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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Seychelles Needs A Minister of Happiness

Seychelles is faced with one challenge after another. She has faced national bankruptcy, IMF intervention, devaluation of currency, revaluation of currency. Along the way, the ordinary Seychellois and anyone else that calls Seychelles home as the plethora of Fabrikes commenting on our politics these days, have had to endure downturn, turmoil and now political instability and possibly political mayhem.

Create A Ministry of Happiness

We need to keep are perspective. At time leaders and followers alike can get tied down to dogma, ideology or the lack of it. Human beings all have a quest to seek out happiness. Arguably, from what I have witness, there is no country unhappier in the Indian Ocean then Seychelles. To address this quest to be happy, PL should initiate the creation of a Ministry of Happiness, to address the reasons why people are so unhappy, and to implement measures, lobby other ministries to insure unhappiness in Seychelles is a thing of the past.

What Will Ministry of Happiness Address?

The Ministry of Happiness can address any issue. Let's start with the hard issues. The hardest social issue of the day, is the killings before, after the coup. Ministry of Happiness can meet with the families of use victims. The Ministry can compile the records and personal testimony. It can advance the sentiments of the families forward. They do not have to resort to Facebook all year. A apology can be negotiated, to allow these families to heal. Compensation for pain and suffering organized and administered, though money will not address the loss and pain, but it is something. It will help move the country forward and we will heal slowly.

The Social issues

Today, drugs is ravaging our country. To bear witness to the amount of drug addicts on the street each day, as I drive my children to school is simply astonishing. Ben Vel from DAC tells me in 2007 Praslin  had 200 intravenous drug users. Today, he suspects the number has reached 1500. We are in a chaotic situation we need help. Ministry of Happiness can ID these users, reach out to them, prepare a plan of action for them, before they die. Ministry of Social Affairs, poor man, Minister Vincent Meriton is simply dumbfounded with the magnitude of social problems he must face. He is openly saying on SBC, he does not have resources to tackle issues. In his ministry he is now suffering from shortage of competent able staff. The problems are enveloping us as a Nation.

National Reconciliation

The Ministry of Happiness can address and deal with the portfolio of National Reconciliation. It must be done. The strategy being embarked by James Michel is morally wrong. Similarly Ramkalawan's strategy is morally wrong. We must chart a third way, to bring the country to peace with itself. Remember the words of Jesus: " an eye for an eye, will leave the whole world blind", " love your neighbor, pardon your enemy". What's up, did everyone forget these wise words?

Collect Ourselves!

The Nation must collect itself, no longer are we a young new Nation, with a margin of error that can be classified as " luxury". Today, Seychelles can no longer make errors upon errors, blunders upon blunders. Yes, we cannot have State House dubbed " Playboy House". Yes, we cannot continue to pillage state assets, enrich a select group of families, at the expense of the people. Yes, we must heal. To heal, will mean, to move forward. To do this, dear Seychellois, on all sides, will mean that we all come to our senses.

First step- Ministry of Happiness!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

Mr Gill, I propose you as the Minister of Happiness & I second you as well. This role will be for a period of 2 years and can be extended for a further 2 years, subject to your performance. Your remit will be to bring about a working political coalition, with a view of addressing all the injustices that were perpetrated from 5th June 1977 to date. Addressing the injustices will NOT be on the basis of 'an eye for an eye'. It will have to be on a forgiveness basis and where possible compensation, return of property. Most importantly the perpetrators must be ready to ask for forgiveness, i return victims must be prepared to forgive. Go on Mr Gill you can get the ball rolling.

Anonymous said...

A minister of Happiness would be able to assess the real issues facing people and propose solutions in real time, many ministries know the problems but they just file them and the file gets lost.
Happiness is the most sought after objective of every human being. While the proposal sounds funny it makes so much sense.
I applaud the proposal.

Anonymous said...

I welcome this proposal. I work at Raffles. Imam very unhappy. Because I am a Seychellois I get paid less then an expatriate in a management post. Thie company also makes me work longer hours for less money. I feel I am being victimized or discriminated by the company. I cannot leave because I have loans to pay. I am trap. I would be much happier in my work and happy to contribute if I as being paid the same as a expatriate for same work. I cannot approach minister of employment because she ignores this issue and I feel she will side with the big money company and foreigner protection policy. A minister of Happiness could address this.

Anonymous said...

Miniister of Happiness could negotiate solution to conflicts between different politicians and public. Interesting. Seychelles could surely use one if it had these powers.

Anonymous said...

Yes man. We all want happiness?

Anonymous said...

We live in paradise but we are so unhappy. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Wise words Christopher Gill. I hope both sides listen. Wise words.

Anonymous said...

We live pardise but govern by devils.

Anonymous said...

Happiness only exist for pl thugs robbing us dry.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully our President will find time to appoint a Happiness Minister soon. Maybe JRM will be a contender.

Anonymous said...

JRM has no credibility. Plus he pees in his pants and cannot hold his bladder anymore.

Anonymous said...

I love this idea -- Ministry of Happiness. We really need one in Seychelles.



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