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Monday, June 20, 2016

Seychelles Opposition Overflows in Rally

The Seychelles Opposition LDS has overflowed into a massive rally in Grand Anse, Mahe today one week after flooding the the streets of Victoria with 3,000 protestors over Fair Elections.
The Sunday  Rally in Grand Anse started as a motorcade and finished with a 10,000 strong turn out burying the turn out of James Mancham Former President on April 12, 1992 for turnout.

Same-O Same-O

This time, the same people who met Sir James Mancham in 1992 and hung from tree branches to greet him, were calmly sitting in their portable folding chairs with the. Same-O determination to remove the PL from their position of ongoing arrogance in the face of staggering statistics such as: 1. 40% National Poverty, 2. 50% of our children go to sleep hungry, 3. 4000 Drug addicts for a population of 87,000, 4. Near 1000 young men incarcerated, making Seychelles No. 1 for incarcerating men in the World per 1000 population, 5. Tourism Arrival is 19 % increase- but national yield is -1% according to the World Bank, 6 IMF has given us a three month projection instead of a twelve month projection, because it is un secured in the direction of the country, 7. Foreigners are treated like kings in the land of the pauper Seychellios who government believes, the best business for Seychellois is street cleaning and baley zig making. The list of acrimonious failure is endless.

We Do not Care Who leads

Supporters are now so grounded in their quest for change, they no longer care who leads the opposition. Wavel Ramkalawn is facing a court order to strike his name from the voters list. Opposition members do not care if his name is struck from the list. They are more determined then ever for change and they are more united then ever, since April 12, 1992 ( Day of Treason and Betrayal ) then ever. Strike or do not strike, the resolve for change will not be deterred.

Mancham Sings Along With Michel

At the constitutional  Flag ceremony Mancham sang along with Michel and held hands.......that has been going on since April 12, maybe you will all believe me. It was all cute and very silly, but it ignored the dire need for national dialogue with the right parties to move the country forward. Hugging Mancham only makes matters worse for all of us since no one in the opposition will receive him for even a lunch today.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom loving Seychellos!


Anonymous said...

Michel and Mancham...the ghost and the spirit are in complete oblivion and lost in their own disillusion.Michel blah blah about constitution while he has been raping for the last 4 decades.He blah blah about unity as if coup detat,rigging elections,are traits that bolster unity.
The protest mustcontinue until Michel unconditional negociate,resign.
Michel was warned that the wind of change blowing over north Africa would not stop at our boarders.........we told him to be ware of those bearing olive branches....he ignore for he thought he would outwit us.
We can not remain silence anymore,for we would be guilty of complice.Civil disobedience seens the only way to win ourcivil rights and take our country back.
The clock is ticking for Michel....he does not much time left to negociate and save his ass or face the proples power

Anonymous said...

Michel has been enveloped in Mancham's illusions.
It is a diversion.
Press forward do what must be done to effect change in the country.
Seychelles cannot continue to be hostage to Michel's blunders.
In the end, the country and the people suffer.

Anonymous said...

Pile Pil Lo li.

Anonymous said...

Michel wake up from your dream.
Initiate dialogue before you lose control of the country.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Michel do you not see that your arrogance has back fired on you?
Mr. Michel do you not see your strategy to mis treat Seychellois make them suffer has back fired on you?
If you have any decency left in you why don't you call for national dialogue to regain some self respect?
The kingdom of Heaven is most assessible to the worse among us.
This means if you open your heart to these people in units picture, the kingdom of Heaven will be yours.

Anonymous said...

Too late for dialogue. We want our country back so that everybody can have a decent life and not only a few who live in luxury. They are bankrupting the country through corruption and incompetence. The sooner they are out the better,so we can rebuild.

Anonymous said...

I understand your aggression too well. But take a minute, reflect and see what is around you. Here are some tips-

1. The court system is rigged,

2. Commission of Elections is rigged,

3. Le Pep is now advancing the policy " Ek Nou Pa Ek Nou" in direct contravention of the founding principle of the Republic: " Sesel Pou Seselwa".

4. The economy is in tatters and Le Pep is releasing false numbers. Only last night Mr. Michel said this year, we will have plus 4% GDP. Amazing, we have never achieved that in the last 10 years, and we are worse off this year, then the last 10 years.

5. If Opposition responds with " Pil Lo Li" as the mantra, you must take this to the streets then up to State House, oust him from power.

The Opposition cannot play lion and then call foul like sheep with this type of mantra. You must march, you must have a strategy of civil disobedience, which requires discipline in ranks and file of protestors. You must also be willing to unseat a president by will of the people because he is arguably not a legitimate leader.

If you cannot do this as an Opposition, you must seek dialogue. Find common ground, get concessions move the country in the right direction. Do not slash and burn ,act responsibly. I suggest this path, because I do not believe the Opposition is discipline enough at this stage to make a people movement to oust Michel.

Maybe I am wrong.

The choice if ever was in your hands, it is now.

Choose your weapon, dialogue or people movement?

Whatever you do, remember our founding principle of Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Do not become what PL has become today.

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

World Bank reports -1.5 % 2015. Le Pep never replied to this.

Anonymous said...

Mr Gill, I hope LDS has a very strong plan ahead for thee next 8 to 12 weeks. LDS will need it. JAM is too arrogant to welcome and reciprocate dialogue. Looking and observing from the outside, this is what I can observe:

It appears that LDS has already chosen their weapon. 'Peaceful demonstrations' and exposing PL lies, corruption, victimisation etc. These chosen weapons will NOT unseat JAM and will not invite JAM to the table for dialogue either.

On the other hand, JAM has increased his presence on SBC. PL activists are working overtime, doing all they can to discredit and victimise LDS supporters. This is backfiring. See the latest case of a Mr Clive Roucou. I believe this is an 'own goal'. We can see creation of PDM version 2 ! This tactic will not work either. JAM is really at a lost. PL, JAM, FAR & Co have too many skeletons in the closet, hence defending this closet at all costs. Don't be surprised if PL initiates violence !

We are heading to 'check mate' situation ! God Help Us !

Anonymous said...

Whether michel like it or not,this growth of national consciousness is a political.Does,he sense the urgency of giving a close look at himself in the mirror...........the people donot love you Michrl,they want a divorce.Each generation wants new symbols,new people,they want to divorce themselves from their predecessors.

Anonymous said...

I disaGGREE WITH YOU ,,THE MEANS USE ARE EFFECTIVE.....HOW THEY ARE USED WOULD PROVIDE ITS REAl effects..I expalin..At the momonet street protest is being done at Local/district level...apprently LDS is prepapring its supports for more massive protests ......Massive means NAtional protest ...that ^means in all distircts at the same time would overhelm Pls police thugs in case Michel send them to brutalize citizens ....Moreover ,NationaL PROTEST MUST BE DONE IN STRAGETIC WAY ---THART IS UNLIKE THE PROTEST IN vICTOIRA WHEREBY THE PROTESTERS WAlked along the pirate arms restaurant and when they reached the clock tower they turned left ....In a national protest they would not turn left but go directly in front of State house gate ......In other words protests must be on streets like at the Airport .Port,statehouse ans other stragetic palces that would paralyze the country and make it unrule able for pL....STRAtegic targets donot means one can prohibit citizens to rally in front of state house gate .nor walk the roads that give access to the airport or port,RDIO STRATION ,,,,,..etc........

This no powerful means to fight a dictaotiral system than protests ..recent history showed this in Lybia ,Egypt ,Venezula,Tunesa etc,,,,,,,,,


Anonymous said...

4:25 Thanks for your input. I cannot recall saying the peaceful demonstration were not effective. I explained that the current peaceful protest will not unseat JAM. This is just a little detail.

I agree if LDS has got a co-ordinated national protest strategy, then we might see a different result. However, knowing our peace loving Seselwa - most of us (me included) will run back home when JAM orders his army to fire a few AK47. In fact they only have to fire blanks and we will be back to square one ! For reference purpose, I will sign off as 338.

Anonymous said...

Question to all -

Base- Clearly LDS has the power to call 10,000 people on a hair comment on Facebook. Le Pep cannot call its people like this, they must organize big rallies with big budgets, help from big contractors. So they will likely do one or two rallies and a single motorcade to keep face.

Premise- what is LDS objectives: 1. Short term, 2. Immediate, 3. Medium term? This has to be determined.

Once determined, then you will be better able to plan your strategies and better tweek mass protest,

Michel must hold the line at all cost. But his people do not. They can join LDS.

Anonymous said...

Majority National Assembly

Push Michel to resign

Push Gappy to resign

Push for CJ to resign.

Anonymous said...

Unlike in the 70s whereby pl butchered innocent seychellois and buried them on graveyard at all discrecy from the world......In the 21st century all atrocities committed by thugs on their people are bradcasted LIVE on BBC,CNN and other media........That is what would happen if pl attempt to repeat thee 1977 butchering..It also means,Seychelois in the diaspora would react as well as,Western leaders and ICC would be activated and get preparre to welcome Michel and paid killers to the HAGUE.
And what about if pl starts butchering protestors,at the same time,we go house to house and butcher their family members?

As Gandhi said“strength does not come from physical capacity,nor does it comes from tanks,guns and planes.It comes from an indomitable will“That is exactly what protestors are proving.They no longer fear pl.

As odd as it seens,voilence is the weapon of the weak.To shoot and kill ana maim unarmed protestors in the streets is not a sign of strength,it is,a sign of weakness,fear and cowardice.
IT is true that dictators speak to the victims in the language of voilence and use their guns more than their brain because their raison Detre is to hate and spread hate.
And though,we donot think voilence is the right means to fight dictators........unlike in 1977,this time we reserve the right to elf defence........that what mean by house to house visit of pls thugs.

Faure,has not criminal record so far,he could avoid to be listed on michrls ccriminal record by taming Michel and should michel decided to run wide,then Faure would have to come public,express his disapproval of michel pre mediated atrocity,and avoid the HAGUE,else he would accompany Michel and killers to the Hague.
Michel have three choices:1)engage the opposition into dialogue 2)resign and pass over power to Faure so that the latter engage in negociation.4)or Michel can choose Gaddafis way,and end as gaddafi or do as,Ben Ali,escape to world dictators safe Haven in Saudi Arabia.........either way,michel wil end up in the bustbin of is up to him.

Anonymous said...

Well said.
Clearly Michel will not go the 1977 way aside from threats.
His card in hand is - 1. Possible resignation , 2. Faure take over to negotiate a return to normalcy.
Excellent cards since Faure has ZERO blood on his hands, and he has been a problem solver most of the time under Michel.
He will instinctively want to keep his hands clean given the mass division on a national level.
This leaves Michel with few options as the Opposition momentum increases. Faure can save the day along with other leaders from the Opposition.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

I agree it is time for Mr. Michel to set aside. He has been around since Independence and before. Enough already.
Lately he is making mistakes and blunders beyond our imagination. State House has been turned into a office behind Honey Pot with no respect. Time to face up to the the now deal.

Anonymous said...

At every junction of political engagement and accommodation,at every election,Michel has not missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.Now he like a crazy man swinging a machete at his own shadow.
The fuse connecred to the powder keg on which Michel is sitting on is lit It is,a very short fuse The question is when the fuse will reach the powder keg to ignite a fire

Anonymous said...

The James Michel Era- " A Time of Lost Opportunities For Seychelles"

40% Poverty after 40 years of Socialism

-1.8% Yield on 19% increase on Arrivals

25% of GDP is used to pay foreign workers

Nation divided in half

Air Seychelles sold off by half

National Bankruptcy



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