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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Seychelles Opposition Calls For Gappy To Resign!

The Seychelles opposition called on the office of Electioms  Commission today with a pick up truck, large boom box, signs, placards, and 200 protestors along with party leaders, to demand that the Commissioner of Elections Mr. Hendricks Gappy- RESIGN.

Constitutional Court Damns Gappy Commission
The Constitutional Court was the first to damn the performance of the Election Commission in the last Presidential Elections. Numerous blunders upon blunders were cited, bordering on incompetence. A heavy blame was lured on Charlie Morin in the judgment.

Saga To Remove Ramkalawan From Voters List
Wavel Ramkalawan had initially congratulated Gappy for a professional job in his speech after the challenged results were declared in December 2015. What turned his eye to Gappy is the insistence that the Elections Commission lawyer Samantha Aglae insist that Wavel Ramkalawan be delisted from the Voters List as per the Constitutional Court, pending appeal of his case.
It appears Gappy acted unilaterally, without consulting the Seychelles Elections  Commission.

LDS Promises More Protests Until Gappy is Gone

The opposition has promised more protests next week if Gappy does not resign.

Mr. Gappy, in Seychelles we need PEACE. You have had your fun in the sun, you have played your games, now do what is right: RESIGN!

Let's move our Democracy forward!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Seychelles News Now facebook page - 7135 friends.

Anonymous said...

Gappy has been the engineer of rigging is this lind of rationality that has caused politics in Seychelles to become a cesspool of appointed him a marionette and bumbling of EC.
He must resign immediately for je has brought.a shame on the EC.

Anonymous said...

3:55 posts a very valid point.
I will add- LDS must set a time limit for his resignation along with protests.
After the time limit is passed, the entire board of. The EC should resign.
If they do not resign after Gappy resigns call for a new EC.
That will apply pressure intelligently.



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Anonymous said...

Six months after the coup attempt on 25th November 1981, Rene intensified his drive to recruit baptized young boys & girls to send overseas as undercover agents with the sole purpose to infiltrate exile opposition movement inner core and to report back on any subversive activity that could potentially destabilised his regime.

Around mid-1982, one young male was sent to nearby Mauritius with the specific job to penetrate political exiles associated with Seychelles Resistance Movement there. Following the deportation of Gerard Hoarau in mid-1984 from South Africa, the young queer temporarily based in Rose Hill was instructed to divert to London to accost and man-mark the exile opposition leader. It was around the time a small number of local Seychellois started flying to London whilst few others went to France and some as far as Canada on the same monitoring mission.

Meanwhile on the ground on Mahe and Praslin, quite a number young informants were recruited and paid to spy on even their own next-of-kin.

After the assassination of the exile opposition leader in November 1985, a brother and his sister were selected and promoted, and sent to London in early 1986 to penetrate, the right-hand man of late Hoarau via his wife’s family ties, a job left behind by the queer who already been sussed out for being a traitor.

At the start of June 1986, over on Mahe, Berlouis and his co-conspirators decided to move against Rene. But with the arrival of the Indian Navy vessel, INS Vindhyagiri under Captain S. Ramsagar hampered the timing and the Defence Minister’s plan was put on hold.

The few weeks that followed, a separate new plot by exiles in London to oust Rene was hatched with the assistance of Frank Larsen, John Larsen & Wheatley. After learning of a similar plan has taken form over on the islands, contacts were made with the local group led by Berlouis with the view to have an agreed well-orchestrated joint plan to remove Rene from power once and for all. By then, Frank and John had already taken three local exiles inside a camp for briefing exercise to gain acquaintances on Mahe island strategic locations and other vital information, but no one realised amongst the three lads one of them was a betrayer, a double-agent, but who was there at the camp without his sister.

Clandestinely, the brother & sister were secretly relaying vital information of the London plan on a daily basis including the crucial visit at the camp together with the agreed joint exercise with the local group. As sensitive reporting by the two culprits was done through public phone boot, their mother became the messenger and developed a close tie with Albert Rene in her informant role as confirmed recently by their ex-Mauritian son-in-law.

Based on a distress call from the brother & sister, Albert was eventually contacted via the eldest sister and mother through local trusted presidential contact on Wednesday 3rd September 1986 in Harare and alerting Rene of the imminent coup whilst he was there attending 8th Non Aligned Movement Conference in Zimbabwe. Gandhi who then was the Chairman of the Movement lent René his own plane, Air India 001, to return to Seychelles early. According to one report on 6 September, René disguised as an Indian woman wearing a sari, was met at the airport by the Indian High Commissioner and taken to the Commissioner's residence. Berlouis and other plotters were then tracked to the island of Praslin. Berlouis and four other army officers were forced to resign and Berlouis left for London.

The family was equally well compensated by Rene and the eldest sister for her own safety was since issued with a pistol which she carries concealed in a handbag. The two Trojan horses upon their return home were entrusted with further infiltration and demolition jobs and that time it was at DP, again they both were handsomely compensated. One fell off the opposition political ladder while the other one is still at it undetected till now.