a la Simon Desnousse'. I am not advocating JAM is innocent, but let us not forget the old FARt. Maybe JAM should make a complete U-turn and have a go at FAR to save his own skin. Time of reckoning is fast approaching. ZenKlu

Anonymous said...

I read in an article TODAY IN SEYCHELLES,that the opposition is in dissaray.I am sure the whole zany affair gave tyrannausor~in~chief and ilks much needed comic relief in the coming weeks.
The best place for resolution of public dispute among opposition parties,is never public,but in intra~and inter~organization i am going to sermonize a little bit here.If the blicking,name calling,and all the silly stuff continues,the opposition will end up in mutual assured destruction as the tyrannausor look pn with glee.
The opposition has far many important tasks to accomplish.They need to be doing more by way of unity,min ilizing,motivating ,and inspiring the people with their ideas and plans.
I see no need for the opposition leaders to act in a vaudevillian comedy show directed at each other.That is why i am asking them to develop and adopt a voluntary code of conducts to govern a common adversary.

Working together reauires creating harmonious working relationdhip founded on mutual respect,and understanding.Practically,this means,advancing the interests of the people over partisan politics,advancement of ones agenda,career and ambition,status.Stated simply,the people need to be assured that in the opposition,they are not swapping Tweedledee for Tweedledum.

It seems,Ramadoss,a fake seychellois,an indian govt spy,wants to dictate the direction the opposition needs tovtake,and who must be by his dictation the common candidate of the opposition to stand against rlection rigger and tyrant,michel.Dito Ram serms to want to by dictation to elect himself ,and by proclaiming himself the legitimate opposition candidatr.

Well,Ramadoss as forrigner has nothing tovdo in seychellois politics,and in anyway be involving and dictating his will of politics in seychelles.Nor has Ram any rights and might to dictate his will and self proclaimed himself candidate ofcthevopposition unilaterally.
How should the common presidential candidate of thecopposition be chosen?Surely not by dictation from an indian national to likes of Ramadoss,nor by self~proclamation of a party leader or another.The first thing,the opposition need and must do is...CPME TOGETHER and DEVELOP A COMMON MANIFESTO,
Than througth an intern debate,Election Cchose the best leader within the Opposition to be their official,common candidate,andcof course other traits would also be needed to determine who would be the common candidate,such as Popularity of the Opposition leaders in the country,experience etc......Anyone who delf proclaimed himdelf as opposition candidate,without consent of all parties,and via an election or agreement,must be considered no different from pl ,namely someone with dictatorial ambition.

Anonymous said...

This swimming pool should have been named: " Kenny Roberts Swimming Facility".
Kenny Roberts is the national hero who made Seychelles proud over and over again, and again......not Vijay self engrossed persona.
Kenny Roberts is the national hero who took swimming to new heights not VIJAY the self engrossed Persona so full of himself, he places his name twice on a building, in case you miss the first sign with his name.
Kenny Roberts is the national hero who used swimming to get a full scholarship to Clemson University.
Kenny Roberts is a national hero who returned to Seychelles instead of taking USA Citizenship. Vijay retains Indian Citizenship and says he is Indian not a Seychellois.
This is what James Michel produces for us.

Sesel Pou Seselwa! Pa Pou VIJay!

Misel aret Donne nou Gren!