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Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Dear FB friends,

I am referring to Mr. Joel Morgan’s publication made on Facebook page “Lari Bazar” in regards to my speech on the Lalyans Seselwa PPB (Party Political Broadcast) the night before the first round of Presidential elections.

I have a clear and loud message for Mr. Joel Morgan. I have never been and will never be afraid of my own shadow. The least I expected from Mr. Morgan was a formal apology for not doing his job as requested by President James Michel after my visit with him at the State House. Mr. Morgan, you are a public servant and you are earning your fat salary from the tax payers money. You failed to deliver and please do not come back to me to tell me that you are going to sue me. You have the right and please check with President James Michel and prove me wrong. It was in the presence of Mr. Alain Butler Payette that President James Michel confirmed your name as the Minister who would come to Praslin to follow- up on my request of land exchange in lieu of money for the land acquired by P.U.C. for reservoirs at Mont Plaisir, Praslin.

I do not want to believe that President James Michel would have mistaken you for Mr. Jacquelin Dugasse as you claim.

Mr. Joel Morgan, my advice to you is that you attentively listen once again to my speech on the Lalyans Seselwa PPB because I never confirmed at any instant during my speech that you stole the land, I did say that you came to Praslin as I was promised by the President James Michel to meet up with me for finalizing the land exchange.

To the contrary, you came to Praslin and got yourself a property at Marie Jeanne, Praslin where you have built yourself two blocks of flats which you were renting to La Reserve Hotel and now to Le Domaine de La Reserve. I quoted that I heard but do not know whether it is true that Mr. Joel Morgan paid only one Seychelles rupee for the parcel.

I also said something else which was not broadcasted. I emphasized that my land was not a state land and that I went to work in Kenya to pay for my land. It was in Nairobi that I almost lost my life when I was attacked by carjackers. When I was there working in this dangerous country to settle the payment of this property, the P.U.C. took the advantage of my absence to take my property for building reservoirs without my consent. “ You all people that commented negatively against me after that Mr. Joel Morgan published his post in Lari Bazar find it normal that I am still begging on my knees to the government to exchange a piece of state land in lieu of financial settlement. I was offered only one hundred and thirty eight thousand rupees for the said land which I refused. My property is in the vicinity of Le Lemuria five-star Resort with an eighteen-hole golf course. I find the offer inappropriate and I will never accept it.

 Mr. Joel Morgan, please let me remind you that this has been going on for the last fifteen years and I am still here waiting to this land exchange from the government in vain. I know for sure multiple same cases which have been dealt with in no time and accordingly. How much patience can a man have? Is it not a shame for PARTI LEPEP to turn people into beggars for their own legitimate rights. I woke up daily and “ debrouye “ as you all often say to buy my land. It is a real disgrace....

It is not a favour that I am begging for; it is simply my right as the legitimate owner of this land acquired by P.U.C. I pay all my P.U.C. Bills well on time monthly. P.U.C. is a profitable corporation and I am pretty sure that in the event that I do not settle my bills on time, disconnection will take effect.

To cut the long story short; it is crystal clear in my mind that someone is looking for sympathy and mercy here. Please whoever it is do your utmost to get your point right and clear.

 Mr. Morgan, for your information as stipulated in your post I do not have any records for being a liar, nor defame and lie through my teeth. I have no intention to be one any time soon. Mr Morgan, I hope that you find a little time to read my note through. Mr. Morgan I have the impression that you want to justify your act of failing to deliver instead of seeing the real claim and my problem face to face...

I am shocked to learn from Mr. Morgan that there are several plots of land in the same vicinity that have been similarly developed. I personally cannot find any other development in the same area apart from the two blocks built by Mrs. Morgan. Mr. Morgan, please prove me wrong. Mr. Joel Morgan I had no intention what so ever to destroy your character nor of others. I simply said the truth.

 I do not know how you do it Mr. Morgan, saying that this is your wife’s business. You want to make me and the readers believe that you are unaware of your spouse business and you simply turned the blind eye.

 I have read all your comments of sympathy after your post was published and I have one and only message for them…..

 Not a single one of them could at least say to Mr. Morgan that this guy is right for having waited for 15 years in vain. They were all also deaf when I delivered my speech on Lalyans Seselwa’s PPB.

Hey guys “ your comments did not turn me neither hot nor cold.”

 I have a special mention for Mr. Gustave De Commarmond. Thank you for your comment of which I appreciated immensely. “Lock him up and throw away the keys.” You better keep dreaming.

 I earn my respect through my hard work and dignity. This no one can take away from me. I have got news for you....

Should anyone find the necessity for further clarifications, please do not hesitate to call me on 2516023.

I look forward to your phone calls.

Achille Savy

Editor’s note:The above was posted in Gossip corner in reply to Minister Morgan’s post following the author’s PPB but was sadly removed by the administrators of the group.


Anonymous said...

What mr Savy is,asking Morgan is why this is simple case that should have been already solved is still going unsettle after 15 years?When face with the question,Morgan flew off the handle,expoded and ignited into spontaneous self~combustion........But Mr Savy is not the first to experience Morgans narssisstic character,,,her wife lives it on a daily basis,i was told.Everytime he is chalenged and confronted on facts and amateurishness ,he has a complete meltdown.
Instead of pointing an accusatory finger at Mr Savy for his incompetency and failure to solve the land issue with Mr Savy,Morgan has lost al rationality,commonsense ,Morgan threatened to sue Mr Savy for claiming his property right raped by PUC,thus pl....what for a wicked this incompetent guy is!
,Called him over to Praslin in order settle the case.....what did,Morgan do instead?He came overcto Praslin,abused his offcialdon gfted himself government land,that Praslinois are waiting forca plot for years,built hinself appartments to rentcto expats thereby kills Praslinois licensed existing rental businesses while not even be a resident of Praslin.
MR savy has hitted a raw nerve by exposing Morgan flaws.........
We calling on Michel to take inmidiate,actions against Morgan amateurism and tame him before he help destory thr already frailing pl.Morgan suffers from Tall Man Syndrome(narcissism)...he would alows try to disparage others......Hecmust be stopped.........

Anonymous said...

When you accuse John Wayne of cooking the public and not solving the Publics issues, you better carry a bazooka to out run his attacks.
Joel has truely forgotten his job description.

Anonymous said...

On todays,Nation,oneime posted pictures,of Iranians,butchered by iranians in Iran. But not single picture of ah time,gerald and other seychellois butcherd by pl in 1976 ... what connection does seychellois have with those iranians that pl posted thir pictures on our national media?

Anonymous said...

Guys have u ready the commentd made by Liane on Nations letter tocthe Editor,?i would be pleased to challenge this guy,,,for hecis taking seychellois for all idiot and michel a saint....he told he is an english expert,,,.While he is an english languistic expert,i have a degree in philosophy and sociology ,i would be pleased to debatecwith him on the,issue,and show him publicly what for con he is.he talking about,God,mind..etc......i would make him shut his mouth forever.

Anonymous said...

Land is an expert in aroma therapy as well.
He is a nut bag.
Unworthy of a reply.

Anonymous said...

He is trying tovtell us,that literally ,creole is,a shit language and English is a suprior language..Well,what he ignores is that English isxwhat it is becuasexof slavery and colonization,else it would have stayed a minority language in europe.he tries to make must beleive god anfcanimald or,fishes are the same thing.Of coursexwe can comunicate with god created man in his imagethat is laine,god looks men,and that god donot answer,is becuase god does not answer by words but spiritually.
Andcsince he thinks wr donot know english well,i just wantctocremind him,that many forrigners,including Seychrllois taking A level in english excel,while Britsh failed to pass their A level in their own mother tongus,and that by thousands each year.

Anonymous said...

Liane should gocandcdigchis headcin the sand...this guy tels that brcause seycellios thinks of shit as Kaka in creole the meaningcof the noun change its meaning....hevprobably thinks that ciel in french is not the same as sky,simply becuase the french guy think in french.An object does not change it form,its colour,itcposition because a swedish uses other words to describe something in his language...nor does kaka in creole become or means sonethong else,as shit in englidh donkey......
A seychelois sitting in uk uni succeed and exceled a brit on the,same subject not because he thinks of subject theorycin creole becauseche master the theory......beter than the brit not incwhich languagechectjinks........kakavin creolecis the same as shit incenglish...the fact that u nations havecdifferent names for the same things dovnot change thing.......liane is tryingcto makexus believe becuase seychellois say kaka for shit,,thr meaning become different........what for an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Seychellois diaspora in uk,srnt letter of complain to Cameron for his letter of congratulation to terrorist michel and his state terrorist party today the 9th Feb 2016.

Anonymous said...

Check...Seychelles see Josette Houreau letter to Cameron.

Anonymous said...

Indeed a congratulatory letter is far from appropriate give the dubious election.

Anonymous said...

Pl is under assault........sepec,stc 24 monthly salary before assenbly elections.........what all the public servants like nurses,firemen,military and so forth working 24 on 24 hours,al year around.....?pl would have to buy their votes by offering what? 2 ,years salary? He would bankrupt and empty tax payers coffer once again.what,about if nurses,firemen claim for 16 month salary by taking to the streets,,?what,about if srychelois paying taxes protest,against pl forcusing their tax contributiob to discriminatory pay astronomic monthly salary to only some public servants with their contribution?it would be long before pl falls .

Anonymous said...

It seems to me,that itcwould not be even the oposition calling for street protest that would bring pl down,but plcown decrinimatory public fund,abuse and favoritism that would push seychellois all around the country to take to the streets and michel might need to flee to uae like ben ali fleed to saudi arabia to escape poetic justice from the,angry population,if he donot,he would endcup as gadhafi a a sewage rat.

Anonymous said...

Pl lawyer asked the election dismissed because pl cannot defence it,robbery,Mathilda with US and irsh govt protection refused ntimidation said know,.

Anonymous said...

I the courtcroom Bernard George excelled poorly qualified Govinden,,,the only thing thevlater could was ...iwould not be control by anyone.....butcwe,all know he a slavecof,Michel ,,wwithout michel he unemployed.

Anonymous said...

NATION writes“tourist,arrival record inJanuary,that includes,TRANSIT PAX“Air transit and pax who just change flight was and is andcwill never be consider,ARRIVAL PAX. a transit pax cannot be consuder an artivalbpax if he or she change flight at the airport,,,,,,,,in the tourism.industry arrivalbiss when a pax enter the country and over night at least one day in the countrys who would stay at the airport overnight to catch hs flight the next day is not consider asxarrivalbpax .....only pl donkeys do.

Anonymous said...

EU would gve pl money for climate change told us,this is because previous projects,were successfully inplemented....however pl cannot givectell us which project it,gas successfully implenmented....i guess maybe buying votes.
At,Grand Anse,Praslin,though stone barriers built by individuals,land errosion continues at the,speed of light.I,have been going there on a regular basis to see for myself the damage and have bern thinking on what could be a better effective solution to,deal with,erosion,at,Grand Anse.......and i,strongly believe zhat,zhe best,way to tamper the,erosion at,Grand,Anse Praslin would be,to construct Reclaim island....infront of these beaches mostly affected...I say zhat because l have seen,for instance atcla,Digue Port that,seen the barrier was built just infront,of zhe Pier,,beaches near the Pier that before was small have became much bigger and larger than before zhe barrier was built.This,is also true,for beaches at cascade etc on Mahe where reclaimed island,were built.
I believe zhe,same effects of beaches protection would happen at Grand Anse should reclaimed islands are built zhere...for zhe reclaimed islands would reduce zhe force of zhe sea.....
It,also realized that party of reasons why,Grand Anse,coasts is so affectedcis because,the corals bariers that once broke the force of the waves thereby provide a natural barriers have die because past weather desasters like Elinio........andcif man does not intervene zhe,Grand Anse,Praslin coast would be reduced dasticaly in coming yearss and thereby reduce the supeficy of Praslin.
Maybe money being given by,Eu etc...could be used for this purpose zhan to buy votes,and embezzlement by pl



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