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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Seychelles National Assembly A Fake!

The Seychelles National Assembly is a fake!

The legislature branch is intended to check and balance the executive branch. In Seychelles, the legislature flatters the executive in the hope that they get invited to a cocktail party.

PL SPPF MNA Restrictions

The PL MNA have numerous restrictions on their work in the National Assembly. It is nothing more then Pathetic!
MNA delegates elected and proportionately nominated are not allowed by their party to present any motions before the National Assembly. They are allowed to sit in house, give a little prepared and passed by Party speech on an issue. They are allowed to eat cakes and have tea in the tea break. But they are not allowed to present Motions on issues affecting their constituents before the fake house.

Motions In The Ocean

If a MNA sees a problem in his district, and his people are suffering for example the abuse of VAT 15 percent on food, clothing, shoes, medicine, salaries, that MNA cannot present a Motion before the National Assembly to reduce the VAT.

The MNA if they are really brave must ask a cc member of PL to discuss and then only when the Party meets and discusses this issue and it is approved for motion can it move on to the National Assembly.

The Party hence, acts like another branch of government, not provided for in the Constitution of Seychelles. The MNA becomes a slave of the system and is answerable to the real power a ghost committee.

Pathetic Beyond Belief

In the age of free exchange of ideas, this situation is sick and pathetic beyond belief.

Debate Dead

Debate, the great conduit of ideas in a free society is all but dead. MNA 's are not respected in the country. People ridicule them, make fun of them, and their families get hurt in the process.
As this happens hate breeds at the under belly of our country because the PL believe and advocate a policy that individuals are expendable, they can be used, then toss in the bin.

In the end, the Communist Party of Seychelles must survive.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

Seychelles never had an Assenbly which can be called an Assenbly,we got a gang of pl zombie,all party thugs,pocketing tax payers to approve pl planned crimes like the case of Cape Ternay,on which all these crooks in the one party state Assenbly voted for,i. Return for they approved michel ollegal leasing of Part of our patrimony and sovereignty to india. In return for bribes.These guys are criminals and need to handle as michel and other pl crooks .Assembly is the machine that approve pl crimes hoping their illegal deals in the Assembly would make pl crimes legitimate..We on the Assenbly voted for ,so its legal...Should pl i.stead on such issues of national inportance such as leasing Assumption to foreign forces be first approved by Seychellois through a Referendum,zhe legal means in place for such situations?

Anonymous said...

Many of those sitting in the Assenbly do not even know what they doing there,lack of political knowledge,democratic principles and what they should be representing ....whrn you do not what your duty,one often vote,to what his boss says,that what pl Assenbly is all about.
These guys are moraly corrupt,their only ambition is suck the people blood,to fulfill their greedy selfish personal interests.
As pl,they responsible no one but to zhrmselves....zhey could see howvthe sheik illegal depossession ,destructive ,massive project was,but for bribes these narons all approvement this criminal act,like in khalifas case...these marons should face justice.

Anonymous said...

Have u ever sern ,one single of zhem holding regular meeting to the people whovvoted for them in their districts,?never,they act as mini dictstor Michrl,respknsible to no one,.Zhey think o.ce they enter zhe one party state Assrmbly,zhey above the law and the law themselves and can do whatever they want.Maybe we need an N YS ,for zhese pl marons,buz surely not normal ordinary youths.. zhe, should ready,be cleaning Pigs teeths as in Renes NYS

Anonymous said...

One thing seems odvious when it comes to those goons in the Assenbly,namely the majority of them can not define in a sinple sentence what an Assembly is for and what are their duties and responsibilizies as members.

Let takes for instance the pl goon incharge ofthe Diszrict of Port Glaude..while the majority of his constituents opted zhr destruction,depposssesion of Cape Ternay from,them,this pl goon instead of pressing the concerns sit on a round table in the ,accountable to no one approve the illegal project,at Cape Ternay after propably being offered bribe.

The,ozher gross voilazion is,zhe,fact zhat Michel and a handful of,his gang members,has illegally created his own Assenbly within the National Assenbly..this littlefgroup Michel created are zhe one who illegally dicided without the knowledge,a say by others members on issues regardo.g,. ILLEGAL LAND,ISLAND SELL OUT,ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION IN NATIONAL PARKS AND have been zhe case on Khalifas illegal bunker at la Misere,Assumption island tovindians,Cape Ternay case,but also zhe one cancelled becuase of public press at Takamaka .

In other words,Michel has made himself chief Parliamentary membrr of a little group he has hand picked,which is anti~constitutional,to act, out zhe Normal Assembly..Michel is today not only Self elected PreIdent,but self made chief oarliamentary member.

As you brighzly put it in the article..zhese guys,whose duties and responsibilities apart form sitting in zhe Assenbly dhould .meetingzheir constituents,answering letters,e~mail,and journalists when ask of issues discuse in the Assembly ezc...these duties those goons failed to deliver... their only o jective is base on greed..nMely all want to be assembly members not because they qualified but with the wicked objective of pocketing the pension for that they can feed themselves the rest of their on tax payerd money....all u need to be elected as mrmber of Assenbly,after one day in the Assenbly bank ,u could quit and u will still pocket a pension for life like millionaire Priest Ram

Anonymous said...

Michel has created a fake Assenbly with the normal Assenbly,chaired by Michel himself,..incharge of all ilegal practices pl planned to commit. They the one whovtake decisions and dicide out side the Normal Assenbly on illegal sell out of our patrimonydestruction of environment,illegal construction in national parks and was the same hand picked members,of course the most wivked of rhen,to the likes of Morgan...who was invovled in the illegal sell out of La Misiere to Khalifa. The attempted to destroyed Takama rerfs,coast ,endemic plants and insects with a ammuth hotel construction,,cancelled later after enormous pressure from thevpublic .dito to cape Ternay,Grand Assumpzion etc. ,