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Friday, March 27, 2015

UAE Abusing The Good Will of Seychellois!

A document is circulating on the internet that reveals a deliberate attempt to abuse the Good Will of the People of Seychelles by UAE as the Crown Prince attempts to side step taxes on vehicles he is importing into Seychelles.

The document is addressed to MLUH, Minister, Christian Lionnet, who has nothing to do with trades Taxes, nor with Customs.

Already it is taking over Five months for two Seychellois to get letters written by the Minister of Lands. Charlies Maurel, a Farmer, trying to subdivide a little land, and Jenny Pomeroy a Tourism investor who has applied for a change of use. One begs to wonder if this Crown Prince will get his letter before these two Seychellois who have been waiting for a letter for Five (5) months.

The importation of BMW's is a joke when we have numerous drivers in
in Seychelles waiting for work.
Taxi drivers line the International Airport daily, and wait Six to Eight hours at a time for a job.
PL is compromising our sovereignty and dignity as a people. Using tax concessions for the mega rich is not a good way to run a country. Khashoogi was afforded these special treatment under James Mancham. Now under James Michel, it is even worse.
The people of Seychelles must know that losing their country with PL in power, is a real, real risk.

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

Pl has made themselves slaves of arabs by greed, for instance,illegally modified our Constitution, allow foreigners to buy land in Seychelles,which was done to enable Khalifa,owners of Raffles,and ozher forrigners to deposse Seychellois from their patrimony,
Pl policies,under Michel is to sell out everything possible to foreignerd sovzhat they can once and for all destroy Seychellois as a soverrihn nation and zurn us back to colony,slaves of foreigners....

ARABS and many other foreigners have been allow all kinds of advantages like allowing to import cars duty fee,e,pats at at Will,allow them to deposse seychellois from benefitzing from their own economy,and while Michel in his last public address said this“seychrllois must,take control of their economy“,,the crooked of Michel is just weeks after saying that,Michel unilaterally signed a deal wizh WTO,withouz national open debates,consultation,which is going to rape more Seychrllois economy,import more Expats,probably allow International corporations to further deposse seychellois from their economy,rape our soverrignty,domestic laws,control of the people of their contry,etc.. etc...
SRYCHRLLOIS zhemselves,oppose all zhose deals pl made with Arabs,indians etc.....

ARABES ARE NOT KNOWN to be respectful people,especially zhose rich primitive dheiks,who think zheirvmondy can allow zhrm zo do what they wanz in others countried,like zhe sheik attempt to deszroy Cape Ternay,a national park proteczed for centuries by our people.Arabes are known zo have wicked mentality,habits and are disrespectful......

Seychellois have nothing to gain from those primitive arabs,and it is more unlike that we will benefitcas Christian nation,to benefit from arab despots who officially have a willongness to make the wotld islamic,and destroy all the so called Unbelievers namel, christians,hindus and other non muslim nations.

Srychrllois would have to first,..make sure zhey srnd pl to jail in ,2016 election,ehich would allow us to restore oue independrncy,soverrignty and dignity of our once proudvpeople back..that.means all.those like khalifa who illegal buoght land eith pl would have to give us back our assets..ehy?because pl is an ollegal govz and have no constizutional rights to.unilaterallx modofies out constitution allow pl to committ its crimes.this will apply to land,passport. Ezc...And for any donkrys out zhere who things re~establishing rulesbof law and make our respected by both local crooks and foreihn primitives like arabs,indians...want to call me a racist as taczic zo dezter me..i have zhis zo trll them...I am more zhan proud to be labelba racist asblong as my aczions are to defense my country soverrignty,peoplr and god given land.. ..

Look like WTO..... how does for instance WTO laws rape domestic laws and our sovereignty?the answer is straight forward andvsimple as one,two ,three......wto laws rape our soverrignty in the srnse that..a sovereign country MUSZ NOT AND SHOULD have any EXTRRNAL INTERVENTIONS IN OUR LEGITIMATE DRCISION MAKINGS IN ANY SORT.....HENCE WHEN WTOs force it law on us,tovabide by its dictationxorvwhrn khalufa wants to,do what he wants in our land ..thatcis External interventions .

Seychellois have nothing in common eith arabs,indians,,,we donot feel anything for them...we do not share anycultural histotical,religious,orbelse with thrm...and pl love for arabs and ondians colonizators is not the love of Seychelloid..seychrllois can choose their own frirnds by themselves..zhey do not a donkry like michrl to do that for them. .. we nevet ferl and would never ever have this kinds of fakr frirndsjip eith Arabs or india zhat pl has decidedcby dictatevwe should have. Pl is an ollegal govz.ehat is does. Are illegalbas zhe coup in 1977,
And all these crimes will stay illegal until a govz chosen freely in free and fairvelection by the people...what pl signed is in pl names.. it does not and will never reflect seychellois wisjes and will.

Anonymous said...

Those arab pests,pl imported tobour christian shores must be radicated .. by all means. Seychrllois fo not make any illusion and rxpect zo get somezhing positve from those arab pests who love their Cameld rven more zham their wives and duagtherd,though they also who would make.seychellois believe these pests would love christian foreigners as Seychelloid,who zhey consider non believers and sponsoring zerroristd around the wotld wizh the purpose of eliminating christians and other non muslimcreligions.?maybe an atheist like.michel...who is an idiot,wizh Cast mentality from birth......
Radicate these arab pest from.our soil now,and that by all means including opening machineguns on not be afraid,each sovereign people and have a legitimate right to defense their god given doil by all means as also uding fotce.. why explain why sovereign states have an army..zo defence the country by force from external intervenation in our affaires to protect foreign annrxation of our is a lrgizimate might be.labelled by state teroridtd like pl terrorists ad not bother about this ptobable eticket...all dictaoäzors likebusing it to hide the fact that zhey dictators are terroridtd..if xou a terrotidt to bring freedom to yourbpeoplr so go for it..later we will dhowbzhevwozlf ehobthe real terroridts are

Anonymous said...

Importing BMWs,kills our care hires,taxi drivers,increase michels climate change desaster ,.While thevempoverished seychellois must pay over rated duties on importation,plvthugs allows hiscarabs billionsire frirnds to import pollutated BMWs tobour shores exemple of tax,duty....... . Zhat is how michel continues to suck seychellois dry...“empoverishvthem,suck them drx,until they reach tthe stagecof comma,zhen we(pl),can enslave zhem forveternity.. thatcis atheist michel. And his arab terrorist friends objective.

Anonymous said...

Arabs have a long history of sbusing Africans.Historians estimate that between the A.D 650 and 1900,...10 to 20 millions were slaved by Arabs,slave traders like the grandpa of khalifa.An estimated 80 millions perished enroute.
since the habits of abusing others,seems somezhing zhey genezically inherited,the abuse of other people has unfortunately never stopped,with the help of atheist michel and diciples,the Arabs racist,primitive has reached ourcshores.The crusaders of mohammad,are determined as michel and his gang to radicate Seychellois nation on world map,and make seychelles their new slaves.
He is allow to poluate Rivers with arab oil polution......he think he can desttoy what seychellois have achieved on protection of zheircenvironment and natural beauty of their land wizh a caterpillar eizhin hours zo build his fantasy land on our soil,whichvplvzhugs illegal approved,but forced to cancel due citizens pressure.if ywe dobnot stop these arab pests,they will end up building hotel in the miiddle of valley de mai,and aldabra.

Anonymous said...

The stop arabs ,indians,etc..the easiest way tobachieve that,is to unroot the root of these problems..namely ..we must make sure we get pl out of power in 2016.once we done that,we will be the owe,the real master of ourvland,and be it arabs,indians,they will have the choice between respecting seychellois dignity,sovereignty,and abide by seychelles laws,and only seychrlles law or leave our home.

Anonymous said...

On June 29, 1976 we became a Nation. Seychelles self respect and dignity as a people was raised above colonialism and patronage of a foreign power.
Seychellois must understand that there will be many who will be dazzled by the beauty of SEYCHELLES. it is the duty of the government of the day to hold its ground, raise the dignity of our people, instead of crushing it, for a few favors .
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

How much have we lost in taxes from the PL giving Khalifa family tax breaks?
Why do they not pay VAT like all of us?