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Friday, June 5, 2015

5th of June 1977

5th June 1977 a handful of our brother seselwa , decide to grab and control and disperse at their expense, they though they have just grab a cake from a child, without realizing this child has mother,father, sisters, brothers, uncle, cousins, aunts and friends who would reap the reaction too, and who would know blood would shed, unless it was planned...
piece of cake Rene says to Rolly, as he reply back smiling don't forget when I retire I want my own car hire, I will call it RAM.
If they knew there would be death would they have still done it... cause death is still happening maybe not trough guns but other means and form. 

source: Payet Jean


Anonymous said...

The high and,mighty who reigned over the 1977 massacred have been sitting esconced in their stately pleasure domes drunk with power,consumed by hate and frolicking in decadence.They look down swaggering with hubris,sneering at justice,scorning truth,and descrating the memory of the innocent But recent history teaches us a harsh lesson“Truth and justice will not forever hang on the scaffold,nor wrong cling to the throne forever“justice shall roll down like waters,and righteuosness like amighty symbol .

It seems to me,that in the course,of human events,most people face their own“Difining moments“.Often that Moment,is a point in time when we gain a certain clarity about things that may have deluded us in the past or cloud our jugement.These moments are often random events beyond our control,but define us as the persons we truly are.They come to us in the,form of a choice:to be or not to be;to do or not to do;to speak up or not to speak up .By making the right choice we define the moment,and by making the wrong choice,we allow the momrnt to define us

Tyrants also have their defining moment and their legacy for what they will be remembered in history.Adolf Hitler will be remembered for the Holocaut,Pol Pot will be forceternal symbol of killing fields of Cambodia,Rene and Michel will bevremembered for their ruthless Red Terror and thecmassacer of innocent seychellois
As we remember the martyrs of June,let also remember the debt of gratitude we owe our seychellois heroes who stood up,for justice and truth in revealing and documenting the horrific stories of June massacers.These monstrous crimes against humanity would have been swept into the dustbin of oblivion and lost in the mist ofctime,but for the courageous and miticulous investigations carried out by individuals like Gill and free press.U courage has expose pl savagery.

Anonymous said...

Pl thugs are celebrating 5th June as UNITY DAY,as if prior to pl cowardish act in 1977,Seychellois,were fighting each other.Yiu know what pl,we are not going to allow you to re~write history 5th June will go into history as the day when pl terrorists raped seychellios liberty and cold bloodedly butchered innocent seychellois whi dare to refuse your dictation 5the June pl,Will be from now on THE MYRTYRE!S DAY

Anonymous said...

JUST TO REMIND PL,that Sustainabl development,is development that,meets the needs of thecpresent(that is meet zhe needs of seychelloid) without compromising the abilizy of future generations,to meet theirxown needs.Wizh monopolies,you can not do that,for it hindered sustainable development,the latter,is theconly feable way to mert both the needs of thevpresent and future generation.Sustainable development Michel,is most likely to be achieved thruogh,comprtitive market.Seven keys are:innovate,move from stakeholders tobpartnerships forvprogress,provide and inform consumer choice,improve market andvmake accessible and work forceveryone.

Now pl,being a single seller,by itself,is not good or evil ~ßit depends on how one obtained that single~seller status.Did onevobtained a monopoly by economic competition in the market place,or did one obtained it by political pull(clientalism,political corruption ,the lattercof associate withvmonopolies)..i.e LOBBYING? If such status is gained by competition in the free market then the monopoly~~the successful business~ßis good.If such status is gaoned by using government,or mafias, tocforce one,s competition,,then thebmonopoly is evil.Whenever,zhe government outlaw an individual from,entering competition and comptiting,itvis evil and wrong.The creterion of judgement competizion(the freedom to produce and trade) outlawed in some respect(that is regulated),or not.

THe sole source,of harmful monopolies,iscthe government which isctheconly agency that,has thecpowercto physically forcevcompetitions outcofcmarkets,or established monopoly.

Monopolies exist because powerfulvforces exist both for the,creation and maintenance of monopolies,from which they depend forvitscown existence.
Monopolies nuture polizical corrupzion,and vice versa They have both the abilizy to use government forctheir own ends.:

Anonymous said...

Mr blue economy michel,where is our ice mschine,dog?